

The urge to be raped?? is it bad?? but isn't it the definition of WANTED by someone. failing in class is bad? not having a job ia bad? BUT BEING A TEEN IN 21ST CENTURY IS THE WORST OF THEM ALL. Was forced to the verge of taking her own life; but was it all a dream? What is this new body for? TAKING REVENGE OR STARTING NEW? CHOICE IS YOURS.

medusawas_innocent · Fantasy
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'happy birthday weirdo. i hope you have a terrific day or a lousy one..jk bye.... you know i loveyou'  The voice message from her best friend ended and it also left her with utmost pleasure that her favourite person had wished her. Now the only thing she wanted was to start her new life in a completely new school where she could be her better version, better at not getting bullying. 

Parents wished her and dropped her off to school, after picking up her schedule from principles office but the thing was she didn't knew the way to class. She just stood at the corner trying to figureout her way to class. "Hey, you look lost," a friendly voice said. Amara turned to see a boy with bright red hair and a welcoming smile. "I'm Andrew. Need some help?" "Hi, I'm Amara," she replied, feeling a bit of the tension ease. "Yeah, I'm new here and I'm not sure which is way to maths class." "It's straight 50 metres ahead, cool we have maths together, lemme walk you through." Adrain said while smiling. 

As they entered the class together, Amara could see the heads moving to notice him not her, she guessed maybe he was a popular face. She noticed Adrian gesturing her to sit behind him, she accepted with a shy smile and said, "Thankyou." The whole time for 45 minutes she couldn't focus on class because it seems to her that evrybody was watching her. Bell rang and everybody started talking and Adrian went somewhere with other boys. A girl with pretty eyes came to her with a wide smile on her face, "You have pretty hair" Taking compliments wasn't her thing so she denied it politely. "Mind if I show you around?" she basically ordered her by pulling her out of her chair. In despiration of fitting in, she went with her.

It reminded of the previous moment with a girl whome she denied saying that she didn't wanted to go to a party and then for the rest of the week she had to sit alone and for that week and her best friend also ignored her. Later Mia (her best friend ) told her that she thought as Amara loves being alone so she left her on her own. Amara understood that it was her fault for always staying alone.

"I'm Emily and you are Amara I heard it, hurry up everybody is waiting for you" she hurried her.

As she stopped, Amara could see that they were at back of school with no security cameras and their were 6 other girls present there. One of the girl was smoking and two twins 4were chewing on a gum, one was caressing her hair and one was using her phone and other one was a bit scary as she was in boxing outfit and was practicing on some other girl, suprisingly all of them waved at her in sync. 

"Hi there, so did you liked the school?" the one caressing her hair spoked.

"Nice place."Amara replied with a smile but not too much.

Because Mia told her that she shouldn't smile more as her teeths aren't that white. 

"So you liked this place, I bet you don't know what happens in here. But it's good, I'll tell you all about it." She speaked as she slow walked towards her. "You know we all go through a ritual here where one is exposed to our vulnerability for a full day." she suddenly stopped and placed her hands on my breasts.

I jerked back and everyone else burst into laughter. 

"Easy girl, I mean yours are great, aren't they?" sorry I forgot to introduce myself, "Hi I'm Jil." she spoke for herself and eyed Emily.

Emily understood in a second,"Those two chewing gums are jean and amber, the one on her phone is lisa and finally the one obsessed with her hair is ningning." she introduced everybody. 

"So the fact that you are fat, not that you have big breasts, that makes it your vulnerability, so i guess you understood what I meant by that." she spoked as she crossed her hands. As soon as she eyed Emily, she came and started opening my buttons. "What are you doing?" I jerked her hand. Jin signed Emily to stop and started laughing, "See the thing for every new comer is they have to prove that they belong in this school, your performance here affects your entire year in this school. So as I said you are fat that makes it your vulnerability. Therefore for prooving yourself worthy, you have to spent a day without a bra." 
