

"Your little experiment is getting out of hand now, madam," a voice cackled through the device's speaker.

"It wouldn't have been an experiment if he didn't go rampant once in a while," the woman replied, enjoying her bath. "Besides, he isn't an experiment, he's my Adrian."

"Never mind his name, I wouldn't have spared a thought if it was a rampage, but this is a different matter," the voice responded. "That guy just wrecked our only lead to find the beacon. Without Ahuli, things might take a-"

"Ugh, let me get out first," the woman rolled her eyes, slipping out of the bathtub.

The steam from the shower curled around her, wrapping her in a soft embrace as she stepped out. Her pristine white skin gleamed in the bathroom's low light. 

Despite her annoyance, she remained as graceful as ever. Once out of the bathtub, she reached for the towel, its thin fabric clinging to her damp curves as she wrapped it around herself, leaving little to the imagination.

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