
Chapter 3

“I don’t understand,” Serafina said.

“Me neither,” Valerius said.

“That’s why we don’t tell our children everything until they’re older and have enough experience of life to fully comprehend the dangers,” I said. “Okay, I’m gonna run through as many bad scenarios in my mind as I can—you guys tune in, please.”

It didn’t take long to do that because I’d thought about worst-case scenarios many times and had discussed them with other family members. Finally, I switched mental gears and thought about other things. “How much of that did you guys understand?” I said.

“Most of it, I think,” Valerius said.

“Yeah,” Serafina said, “it would be bad, wouldn’t it?”

“You have no idea how bad it could be,” I said, “and I just realized that I left out one thing.”

“What’s that?” she said.

“You were too young to know about it at the time, but some bad people tried to blow up a van with Dani and me in it six or seven years ago.”