
Chivalry of a True Demon Knight (Re-writing)

Kayne transmigrated to the world of Chivalry of the Failed Knight with Tenseiga. (I suck at making synopsis) --- I'm not good so English so expect some grammar mistake

SIMPle_guy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

(Release schedule random) -×-

Kayne has become more and more proficient in alchemy along the way made Isaac even more shocked.

But Isaac did not know that he is only 12 years old now, the education he has received in his two lifetimes combined has exceeded that of ordinary people.

Although this world is overhead, put aside alchemy and mechanical armor this black technology, other things are the level of World War I, where there is the 21st-century technology developed, so the level of knowledge of him as well as the ability to learn.

At the very beginning, Isaac only intended to teach Kayne some basic knowledge, which is the big road in alchemy for alchemists to speak their unique alchemy is the thing to settle down. Besides the heir, it basically will not pass on.

Even the state for the state alchemists who enjoy a variety of treatment, but also only let them provide a few research results to the state each year, you can keep their major grade treatment, and do not dare to use the state's identity to force them to offer their alchemy.

But after seeing Kayne's talent, Isaac quickly gave his life to him by giving him his water alchemy.

This is not just a matter of wanting to find a successor, but Isaac has seen the hope of settling chaos in Kayne if it really can add a little leverage to victory, long ago he even can give up his life, for his alchemy he is not stingy.

Besides his learning ability, what surprised Isaac more is Kayne's magical intelligence mastery. To know, after Marcoh defected, there has been no news for so long and Kayne even took him to find it.

Although there is no specific location, the general location and alias are known, which is far from what he already knows.

There are too many small villages along the way. The two have been looking for more than half a month, finally in a small town, inquired about a village doctor called "Dr. Mauro."

After inquiring with the villagers about the location of this doctor, Kayne took Isaac together to Marcoh's door. Immediately, a sound rang out from inside the door, and a voice came from inside.

"Yes, I hear you. Who is it? Is someone sick?"

The door opened from the inside, and Dr. Marcoh appeared.

Although Kayne has read the original, the original is a 2D dimension, the reality is the 3D dimension, many people's or anime character is normalized, for example, the eyes can not be as big as inside the manga, etc., so Kayne if he wants to recognize the 2D people it is difficult.

But the reaction of the person in front of him made Kayne sure that this person is Marcoh. The room door opened.

What Marcoh first saw was not Kayne standing in front of him, because 12-year-old Kayne is not yet tall. Instead, standing behind him is Isaac, more conspicuous.

After seeing Isaac, Marcoh shivered like an electric shock and backed up while saying. "Did the military send you to catch me? I can't even run here to hide?"

Marcoh, who has retreated to the table against the wall, spun around and hurriedly opened the drawer from which took out a revolver, trembling to pick up, pointing at Isaac.

Isaac feels awkward, not knowing what to do. Kayne knows Marcoh is now scared and nervous, anyway, Marco is now pointing a gun at Isaac, he did not care about Kayne, a 12-year-old child, Kayne a cat waist, avoiding possible ballistics, diagonal turn, the right hand pushed upward, hit Marcoh hand, knocking the pistol away, and then his left hand grabbed Marcoh front flap, tripped with his foot, Marcoh stumble, fell on the chair in the living room.

After placing Marcoh on the chair, Kayne gestured for Isaac to come in and pulled the other chair into the living room, and sat opposite Marcoh.

"Do not worry, we are not here to hurt you. That said, you're hiding a gun inside the living room, it's dangerous."

Marco stumbled and said. "You can't fool me, I will not go with you!"

Kayne continued calmly. "All right, keep your voice down, don't draw the villagers here, it's daytime.

Dr. Tim Marcoh, Isaac, and I already knew about the Nation Wide Transmutation Circle, and we were prepared to stop it, and Isaac even tried to freeze the entire Central Command for this purpose.

Unfortunately, he failed and had to get out of it by fraudulent death with my help. Now the two of us want to find some like-minded people to stop the demise of this country together, which is why we thought of you who were condemned by conscience and left the army. How about that, interested in this matter?"

Marcoh was taken aback when he heard Kayne's words.

"You guys also know about the Nation Wide Transmutation Circle?"

"Well, that's right, Isaac, who experienced the Ishval incident, more or less knows about the Philosopher's Stone. Did you see the Philosopher's Stone Alchemy Transmutation Circle of the group I led?"

Kayne took up the conversation without letting Kayne answer.

"We have many sources of information, for now. What's important now is that the sins in the center are looking for you, and I'm afraid your trail is about to be exposed."

Hearing this, Marcoh became even more alarmed: "You even know about the sins? Your sources are really powerful enough. After I escaped for so long, the military still has no intention of letting me go. My research group can continue to conduct experiments as well. Do they drive me to extinction?"

Kayne explained. "Their current plan section is not only the national alchemy.

Besides this, the masterminds behind the scenes are also planning to directly bring the 'The Truth' of alchemy down to earth and take it for their In this process, they need is not only a huge amount of the philosopher's stone, and five people who have opened the gate of truth and seen the truth as the 'human transmutation' to do.

The human that can open the Gate of Truth is quite rare because you have this potential. Plus, you have mastered the secret of the military state alchemist, so the sins will always seek you out.

As for your researchers, as far as I know, they have already been silenced and transmute into the philosopher Stone."

Marcoh smiled and fell into a great shock: "They didn't even spare my researchers! How abominable.

What is your plan to stop the Transmutation of the country's, right? As you can see, I am a mere researcher and doctor, with little combat ability, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help to you."

Marco believed Kayne words quite self-confidently Kayne display near-omniscient information that had convinced Marcoh.

Kayne replied.

"No need to be presumptuous. Your role is huge. Inside a team, excellent doctors are very popular.

I also have pretty good medical abilities, which we will communicate with later. Regarding the organization of the Nation Wide Transmutation Circle, our plan, mainly, is to first gather enough human resources and power to eradicate both the seven sins and the power behind the scenes in one fell swoop before Eclipse.

In this process, there are two things that you can contribute to. The first thing you need to do is to study the alchemy transmutation circle that can destroy the Philosopher's Stone.

Besides their special abilities, homunculus are had regeneration ability.

Their core is the Philosopher's Stone, and as long as the energy of the P Stone is not depleted, they can't fight without limit.

But conversely, as long as the Philosopher's Stone at their core is destroyed, the homunculus is no longer to be feared."

In the original, Marcoh, after studying the information on alchemy and alchemy written by Scar's brother, researched the method of destroying the Philosopher's Stone and knocked the homunculus Envy back in one fell swoop.

Now Kayne is merely informing Marcoh of this subject in advance. Marcoh pondered for a while and appreciated it before saying.

"This is indeed a good idea. It may work. Although I don't know if it will work, in my research, I should be able to try it."

Kayne nodded his head and continued.

"The second thing is to ask you to continue the research of Stone and increase the combat power for our side."

Hearing this, Marcoh was surprised.

"You also know the material of the Philosopher's Stone. Are you going to conduct this demonic research?!"

Kayne waved his hand to stop Marcoh: "Don't be in a hurry. Hear me out. There is nothing wrong with the material of P Stone being a soul, but where does anyone stipulate it has to be a human soul?

Inside the Fifth Institute in the center, there are successful experiments of extracting the souls of prisoners and fixing them on armor, and then extracting the souls of dogs and putting them into the prisoners. In a certain sense, the souls of both animals and humans are the same.

Although certainly, the strength of the soul is much weaker, if we can use a specific method to gather the souls of animals together and transmute them into the P Stone, even if it is not as strong as the orthodox P Stone, I guess it will enhance our side's combat power." Hearing this, Marcoh froze.

"This ... why we did not think of it before ... did we sacrifice so many Ishval people before to transmute the Philosopher's Stone is useless?"

Looking at Marco, whose conscience was condemned, he comforted him by saying.

"It is not always possible to succeed, the success rate of using people as materials must be greater.

The main thing is that your minds are still bound. This country built an NWTC, they also already have a complete transmutation method of the philosopher's Stone, let you study, but also just to cover up the ears to add some new results.

The startup information they gave you informed you that the material was human, and for this unknown field, you naturally accepted the concept that 'only humans' could be used, without thinking outside this framework.

But I can only propose this idea, specifically is workable enough, but also your research to verify."