
Children of Cinders

"Only those with the will to survive shall never know what ease is." For as long as he remember, that was the mandate bestowed upon him when he first made sense of his surroundings. He fought, he bled, and he limped. He was an agent of the Garden of Cinders. A life filled with laughter. A home filled with warmth. An existence full of love. All of that is a luxury to Moth, for he is a Cinderchild of the Garden. Moth lived so long as a shadow. As a cinderchild, he uses his powers to end another life. A scorned existence, a scarred soul, and an unfeeling boy tainted by the bloodshed he accumulated all his life. But all of that, is dedicated to his Family. All for the preservation of the Garden of Cinders.

Casarrius · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


-Trigger Warning-

Moth took a three day rest in Maggie's Clinic. Bell was discharged early because Padrino sent him to a mission. He was still sulking that Moth saved him, but he thanked Moth regardless.

"I don't owe you or anything. But you win this round." Bell said as he departed from the Clinic. Moth sighs as if a heavy load disappeared from his shoulder.

"You should get going. "Godfather" wants to talk with you." Maggie informs him. A summoning from "Godfather" means something did happen.

"Take care of yourself, Moth." Maggie said as Moth disembarks back to the Mansion.

The journey was uneventful, but when he reached the city proper, he knew that the attack was successfully repelled. 

Hundreds of firearms broken, helmets and transmitters litter the floor, uniform torn to shred, and the lingering lights of the skirmish remained in stillness.

Moth entered the mansion, and found two other figures in attention with Padrino.

"Welcome home, brother." It was Firefly, she had the same warm smile, her blue hair was kept to a headband, but beneath her sunny disposition, she was still a cinderchild. With her Power of Clairvoyance, she can guide others anywhere.

The person beside her was Moth's other sibling, Wolf. Who only nods at his presence as he stands at the middle. Wolf was always a silent one, gray hair, flaring red eyes, and stoic expression. He can be scary, but he can be counted on in terms of missions. His power over metal makes him elusive and precise.

The mansion's doors opened once more, and Someone zipped in, and circled around the siblings. In a split second, Firefly was wearing a flower garland, Wolf was wearing a mask, and Moth was wearing a boater hat.

"Looks good on you three." Dragonfly was ecstatic. Seeing his siblings in one place, how can he not? He was slightly taller than Moth, but the distinct thing he had were his golden eyes, with his earth brown hair. With his Hypervelocity, he was the fastest Cinderchild in their batch. But Moth could see a facade.

Firefly rips the garland, Wolf removes the mask, and Moth burns the boater hat. Dragonfly pouted but he greeted "Godfather" all the same.

"My children... Last night, we were visited by unwanted guests. Thanks to your flare Moth, we were prepared, but not enough." Padrino said, his voice emotionless and stale.

"I wasn't fast enough to save Compound Three. The soldiers got to them first and..." Dragonfly's smile died out, it seems he really was hiding his pain.

"I didn't foresaw this... This cost the Attila Masonry, the Diamond Mines, and the Varmont Pier." Firefly said, her voice was shaking with regret and fear.

"I wasn't strong enough. And it cost the lives of thirty two family members. Including Scarab, Monarch, and Weaver." Wolf actually sound grounded and regretful, his fists clenched so hard blood began to drop from his palms.

"I wavered. I made an irrational choice and made the signal too late. If anyone is to be blame. It is me." Moth said. He remained indifferent but hearing what happened to the others, the sin was now weighing heavily on his soul.

"Then we have our answer." Padrino's right fist turned Steel gray. And he slammed his fist at Moth's chest, sending him out the door.

Following Moth was Wolf. Both boys began to experience unbearable pain. Breathing was like inhaling sharp knives, their chests felt heavy from the blows, and they could feel the cracks in their ribs. Moth felt dizzy while Wolf had a difficulty trying to stand up.

Padrino's Power, the Power of Curse. Afflicts the victims different brands. And this brand, was the Subjugation. Meaning Moth and Wolf are forced to do the task imposed by "Godfather".

"As punishment for your failures, you must discover who it was that attacked us. You have 48 hours." Padrino told the two boys and closed the doors. "If you fail to do so, take your lives."

The brand felt hot, meaning it would combust if they linger within "Godfather's" proximity.

Wolf and Moth nod at each other and they head off with a sprint. The Brand still felt raw, so the two boys were tearing up as they run towards the clearing. When they reached one of the safe houses after two hours of running on foot, the pair collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily they bodies full of sweat and grime from running none stop. Taking sharp breaths, they examined their injuries, the brand was successfully embedded in their bodies.

"Any leads?" Wolf inquired as he tossed a towel for Moth. While wiping their bodies clean, Moth fished out the Bottled Flame from his pocket.

"I'll let you know in a Bit." Moth said as he consumed the flames. Sharp pain began to flare from his head, the sudden burst of information began to intermingle with his memories. From her birth, her name, her profession and life.

After three minutes Moth gives a sigh of relief.

"Well?" Wolf asked, as he gives Moth something to drink, Moth finished the bottle in one go.

"How comfortable are you in raiding a bank?" Moth asked and they both nod grimly.

...36 hours, 37 minutes left until detonation...

Dusk falls on the edge of the town of Vindis, people were around for the night market, others were soundly playing across the music filled streets. Laughter bustled, smiles plastered. But two figures wore hoods on such a bustling occasion. They pass through the alley and knocked six times on the wall, which after a few seconds, began to move on their own.

The two quickly went inside in a sporadic manner, and once they were inside, they were greeted by the people inside, but their faces were far from friendly.

They removed their hoods and their faces were ghastly white.

"What happened to you blokes?" One of the tavern goers asked, the others were howling loudly at the two.

"Thisdle Bank was raided." said the man with an eyepatch, his voice was slightly shrill from the panic.

"So? We have a lot of-"

"Hempshend, Loatle, Twill, and Jorguen were also raided. In the span of 12 hours, someone is raiding our banks." The man with a crooked shirt exclaims. "It must be the Cinderkids."

"The Cinderkids?! Hah! Those orphans are nothing more but weird children nobody wants!"

"Careful! You might hurt their feelings!"

"But who are they going to tell? They're parents?"

The whole pub roared in laughter. The pair also followed with the laughter and they all drank like there was no tomorrow.

"Still, cinderkids... Feh, nothing more but monsters under children skin."

"Yeah, unholy abominations. Nothing more! I say let them die in the unwanted ditch they spawned from!"

"Honestly, those freaks better not spoil our surprise. Listen to this... I heard from the big boss that they have a massive operation. It will topple the Garden and the kids there oho.... They will be sold to the highest bidder. Just imagine... The wails of those parentless kids will be priceless."

"I heard there are six year olds. Maybe we should take them, have fun with them and then some."

"Hah! Whose going to help a bunch of recordless bodybags?!"

"Are you done?"

Everyone stopped on their tracks as their bloods froze from the question. Despite the cold feeling, all of them were sweating. And from the corner of their mouths, they were quaking. It wasn't as if they were frozen, but the metal in their clothing was getting heavy, rendering them immobilized.

"I'll make this quick. You're lucky Moth is keeping it in. Answer my question, who sent you?" Wolf was sitting by an empty stool, on his hand was an empty bottle.

Silence followed his question. Then:

"H-He's Wolf!" One screamed but a dagger flew right through his mouth. Wolf then retracted the blade and levitated above his palms.

"Answer my question. Or do you want me to make this messy?" Wolf asked, his crimson eyes were losing patience.

"Buzz off Cinderbra-"


The sound was akin to the crack of a whip, but instead of the knife, he was engulfed in a fiery blaze. He screamed in raw agony that it made everyone wince and panic, some were already crying. Moth removed his hood and his face was something Wolf saw multiple times.


"Last chance." Wolf warned. Moth's fists were burning in an auric blue, a flame he can achieve by becoming extremely furious.

"You'd have to kill us all then!" One said and they all followed.

Wolf sighs and gets up. "Well... I tried."

"Wolf... Take that guy." Moth pointed at the man who suggested what to do with the kids. Wolf nods and escort the man out and closes the door.

"Torture me all you want Cinderbrat, you won't get anything out of me!" He said.

"Oh I know... But he can." Wolf pointed at the door as the screams of everyone began to come out of the hidden tavern. The man was horrified by both the sound and the smell. Crying wails, burning flesh. It was sickening.

"You're monsters!" He said but Wolf gave him bow.

"Says the people who had plans to take advantage of children. You're not one to talk." Wolf said as Moth comes out from the door, the screams were still going on and the smell of burning flesh became more pungent.

"You were going to do what to my siblings?" Moth's voice had raw anger in them that in sent shivers down Wolf's spine. Moth rarely gets angry, but not even Dragonfly can make him this angry.

"You know what? I was considering on extracting your memories only, you scumbag." Moth said and his palm became enclosed with dull flames. But it quickly became bright red.

"You wanted a monster? I'll give you a monster." Moth said as he thrusts his hand through the man's head and engulfed him in flames, giving him no time to scream nor make a plea for mercy. As the flames die out, only ash remained. But on Moth's hand, were the preserved memories of the scumbag who dared to make plans on his family.