
Cho Synthesis Unknown

This is a story I wrote for someone's Original Character

Hearts_Lament · Video Games
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The Abandoned girl

"I dont want her!" The mother screamed at the doctor after the doctor had told her that her child has a rare illness that would spread to the child's eye within two months time. "Ma'am she is your child. I suggest you take her or at least put her up for adoption." The doctor said as he wrote something on his clipboard.

The child began to cry as if she knew her mother didn't love her or care for her. "Maybe I can help with that." A blonde haired man said with a smile as he strutted into the room. The mother of the child looked at him and said "If you want her, take her." The male looked at this woman in disbelief as this was her own flesh and blood she was giving up without even knowing him. "My name is Higa and I work for Rath. We'll take her child." He told the doctor.

The doctor nodded and took the little girl away from her mother and told her "You're gonna regret this." The doctor then handed the child to Higa and he walked off. He was taking the child whom he named Cho to Ocean turtle to help them further their research and see how a child would live in the underworld and how they'd grow with the world.

"Such a pity. A young life wasted by a mother who was scared of illness. I hope Kikuoka will let me test this. I mean it would help us learn further of the childs illness and maybe even develop a cure for it." Higa says out loud as he boards the boat to go to ocean turtle. The baby coos at him as he examines her eye. The pupil was red and the vains within them were strained. It didn't look to good. A few hours later they arrive at the turtle and kikuoka was there observing the underworlds laws and what happens if the laws set were broken.

"Hey! I'm back." Higa says as he goes over to his chair and sits down with the child sleeping in his arms. Kikuoka looks over at him and inquired "What do you have there?" He knew the answer to this but he wanted to see if Higa would lie.

"This is Cho. She was abandoned by her parents due to a rare disease in her eye that will spread to her brain within two months time. I was thinking that we put her in the underworld with parents that will raise her all those long years while we try to find a cure for her eye." Higa explains.

"While it's true we have the technology to do this and could cure this disease. If we put her in as an infant it could damage her fluctlight but at the same time if we dont do it now she'll die. So load her into the game and we'll take care of it from there. Once we cure it we will take her out and raise her til she is a toddler and then we will be able to put her back in with no negative repercussions." Kikuoka explains as he makes the bed fit for a baby.

-Timeskip to when the disease is cured-

"I think we did it! She's been alive for more than two months and she isn't dead." Kikuoka said excitedly. It was now time to get her out as she was now 4 years old. However when they tried to get her out, her fluctlight was damaged due to a surge. Since she was so young her fluctlight was just developing so it took a major toll on her mental state.

Cho was at this time 16 years old within the underworld due to accelerated time, but she had no recollection of anything. No friends, family, or even home. This was what it was like to be alone and helpless in the world.

Quinella has been watching this irregular child for awhile as something about her didn't feel right and lady pontifex was going to find out what that was. She wasn't this intrigued since Alice told her no to the Synthesis ritual so they forced her.

"Chudelkin." She calls out as her voice sounded like velvet. A weird looking male came in and said "Yes lady pontifex? How may I assist you?" Quinella smiled and showed him Cho. "I want her in front of me as soon as possible." He nodded and ran out of the room to grant his lady's wishes. "Fanatio!" Chudelkin called out.

Fanatio was in her room straightening up her armor as she heard him call. She walked out and said "yes, prime senator?" Chudelkin began to fill her in on this mission to get the child that 'betrayed' the pontifex. She complied and set out to go grab the child who's name was Cho. She boarded her Dragon and flew to Centoria as that was where Chudelkin told her the child was last seen. When she landed however something was off about this child. She felt it and so she approached her cautiously.

"Hey miss." A monotonous voice called. Fanatio knew that it was the girl talking to her, but was shocked that the girl knew her gender. After all she was wearing her armor that covered her all the way. "Is there something wrong young one?" She asked clearly not knowing how to take this situation. The young girl Cho asked "Where am I?, Who am I?, and Where's my family?"

Suddenly reality came crashing down on Fanatio. The girl she was to take to the Pontifex had amnesia. She took this new information and took the young girls hand and led her to her dragon. "I'll take you to your mother. She will fill you in. Is that alright with you?" Fanatio asks as the young girl allowed herself to be led. She helped the girl on top of the dragon and then placed herself in front of her. "Hold on tight to me okay young one." Fanatio says as the dragon takes off. The girl complied quietly.

She was taken to the Pontifex as soon as she got to the axiom church. Quinella calls out to her as she was stood on the other side of the room. "Yes Miss?" She responded quietly as the Pontifex strided over towards her. "Please don't do the formalities. Would you like affection and love that your parents never gave you? Just swear your life to me and I'll make it to where you are never alone again." Quinella smiles at the girl.

She began the Synthesis ritual but something was going wrong. The memory prism wasn't bonding with her body, but Quinella forced it to and with that Cho Synthesis Unknown was born.