
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

Just one task

Karl had made up his mind to act nicely to his parents all day. He had set his mind to do all their bid without giving a reason to argue with them so when his mum asked him to show Irene around, he obliged without complaint even though he was not comfortable with it. Karl took Irene's hand to showed her around."She is indeed very beautiful" Karl said in his heart. She has the features of a model. From the gown she was wearing, one could tell her legs were long and straight. When she smiles, her face becomes round exposing the dimples on her cheeks giving her such a charming look. Irene was one of those girls who were usually describe as irresistible because of their beauty. She also appeared to be well mannered. Karl took her around and introduced her to some of his relatives present at the party and then a few places in the house. He took her through the family garden and then to the basket ball court.

"Okay that's all there's is Irene" Kar said . He didn't see the need to continue the tour with her. He wanted to go and look for his friend kelvin. Besides Irene had come for a party, she should be in the party and not with him. If only she was here? If only he would run into her Karl got lost in his thoughts. Seeing that Karl was acting distance which created a bit of tension in the air, Irene decided to take the initiative to break the silence.

"So Karl tell me about your school?" Irene broke into his thoughts. Karl? It took a few seconds before he realised that Irene was talking to him. He was completely lost in his thoughts.

"Ooh you meant my school? It was pretty awesome but am glad I am through with school now," Karl answered and laughed dryly. "You must be good at playing basketball seeing you have a baseball court in your house. You play right?" Irene ask looking straight into Karl's face. At first she thought he took a fancy of her but after seeing the way he was responding to her, she had the feeling that he was just obeying his mother.

" Yes I do or rather I did. I played from junior high school down to senior high. I even played at the national level at senior high but.." Karl paused. He did not want to talk about why he stopped playing.

"You had to study business administration," Irene completed his sentence. Irene had noticed the change in Karl's countenance as he spoke about baseball. Since her family were close to his, she could easily guess why.

" Do you have a girl friend?" Irene decided to change the topic, it did not matter why he stopped anyway and since Karl did not want to talk about it, she might talked about something more important to her.

She did not try to beat around the bush and ask the question directly.

Karl was taking abase by the question. He never expected to recieve such a question from her. Irene was some one who knew how to go for what she wanted. Some of her friends often referred to her as being wild but she saw herself as being smart. To her she was smart enough to never let what she wanted to slip through her fingers. She was not the traditional kind of girl who would wait until the guy took the initiative to ask her out for a date. If she likes a guy, she would take the initiative to ask the guy for a date.

"Am still waiting...," Irene said with a smile looking at Karl for an answer. Even if she saw that Karl was not comfortable she did not give up.

Karl chuckled before he went on. "Well, I don't have a girlfriend,"

"So you are more like a free agent?" Irene asked.

"Yea.. Ss" I will consider my self as a free, " agent Karl said as they both laugh.

" So what do you think about going out sometime?" Irene asked. She was not done yet. If she sees an opportunity, she doesn't waste time before taking it.

" So what do you say?" Irene continue. She had to get a promise from him, after all that would give her the chance in the future.

" That would be nice," Karl had said. Karl doesn't know what to think about going out with her but he didn't want to turn her down either. He would be out of the place in the next future, so what was the point of pushing and pulling.

"So you will pick a date?" Irene asked.

"Yes I will just get your number and give you a call tomorrow how about that?" Karl said looking at Irene to know what she thought about his suggestion.

"Fine we do have a deal," Irene said with a smile.

"Why don't we go back to the party" Karl said as he led the way back to where everyone else were at the party.

Karl had not seen his friend kelvin since he had arrived at the Donald house . So he decided to look for him so that he could introduce Irene to him. He also wanted to disract her attention from him. Besides his thoughts was conflicting with every thing he was doing. Karl had suspected where Kelvin could be and sure enough he was right there.

"Hey, man how are you doing?" Both friends shook their hands and hugged each other. "I want you to meet Irene, the daughter of the famous Sylvester Brown of Darsat telecommunications." Karl introduced. He thought that after they returned to the party, Irene would go and do her thing. He did not espect her to stick like glue.

"Oh I am most honored to meet you," Kelvin bowed to reach for her hand and kiss it. And her friend, Karl turned for the first time to look at her friend who had been standing like a shadow. Karl had been so occupied in his mind that he wasn't paying much attention to everything and everyone. As he turned to look at Irene's friend he was met by a surprise of his life.