
Chapter 43

“As you know, I love a mystery.”

“Meanwhile, Mrs. Motta has a night off and we have to prepare our evening meal a bit earlier than we’d planned.”

“No problem,” he said. “Let’s go downstairs to the kitchen.”

“Before we do that, we’d better tell Biaggio and the boys we’re gonna eat early.”

That chore taken care of, we went to the kitchen. “As you know, we were gonna make something elaborate, but due to time constraints, I think we need to change the menu.”

“No argument, but change it to what?”

“How about the boys’ favorite?” I said.

“Spaghetti and meatballs?”

“For that answer, you get a gold star,” I said. “I’ll get the spaghetti and meatballs started while you see what can be done to create garlic toast on such short notice.”

“On it.”

“Also, I think there’s enough tiramisu from Poco on hand for dessert—if we serve very small portions.”

“And another impromptu meal is born,” he said.

“Finest kind.”