
Odorous Omen and Herbal Quests

Saad's flabbergasted expression only deepened as the white substance on his head became apparent – a result of the dreaded [A Stinky Winter Raven has Pooped on Your Head] message. He stood frozen in disbelief, his initial anxiety now replaced with a mix of shock and disbelief. To his surprise, the Ashen Witch erupted into laughter, her amusement clear in the mirthful tones that echoed around them.

"A most unfortunate fate indeed, Kael," she managed to say between fits of laughter. Her amusement was evident, and her laughter was contagious, even if Saad was the unfortunate target of the raven's... 'gift.'

Once the witch had managed to collect herself, she wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye, still chuckling. "I apologize, dear pupil, but I couldn't resist finding the situation quite... entertaining."

With a sigh of resignation, Saad accepted his fate and tried not to take the mishap too seriously. "Well, I suppose it's only fair that not everything goes perfectly."

The witch's laughter subsided, and her gaze turned serious as she gestured for him to continue. "Please, Kael, do continue speaking. Despite this unexpected mishap, I am here to listen."

Gathering his composure, Saad cleared his throat and resumed his inquiry, despite the unfortunate circumstances. "Master, I've come seeking your guidance and assistance. I'm in search of Sparkling Moon Water bottles, Fiery Fly Essence, and information about the locations where Everbloom Berries grow. Would you be able to..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the cryptic message, 'A mysterious and ominous fate is at play,' had abruptly appeared once more, intensifying his apprehension. Saad's thoughts raced, his concern escalating – was there a significant reason behind this ominous message? He has already been pooped on so what else?

'Oh no,' Saad's mind raced, the weight of unease growing within him. The unexpected twist of fate had intensified his anxiety.

The situation took yet another unexpected turn as a warm, white substance landed on his head once again, instantly giving off an unpleasant odor. The message revealed his predicament in no uncertain terms.

[A Stinky Winter Raven has Pooped on Your Head]

[You Will Be Emitting an Unpleasant Odor for the Next Hour. Charm -10.]

[The time has increased to 2 hours. Charm -20)

[Your charm has fallen into negative points. You are being affected by negative status, 'Background Character'. Your chances of success have decreased by 100%.]

The absurdity of the situation struck Saad, and he couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. The Ashen Witch's laughter, however, filled the air once more, her amusement seemingly uncontainable.

As her laughter subsided, the witch wiped a tear from her eye, her smile still lingering. "Kael, my pupil, I apologize for the unfortunate timing of this mishap, but it seems that even the fates have a sense of humor."

Summoning a grin despite himself, Saad shrugged. "Well, at least it made you laugh so all is good." Internally he wanted nothing more than to scream at the event. Did this happen to even players? Yes! Sure that it was a hyper realistic game but to even add this feature and twice. But no, he was sure that this was because of the 'mysterious fate'.

With a flicker of mischief in her eyes, the Ashen Witch leaned slightly closer. "I must say, you're taking it quite well. What a good boy."

Clearing his throat and refocusing on the task at hand, Saad chose to continue as if the incident had never occurred. After all the embarrassment was making him want to run away. The only saving grace was ashen witch being a NPC. "Master, I'm seeking your guidance on obtaining Sparkling Moon Water bottles, Fiery Fly Essence, and locating Everbloom Berries' growth spots. Can you provide any insight?"

This time, there was no more sudden messages and he was able to complete his sentence. He almost felt traumatized by the event. He had nothing to wiper the poop off his head.

The witch's demeanor shifted from laughter to seriousness, her gaze thoughtful. As if finally taking pity on him she took a brown handkerchief out and handed it to Saad who begrudgingly cleaned his head. He wanted to just wash his head but had to act cool.

Transitioning seamlessly, her demeanor turned from jest to guidance. "Sparkling Moon Water is a precious resource found within the moon cave near the flame stone caves. The ethereal light from the moon cave imbues the water with unique properties." She moved her finger in the air and soon he could see the sparkling pure waters materializing. Saad felt fascinated by her little magic trick.

[You have received a hint. The quest is being updated.]

She continued, "Fiery Fly Essence is another sought-after ingredient. You'll discover these luminous insects near the swamps. Their essence, collected in the right manner, can be a potent addition to various concoctions." This time she showed her the image of an orange small insect who had a little antenna on which a small white round bead at the end of the antenna, "This white stone is their essence.|

[Your herbal mastery increases.]

[Your wisdom increases.]

[You have received a hint. The quest is being updated.]

Pausing for a moment, she fixed Saad with an enigmatic gaze. "And then there are Everbloom Berries, delicate and elusive. They thrive where the very air is laden with poison, where dangerous creatures make their homes." She now showed him a small bush which had tiniest little flowers which had a berry in the middle of the flower. A bright pink color mixed with orange.

[You have received a hint. The quest is being updated.]

"Thank you, Master. Your guidance is invaluable," Saad expressed his gratitude genuinely. It was great that he had come to see her. Since she was a master herbalist, her knowledge was immense.

Saad's thoughts churned as he absorbed the information. The locations mentioned were challenging, and the dangerous environments suggested that gathering these ingredients wouldn't be a walk in the park. But his mind caught onto something – Everbloom Berries and the poisonous creatures' habitat. The arachnids in the forest had been deadly and venomous. If they lived in a poison-laden environment, perhaps he could find the elusive berries in the same vicinity.

The Ashen Witch's lips curled into a smirk, and a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "Ah, but Kael, before you leave, I have a request of my own."

Saad blinked in curiosity, his interest piqued. "A request, Master?"

She chuckled softly, a playful tone in her voice. "Bring me a bottle of Sparkling Moon Water as well. And do wash your head with it – it should help rid you of that... unfortunate odor."

[Apprentice's Journey- III]

Your master is need of moon water for her concoctions. Hurry and don't make her wait.

- Quest Details -

Sparkling moon water bottles: 0/1

Difficulty: E


Experience points: +20

Saad's groan was half-hearted, a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Of course, Master. I'll do my best."

Saad groaned inwardly, the idea of washing his head with moonlit water seeming both bizarre and yet strangely fitting for his virtual journey. With a reluctant nod, he bid the Ashen Witch farewell and left her abode, determined to undertake the quests that lay ahead.

With the handkerchief in hand and his mission set before him, Saad left the Ashen Witch's dwelling, the morning sunlight greeting him once more. He couldn't shake off the odd feeling that today was going to be more than just a regular day of virtual adventuring.

His heart beating with a sense of excitement, Saad embarked on his journey to mark the flame stone mines. As he reached the entrance and began his descent, he couldn't shake off the feeling of an invisible thread pulling him towards his destination. But as he covered half the distance, his thoughts abruptly shifted to another matter. He realized that he had forgotten to ask the Ashen Witch about the Rainbow Lady and the Brown Blossom Bug.

Saad sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and regret. He couldn't afford to turn back now; the flame stone mines were his current focus. With a mental note to ask about the missing creatures later, he resumed his journey with renewed determination.

Finally reaching the flame stone mines, Saad gazed upon the rocky terrain that seemed to pulse with energy. He drew a small marking in the virtual air, creating a waypoint that would serve as a reference for future visits. It was a technique he had developed to remember significant locations.

However, he didn't linger long, as he remembered his primary objective – to find the Sparkling Moon Water. Using the information the Ashen Witch had provided, he set off once again, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Though first he had to stop by a vendor and buy empty bottles for water. Unlike how he hadn't thought before while doing the arachnid quest, this time he had thought through. Since the quest needed him to get 'bottles of water', that meant that he needed to have empty bottles. Just another expense- Saad groaned but had no other option. Thankfully, he was able to buy them for small amount of money.

[Basic Ceramic Bottle]

It can hold 500g or 500ml of substance.

Price: 3 Quills

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