
chapter 2

chioma the lesbian (episode 2)

"So as I was saying, I want us to discuss about God's Love. John 3:16 says, for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son...."

I continued.

Chioma do you know that God loves you?, God created us in his own imagine and likeness. Chioma are you born again?."

"Ummmm, I don't know what to say." She exclaimed.

"Okay, it's okay, I understand you but...." she paused for a moment and started staring at the top swelling of my boóbs."

"But what, Chioma talk to me.. Is there anywhere that you don't understand?" I voiced out.

She placed her left palm on my cheek and remarked.

"Nothing. All I'm thinking about right now is you, it was even on Facebook that I saw you then I met one of your friend and he directed me to your church. I actually came to that church because of you. I want us to be together. I don't just know but anytime I'm without you I feel some kind of connection that's dragging me towards you. I don't know how to control it"

"Chioma!, you need to give your life to Christ cos it's the only way. Follow his footsteps, read the bible. My dear, you're a wonderful soul."

She drew her lips closer as she was about to lock it with mine, I immediately shoved her out.

Chioma, what are you doing?, I think this is a spiritual problem and it needs to be tackled. I'll take you to my pastor for him to pray for you next week. This one you're acting weird, I don't think this thing is ordinary.

Amaka, don't you realize I'm a lady like you?.

"Alright fine, I'm going and I don't have time for all this bullshit please. I just want to be around you that's all" she retorted, took her bible, and walked away.

I called her but she paid deaf ears.

I checked the clock and it was around 5:30pm almost time for my aunt to come back from work. So I quickly took my bath, prepared some rice, locked the door and went out for a little walk to see if I might win a soul for Christ.

I saw my aunt leaving a taxi as I was leaving the gate, so I ran over to her, helped her with the load, and gave her a really happy and enthusiastic greeting.

"Chidera how are you doing?."

I'm fine oo, just a little bit stressed out, how was work today? I asked.

"It was fine my dear, let me go and get something to eat, hope you've prepared something....."

"Yeah, I cooked rice."

So she went in, ate and then slept off.

I called Amaka's line but she refused to pick.

I called it the 5th time and she picked.

Then I talked to her on the phone;

"Chioma I'm so sorry for last time okay, it's just that you were acting weird and you weren't prepared to hear the message I was trying to convey."

"It's okay baby, I wasn't annoyed. I'm coming back, I actually went to see one of my friend and I'll be back soon. Expect me in your room about 20minutes time. You're really gonna enjoy it."

"Chioma, enjoy what??? I don't understand" She abruptly terminated the call as I was about to finish what I was about to say.