
Choose | Beck Oliver

Cover credits: @Malefecently on Wattpad "Beck, choose. You can't keep playing with our feelings." I said, hurt. "I'm sorry, I can't choose," he said solemnly, shaking his head. "Well, you made your choice then," I said, my voice void of all emotion. I couldn't wait for someone who played with my feelings. More importantly, someone who couldn't choose. • VICTORIOUS - A Beck Oliver Story Ava Paige. Everything the opposite of ordinary. She could do anything she wanted to, as long as she put her mind to it. Beck Oliver. Someone who had to choose between two people who he had unknowingly toyed with for the longest time. Jade West. The snarky girl who built her walls so high, that when they finally crumble she doesn't know what to do. When Beck is given a choice, he can't choose between them, causing hearts to break. • Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious or any of the characters. I only own Ava. (Well technically not fully)

siriusly_weird · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

Beck stopped his car in front of a grassy patch, families and couples on picnic blankets were scattered around, and in front of them stood a gigantic screen with I could only assume would be used to project the movie onto it.

"We're here." he announced.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." I said, looking at the place in awe.

"It's a nice change, not arguing with Jade all the time now." he said, smiling.

Uh oh. He was supposed to miss Jade. Why was he acting like he didn't even want her? This wasn't right.

"Don't you miss Jade?" I asked, crossing my fingers, hoping he would say yes.

"I mean, yeah I do," he said, which made me cheer internally,"but don't get me wrong, I don't like the fact that we constantly argue."

I felt as though he stabbed Jade for me. Jade broke up with him, because I was here in the mix. I tried to be happy, but all I could think about was that.

"I'm gonna go set down the picnic blankets over," he paused, his eyes scanning the surroundings for a spot,"there." He pointed toward at empty spot that wasn't too far away.

"You okay with that?" he asked with a smirk,"Mademoiselle?"

"Of course," I grinned,"Monsieur."

As we walked over to the patch of grass, I accidentally bumped into someone. I was about to tell them to get out of the way, when I recognized the face.

"Klaus Summers! Is that really you?" I asked. I forgot that Klaus moved to Hollywood.

"Ava Paige. Seems like fate meant for us to meet again." he said, a genuine smile on his face.

Beck had already set up the picnic blanket and came over to check what was going on. When I saw him coming over, I forced Klaus to come over so that I could introduce him.

"Beck, meet Klaus, my ex." I introduced to him. Klaus waved awkwardly at him, not knowing what to do.

"Klaus, meet Beck, my friend which I am hanging out right now, which this is not a date." I emphasized. Beck stuck out his hand for Klaus to shake, which Klaus took.

"Wow. You've got a firm grip." Beck said, a smile on his face.

"Thanks. You too." Klaus said, complementing him.

After Klaus and I exchanged contacts, Beck and I sat down at our picnic blanket.

"What are we watching, by the way?" I asked Beck.

"I don't know. It's a horror movie though." he said. If he was expecting a reaction out of me, I wasn't going to give it to him. Au contraire, I liked horror films.

"Cool. How'd you know I liked them." I asked, with a smile on my face.

"I didn't. I just chose what I liked." he joked. I playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

"Hey!" I chuckled.

Creepy music started playing, signaling the start of the movie, causing us to shut up.

"Friga, you're going to die." the doctor said, holding his syringe in a way that you would hold when you're trying to stab someone.

I started to laugh, because it was actually quite funny. Beck also chuckled a bit.

"I thought this was a horror movie." I whispered into Beck's ear.

"It is. We just have a horrible sense of humor." he smirked.

I gasped as though I was shocked. I flicked his forehead.

"How... how could you." I started sobbing. Fake sobbing.

He started to look concerned, so he patted my back.

"I didn't mean it..." he said.

I could hear the guilt in his voice. I stopped sobbing, replacing my 'sadness' with a smirk.

"We go to an arts school. Did you really think I wasn't acting?" I asked.

"True." he said with a smile,"You're nearly as good an actor as me."

"Egotistical." I retorted.

"Weird humor." he retaliated.

"You have the same humor as me." I pointed out.

"True." he chuckled.

"You laugh too much." I say confusedly.

"You too." he raised his eyebrows.


"Is that really the end? That's bullshi-"

"I know right! He let her go! What kind of ending is that." Beck complained.

"I didn't know you complain about anything, Mr-I'm-So-Pretty-And-Cool." I mocked him.

"You think I'm pretty and cool?" he asked.

"No. That's what you sound like." I said, not bothering to look at him by picking my nails.

We discussed the movie on the way back to my house. We both felt that the movie was shit.

Ava Paige

About to do 'The Bird Scene'! Wish me luck!

Mood: Panicky

"So children, before we start today's lesson, Ava will be doing 'The Bird Scene'." Sikowitz addressed the class, pointing in my direction. Jade was irritated at me for 'going out' with Beck, even though we weren't even on a date.

"Ladies and gentlemen,'The Bird Scene', starring, drumroll," everyone patted their laps to make the sound of a drumroll,"Ava Paige!"

I stood up from my seat and walked to the stage slowly. I turned to the audience, my classmates, and waited nervously for my cue.


I took a deep breath. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Slowly, all my panic melted away, leaving a confident cover.

"It was 1934 when my husband left me, alone." I said in sorrow, imitating an elder person. I saw Jade smirking in the audience and immediately my panic came back.

I can do this. I can do this.

"Living on the prairie was a dreary existence; no telephone, no radio." I said. Beck smiled at me, trying to reassure me that I was doing well, but I mistook that as a smirk and a wave of nervousness washed over me. I repeatedly told myself that I could do this. I practiced all day, yesterday. I could do this.

"Only a large, majestic bird with whom I shared my feelings." I said, as though a memory from the past hit me. I decided that the more I care about others opinion, I would get more panicked. I immersed myself in the act, as though I really was the character.

"One day when I was feeling alone I said to him,'Oh, bird. You can fly. You can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay... Why?' And apparently, my question rang true, for that afternoon...my bird left." I felt the pain she felt. I felt the despair. I felt like I truly was her.

"And so went my spirit." I finished dramatically.

I looked up at the audience, forgetting they were there. Sikowitz sat at the back of the class, drinking his coconut milk, as though he forgot I was performing. I looked at it expectantly.

"So?" I asked. I wanted his opinion on my performance.

"What?" he asked, snapped out of his daze.

"Okay. I swear to god. Were you paying attention?" I said, an edge to my voice. I was losing patience.

"Oh. Your performance. You did it wrong." he said in a bored tone.

"Okay. Time for you to shut up." I said, smiling with a sickly sweet grin.

"I'm serious. You did it wrong." he repeated, saying his words agonizingly slowly, as though trying to make it sink into my head.

"No, what's wrong, is your mother gave birth to the wrong thing." I said, my emotions getting the better of me. I was not going to back down. I did it right.

"Anyways, you did it wrong." he repeated, yet again. It was starting to get irritating.

"I didn't do it wrong. I know I did it right. If you really believe that I did it wrong, then go fuck yourself." I said angrily.

Surprisingly, Sikowitz started clapping, the whole class starting to join in.

"You passed 'The Bird Scene'." Sikowitz said, congratulating me,"The only person who's ever passed on their first time was Beck."

"Ha! Take that Beck! You're not the only one!" I shouted, my voice full of glee.

Beck sat on his chair, smirking at my childishness, clapping his hands.

"But, I'm giving you detention for cursing at a teacher." Sikowitz said.

"Dammit." I said under my breath.