
You Naughty, Naughty (2)

The creaky doors groaned in protest as Adrian pushed them open. Dust and cobwebs filled the air, and everything smelled old and rotten. 

The place was dark, with sunlight sneaking in through holes in the boarded-up windows and the cracked ceiling. Trash was scattered around, leftovers from when the place was functional.

However, something else caught Adrian's eye: monster blood. It wasn't fresh, and if Adrian had to guess, the rotten blood must have been years old. 

It was strange to find a place like that in the city. It almost felt like the warehouse had been deliberately kept like that, perhaps to hide some secrets or illicit activities.

'I can't imagine a fey living under these conditions.'

Feys were nature-loving creatures. At least, that's what he had learned in Nexaria. Based on that, it seemed unlikely that the fey was there. But since Fenris had led him there, there had to be a clue or something there.

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