
Chapter 51

We chatted for a few minutes about nothing in particular, then returned to our rental car and drove to London. In London, Sal saw us safely on the Chunnel Train, then headed for Heathrow to catch his flight home. Dani and I spent a long weekend in Paris with our friends Joel and Claire Anderson before boarding an overnight train to Aragoni.

WHEN WE WERE settled on the train and it was underway, Dani said, “No offense to Joel and Claire, but I’m glad to be on the way home.”

“So am I,” I said. “Their apartment seemed spacious before, but the presence of a five-year-old and a two-year-old made it seem tiny.

Still, I’m glad they finally decided to go the surrogacy route. They have such a lot to offer as parents.”

“Yeah, that’s for sure. Speaking of surrogacy, when will our two candidates arrive from Calabria?”