
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Souls and... feudal japan?

"'Custom' was written on the card

"Custom?" Tanya asks curious while gazing at the card

"Let me see..." I take the card and instantly the card dissapears in blue fire, making some info appear in my head

"Ok... this is... different..." I said after reading the details about the card that were transfered to my head, as to why make it like this misterious? it would be boring if i know beforehand whats in every card

"Basically, tell me which type of world you want, like 'A relaxing world in the medieval era', 'A world where the is nothing but zombies', or something like that... you have a limit of 3 things to say and after that many world meeting your requirements will appear, you will choose one" While making a weird face, I explain to her

"Okay... then let me thing for a bit" Tanya says while going to the corner of the void room Rob's made

A few minutes later, she comes back with a determinated face

"Im ready"

I nod, waiting for her requirements

"I want a world where i can get strong making use of its power system" Just after she finish saying that, a '1' appears above us, making her stare for a little but just ignoring it and continuing with her requirements

"I want a world where there are a lot of people of my range of power, so i can fight a lot, not like my world wher only Being X was the powerhouse, as he could instakill me"


"And lastly, i want that in this world my appearance as a little girl doesnt make people limit me on obtaining power"


After that, the '1' '2' '3' fused and a names starts to appear in a blue system screen

[One piece: Could get powerful with fruits. There are many normal strong people you could fight, as the final bosses doesnt care about you. You can easly eat a fuit even as a little girl]

[It is wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?: Could get powerful through the level system. Enemies appear fron weak to strongers on the leveling area and gods are sealed in normal areas. There are many fantasy races in this world, so your appearance doesnt matter]

[Konosuba: You can level up with its world system. Generals of the demon king are on your level and gods doesnt attack people randomly. As this is a comedy world, you appearance doesnt matter much to the people common sense]

[Fate/Kaleid(Exclusive): You can get stronger as a magical girl. Strong servant-like enemies to fight, godlike enemies doesnt appear until late in timeline. Your appearance is perfect for this world]

[Bleach: zanpakuto system can make you strong easly. Many strong enemies in your power range to fight and until late timeline, strong enemies doesnt kill random people. Nobody cares about appearance as they cares more about your soul]

[Random cultivation World (WARNING): Cultivation can let you become a immortal god. infinite number of people on your power range to fight but also strong people, so you must be careful. You can get cultivation metods appearing as a kid but later you will be severilly understimated based on appearance]


"You deleted the last choise right? What was that world about?" Tanya asks curiously while seeing the error message

"You dont want to go there yet until you are atleast a supreme god so nobody can do anything to you. You just need to know that going to hell is better than going there"

"Okay.... then lets see... firstly, what the fuck is this world name? Pick up girls in a dungeon? Nope, im not going there."

I give a sigh of relief as i didnt wanted to go there myself

"Another one... Magical girl? really? Next"

'Good, i cant think of Tanya in a magical girl outfit from fate

"Now... konosuba, it is? I dont want to encounter weird things to make the mood funny so... Next"

No comments on that

"Now... Bleach, one piece or a... cultivation world? Hey Rob, whats a cultivation world?" Tanya asks

"Basically, a world filled with retarded people who are ofended just because you saw them in the eye."

"Well... thats not what i wanted to know, i mean, that cultivation thing to become a god"

"Ah yeah, thats a system of power where you start accumulating... 'mana', so you can understand it easly, in your body and then reach a level up, also, later they start to deduce and think about the very universe itself, like the elements, space-time, meaning of life, etc. You can become a god in this system BUT... you need to meditate... a lot... like... stay in a room meditating for hundreds of years, and thats only in the beggining"

"what the... you mean latter i will be alone in a room meditating for thousand of years?!" Shocked, she asks while gazing at me

ALso, the silent Ainz who was playing with his magic, also got shocked at this type of crazy world

".... add a few more zeros"

"... NEXT. Wait you mean that there are millions of years people old?"


"Enough, NEXT"

"Now... one piece or bleach... can you describe a little those zanpakuto and fruits?"

"One piece fruits you just eat them and they can grant you a powerful ability... but you wont be able to swim"

"Bleach zanpakuto is a sword that... is fused with your soul? or something like that, it can evolve many times and gives you powerful abilities but its harder than just eating a fruit"

"So... fast but double edge power... or steady but secure power... lets go with that bleach world" Tanya decides before all the other names are erased and only [Bleach] remains

The blue screen expands and transform into a blue portal, leading to Bleach

Before Tanya can enter, Ainz approachs Rob

"Hey rob, is bleach... the world i think it is?" Ainz asks while thinking of a very old manga

"Oh... right, your world before the game was based on a very modern japan, so i think you must know something about Bleach" I answer

"If thats the case... then doesnt that world is filled with gods? i mean, even the weakest one is a god of death (shinigami)"

"Em... well... how much do you know about bleach?" I asks with a weird face

"Not much, just that the protagonist is someone called ichigo and he transform into a shinigami... or something like that, it was a very old manga from my grandparents century" Ainz answers with caution, as he is expecting a difficult fight

"um.... How do i explain it? they call themselves shinigamis but only the most powerful ones are like real gods, most of them are just normal people with swords and strange powers" Trying to explain why not every shinigami is not a powerful god of death is... weird and difficult

"Lets go, i guess you can also get stronger Ainz, considering what Rob told us, a person with a zanpakuto is stronger than one without, so lets go"

Before they can enter, Rob adjust some things on that universe

'Lets adjust the timeline a little so i can watch from the beggining... also i want to see the Aizen reveal moment... so many good memories about this world...'

Without noticing anything, Tanya and Ainz enters the portal, i follow behind, hyped about this world


The party appears in the middle of a ancient japanese city, with many people weaking kimonos

Nobody see them as Rob made them invisible for the first minutes of entering a world

"so... where are we?" Tanya asks, not knowing anything about this world

"Let me see..." After saying that, i concentrate and information floods into my head

"Okay, we are on the district number 23 from the west side, its seems that there are 80 districts per direction, meaning north, south, east and west. Also the closer we are to the center the more lawful it gets, meaning that the district number 1 is the best and also at the center is the... academy of shinigamis, or something like that"

"Understand... but why do i feel like we are being rejected by this world?" Tanya asks while having a bad feeling on her body

"Same here, its like something its trying to banish me" Ainz adds

"Ah right, only souls and spiritual beigns can enter the soul society and we are here with our real bodies, meaning that the very world is denying our existence for breaking its rules" I answer calmly, not bothering about this at all

"Well, let me transform you two to soul form so you can walk free" I snap my fingers and Tanya gets a kimono and now she seems a little bit ethereal

Ainz, on the other hand, is wearing a kimono version of his opulent robes, looking like a noble. Also, i made them believe that Ainz undead form is only a diferent race, maybe there will be... skeleton racist? but i think he can live just like that

I, on the other hand, doesnt need to transform, as its like this world doesnt sense me, the only 'problem' its people questioning my fashion sense

"Now, i will give you some basic info about this world and we will part, as i want to explore this on my own and i think you too want to" I said to them before starting

"if you want to get powerful you will need to get into the shinigami academy, aka the Seireitei, just go to the first district in the center and you can see a giant wall, they are taking a new batch of shinigamis in one year, so you have plenty of time to go there and also get used to this world"

"Also, you will need money for travel there, just pick some random jobs, with your power it wont be difficult, and lastly, dont go showing your power, specially you Ainz, as you are not the most powerful beign in this world, i think you would be on the top 50, but just that"

"The 'Protagonist' of this world will appear in a hundred years, so you have a lot of time to get stronger, because when he appears, the story beggins, meaning a lot of powerful people will start spawning. Thats all, good luck and have fun!" After saying that, i dissapear, going to explore and see the world before the real plot beggins


Left alone, Tanya and Ainz look at each other... then look around

"So, im your adopted sister and we want to be shinigamis to cahnge our lifes" Tanya suddendly said

"huh?" Ainz, not prepared for that, looks at Tanya

"What? This is our new identity, now lets get some gold and go to that academy, from Rob's words, i think that if we lost this change we will need to wait a lot" Tanya start walking after saying this

"Sure, i hope i can get a better understanding for death in this world, as they literally magane it" Ainz says before following Tanya, wondering about the power system of this world and also thinking how he will win, after all, he is very cautious person

This is the start of their great adventure and also the start of Robs legend, being called the 'Crazy wanderer', but that is something that will happen in the future.