
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

Look for her

Karl waited patiently for the receptionist to search for the name. He was sure that was the hospital she was rush to. He had seen it on her status and for what he knew there was no other hospital with the same name around.

After flipping through the records severally, the receptionist finally looked up and declared there was no patient like that on admission. "Are you sure of the name," the receptionist asked looking at him with a suspicious look. Karl on the other hand was feeling frustrated at that point. He knew the receptionist had checked the records over again so he couldn't ask him to keep checking. He blamed himself for not knowing her surname.

Just when he turned to leave a nurse who was standing not so far away came closer and asked him to describe the patient. "Can you describe her?"

Karl was not good with words at that moment but he tried his best.

"That should be Osima, the patient who was discharge this morning," The nurse said.

Karl wanted to argue, after all it did not seem that way from her status but he decided against it. There might be more than one person baring the name, moreover without her last name he was only making things difficult for the nurse.

He decided to leave to avoid making a fool of himself. Karl was someone who was always sure of himself but at that point, he didn't know what to make of the situation. His mind was preoccupied with what just happened with the receptionist that he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings. It was when he was about to zoom off in his car that he thought he heard his name. He wasn't so sure it was him so he pause to see if it was him the person was calling. the person called again this time, he was sure the person was calling him so he came out to see who it was.

He saw a guy standing at his opposite direction and the guy was motioning for him to look behind him.When turned, he was shocked to see who was there. Have they been there? How come he didn't notice? But she was not surposed to be there right? His mind was full with so many questions. He didn't know what to say. 'Karl' the person behind him called out with a slight smile on her face. One of her arms had bandages wrapped around it and a little scratch on her face. This must be the effect from the accident. She's looking so charming like the first time I met her. It was almost impossible to believe the injury on her arm and the scratch on her face was real as it did not affect her beauty a bit. She looked like a model who was only taking a picture to portray an accident situation. Dam you Karl, this is not the time to think of such nonsense. You need to focus on what's important. He rob his forehead slightly with his palm as he tries to distract his mind from his thoughts. "Osima?" Karl called out to the figure who was walking towards him. Karl walk towards her too and called her again trying to see her reaction as he called her . He wasn't so sure if the name he knew was the correct one after what the nurse had said or was it possible there was another Osima? "How are you doing Osima? Am so sorry about the accident," Karl said and Without waiting for her reply, he decided to narrate his ordeal with the receptionist.

" I asked the receptionist I was looking for Osima and she told me there was no one with such name in their patient on admission file records and later the nurse standing by said you have been discharge. I don't understand the mix up. Or have you been discharge already?" Karl asked..

" No , I only took a little work around the hospital. I was tired of laying in bed and the doctor said the walk will be good for my recovery too," she replied.

Karl looked at her, " How are you feeling? " he asked. He felt that the nurse must have lied because they did not trust him.

Usually most visitors would know the room number of their relatives or friends except it was an emergency situation.

"I am doing better, sorry for standing you up the other day," Isime said. She was very happy that Karl came to see her.

This shows that she had managed to gain his attention at the party. Although she was in a car accident she did not look miserable.

"How can you apologise, this is an unforseen situation. I am glad you are okay," Karl said.

"that's a relief," Isime said but she was not very happy, she was apologizing so that she could fix another date with him, now that the conversation had gone this way she did not know how to bring it up.

It's not that she was not bold enough to say it, is just that giving Karl family background she was scared of sending the wrong signal, so she was being careful.

After all, she already argued with her friend because of him. Most rich folks do not take people like her seriously, so she wanted to win his heart, by playing the innocent girl in his presence.

Karl on the other had opened the car and brought out the flower he got, " I brought this for you. Do you still want to walk around or go back to your room?" Karl asked.

"I am tired , I want to hold back and rest," Isime said. She could not hide the joy as she looked at those flowers. Although she preferred Roses, it was already great that he brought flowers for her.

"Alright, I will walk you back," Karl replied. He had notice the happiness in her eyes when she saw those flowers. He felt that he had made the right choice. With a warm smile on his face he followed her back to her ward.