

Sam Petit is a french young man living with his little sister. A few years ago his parents had died and he took care of his sister by himself. Now he was in university and studied hard to give his little sister a comfortable life.

Today started like all the other days, Sam woke up and started making breakfast for two. He then went and gently called his little sister to wake her up.

Her name was Emma and she was a very cute little girl who had around 7 years old, when she opened her misty eyes and looked at her brother she said

« Big brother please let me sleep a little bit more. »

She pulled the blanket over her head and proceeded to ignore him and keep sleeping.

A crafty glint flashed through Sam's eyes as he slowly pulled up the bottom side of the blanket without her noticing and started to tickle her cute and small feet. She didn't expect this and started to yell and laugh at the same time.

"Em' you'll be late for school if you don't hurry up" Sam was laughing as he let her go.

After a few minutes they were both around the table eating while watching TV, the show was a cartoon for kids and Em was so absorbed into it that she didn't even start eating her breakfast. Exasperated Sam turned off the TV which resulted in a glare from Em, Sam could only wryly smile at her and show her the time it was.

When they were both done preparing they took the subway to Em's school which was a bit far away from home, Sam had a driving license but didn't have the money to buy a car. It would be way more comfortable and practical than the subway to own his own car. He dropped his little sister and went away after making sure she went inside.

He took the subway alone this time while listening to his favorite music on his phone, it was also an old phone that had been released at least 5 years ago, it was now obsolete but he had no choice as his financial situation didn't allow him to own anything better. After staying in the subway for a long half an hour he went out of it and headed toward his university, lots of students were heading in the same direction as him. Most of them were well off or at least doing better than him as he was the only one dressed in clothes with fading colors as he wore them for too long.

He could dress better of course but when he got even a bit of money he would use it to make his little sister happy, he took her to amusement parks, bought her clothes, toys, food... whatever she asked she had it because she was his only family left.

Back to the present, Sam got into his classroom which was full of students, the teacher was on the podium speaking into a microphone so that everybody could hear the lesson, it was a class about psychology and Sam didn't have any interest in it but had to do something to end up with a good job and let Em live a good and comfortable life.

In the front rows of the amphitheater was seated a couple, a very beautiful girl with long brown hair and shining green eyes with a sturdy and intimidating guy. Sam saw that the guy was looking at him with a mocking gaze and diverted his gaze, the girl was his ex-girlfriend. They had grown up together and went to the same schools all the way from primary school.

Her name was Sophia, she had dropped him after high school and started to date that guy, he was called Eric and was the son of a very rich family, he dressed with the best clothes, drove the best cars and dated the best girls. Sam has very soon gotten over her but her boyfriend still held a grudge against his girlfriend's ex boyfriend so he always found ways to annoy Sam or to give him a hard time.

After the class was over Eric and Sophia passed by Sam, the later didn't even look at him and passed by as if he didn't exist but the former gave a hard hit on Sam's chair which made him fall onto the ground, people around him looked at him mockingly and some started to laugh, only a few had looks of disgust as they watched Eric getting away. This was a common occurrence, Sam had tried to fight back but had gotten his a** beaten by the black belt taekwondo Eric so he gave up trying to fight back head on and had planned to take his revenge using his brain but it will have to wait as he couldn't think of a plan cruel enough.

Sam got out of the classroom and found Eric and his two followers waiting in front of the door, Sophia wasn't there anymore. Eric only gave a slight head movement and one of his followers said mockingly

"Follow us, Eric has got something to tell you."

The smirk on his face was definitely a bad presage, Sam had once tried to ignore them and leave but these guys didn't care about the other students or teachers and just pulled him forcefully to an empty place. They walked amongst the crowd until they arrived to an empty parking lot in the back of the campus

"Sam I've seen you looking at Sophia during class, I advise you to forget about her or else I'll break both your legs"

Eric was obviously finding excuses to mess with him which made Sam angry, the more he looked at these guys faces the angrier he was. Sam has forgotten about the girl long ago but these guys didn't drop it and kept pestering him, he threw away all the plans he had made to get revenge on them and threw himself at the guy on the right, head low he ran into him and pushed with all his strength. The guy was pushed onto a car behind him and the pain made him groan, Eric and his other friend recovered from the shock as they didn't expect him to attack suddenly and they ran toward him while throwing punches toward his face when he was going to get hit by both fists, he realized that he was done for so he threw caution away and charged with his shoulder into Eric. Eric lost his balance and staggered a few steps back, meanwhile the other friend's punch landed on Sam's stomach, he groaned but didn't lose time and threw his elbow at the other guy's mouth. That hit made him bleed and lose a few teeth, when Sam wanted to attack Eric and end this a ferocious punch hit him on the neck from behind and made his vision blur.

When Sam woke up he was lying on the ground, every part of his body was hurting. He tried to get up to check his body but the pain was too much. The three bullies weren't there anymore.

It was still the day so at least he didn't miss the time to pick up his little sister. After a few minutes trying to recover, Sam found the strength to stand up and walked out of the campus. Everywhere he went people were looked at him with surprise as he was covered in bruises and blood, after enduring long enough he made it home and started healing himself. He had to make a good job and leave no traces to not worry Em.

As soon as he was done healing himself he heard a voice near him, he looked at the TV but it was turned off. The voice became clearer and clearer and then he heard a feminine voice with a robotic feeling

[System awakening - Master required to make a choice :

- Level one boxing book.

- Level one dancing book.

Please make your choice.

The system will go back to sleep after the choice is done as it didn't store enough energy, it will wake back up when needed.]

Sam was surprised and was trying to guess where the voice came from when appeared a HUD similar to one in a video game with the choices possible and a button assigned to each one. Even though it was weird and unbelievable, Sam pointed his finger and clicked on the boxing book. He didn't dare believe it was real but the thing appeared in front of him, it was either real and he had a chance to take his revenge on the bullies or he had become crazy because of the hit behind his head.

A book started to materialize in the air in front of him and fell to the ground when it was complete. Sam picked it up and opened to the first page, a light escaped from inside the book and went into his eyes. The light didn't hurt him but it was blinding so he closed his eyes, when he opened them again the book wasn't there anymore.

At this moment Sam was really asking himself if he had went insane and if he should see a doctor when a kind of information entered his mind, it felt just like he had known it for a long time as it was imprinted in his mind. Sam stood up and threw a few jabs in the air, a whooshing sound could be heard as each of his fists cut through the air he felt like he was Takamura from Hajime no Ippo, an anime he had watched when he was young.

He clenched his fists and a weird smile appeared on his lips, he thought ' I'm going to take my revenge soon, just wait for me I'll make you pay 10 times what you have done to me... but first I must bring Em' home, it'll be time to get revenge soon '.

Hi guys, please let me know if I make mistakes in English I’ll try to change it fast. Also drop me ideas cuz I have no idea in what way the story will be heading. I love system novels so I’m trying to write mine even tho there are so much of them already.

Hahahshhscreators' thoughts