
Chapter 9 :Potion shopping

"I feel like I'm dying,"

"Stop being a baby."

"A BABY!? My ribs are shattered, my right shoulder blade is fucked, its hard to breath, and I have a headache worse than a hangover."

Clay let out short groan and started holding his left ribs. All the yelling and moving aggravated his wounds causing him slowly lay back down trying his hardest not to cry. As much as it seemed like Kat wasn't bothered by many things, she would be one of the first ones to break if all hell broke loose. Clay was all she had left, and seeing him laying down so hurt and vulnerable almost made her break down right then and there. But she won't, she couldn't. Clay been picking up all the hard work lately and haven't left any for her. Well it was her turn to take care of him and she swore to do a damn good job at it. Making sure he had everything he needed, Kat watched her brother slowly fall asleep and quietly left the room. Taking a bit of money and her lucky gun she left the house with a pep in her step.

Walking in the streets and holding onto her bag tightly. Kat read every store sign she passed. 'Weapon shop…no' 'crystal shop…no' 'se- never mind not reading that' "Finally a potion shop!"

Walking into the potion shop Kat looked around and saw some questionable things. Some jars looked either filthy or had odd things in them that didn't look beneficial at all. But sadly for her looking for a legitimate potion shop in the Lanes isn't a easy task. And she couldn't go up to Piltover with all the fuss still going on hence her current predicament.

Walking up to the counter she saw a overweight man with rectangular glasses and long greasy hair in a bun. It seems he was eating a slimy plate of…slugs??

"Ewwww" Kat said in a disgusted voice. "How are you even eating that?"

The man in the middle of licking his fingers looked at the girl and scoffed.

"What does it matter to you. And why the fuck are you in my store."

"Ugh I'm gonna throw up. Look I came to buy a potion, one that heals the body or increase the regeneration of it" throwing the plate to the side, the overweight man looked over the counter with a raised eyebrow taking a good look at Kat. The girl feeling uncomfortable by the mans gaze began covering herself by crossing her arms around her chest and turning away. The man chuckled to himself and sat back down causing a little rumble throughout the store.

"Don't flatter yourself cupcake. Do you have coin to pay or not?" Digging into her bag, Kat took out a hearty looking coin pouch and the man eye's lit up.

"Well then little missy it looks like we can begin business now"

"Just show me the strongest you have. The amount of cogs isn't a issue."

Giving a smile almost bright as Gold Tooth himself. The man got up from his chair and waddled his way into the back. He came back with a suitcase and slammed it on the counter still wearing that smile that oozed trouble.

"I wont tell you where I got this, or who gave it to me but I've seen the stuff be used and let me tell ya, it does the trick alright" Opening the case towards his side Kate could see a purple glow on the mans chest. He slowly turned it around and the moment Kat layed her eyes on what was inside she immediately grabbed her bag and started to leave.





Ripping her leg away from the mans grasp she walked out the store and slammed the door. The bastard was trying to sell her shimmer. She didn't know how he got it, or who gave it to him, but she would be damned if that stuff entered her brothers body. Fast walking out of the area she tried to think of any other way she could get her hands on a potion that could heal Clay. After thinking about it for awhile she realized the only option she had left was Piltover. But how exactly was she going to get in there without causing a ruckus.

Turning a corner Kat bumped her head with someone while not looking infront of her. It seemed she was too engrossed in her head to pay attention.

"Ow my head, watch it"

"Your the one that bumped into me, you watch it."

'Wait a second that voice sounded familiar' She thought as she stopped rubbing her head. Looking at the person she bumped into, it was like the plot of a story intervened at the perfect moment to solve her problem. "EKKO!" Kat said immediately hugging the boy and swaying side to side. Releasing him and grabbing him by the shoulders she looked at him seriously and spoked.

"I need your help"

"Huh, what, Kat, hug?"

"Ekko seriously this is urgent"

"Ok ok what do you need help with"

"I need to find a way into Piltover safely"

"PILTOVER!? Why you need to go there?"

"Because Clays in really bad shape and I need to buy a potion from Piltover to help him get better so can you help or not"

"I didn't know he was that badly hurt. He seemed fine last time I saw him tho"

Kat didn't have a response to that. Considering she took away his ability to feel pain or even speak about it. So she decided to stay quiet and wait for Ekko's answer.

"Ok, yeah I can help. But we wont be able to do this alone"

"Ok, do you have any people in mind"

"Yup, I know just the group. Trust me they'll help."

Alright its been a minute I know. And I came back with a short chapter the audacity I know BUT IN MY DEFENSE.

It's just hard to write without any feedback or evidence of people reading it. Like don't get me wrong I see the ones who do speak and I'm grateful for that, but it would mean alot if more people pitched in ya know.

Huffmancreators' thoughts
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