

Roberta, like all children, likes to do mischief for her age; which has gotten her into various problems.

But that, to Roberta, has not stopped her to continue doing whatever mischief and mischief occurred to her at the time; on the contrary, if she did not, she was not herself.

On the other hand, her entire family, the Richards family, who no longer knew what to do with Roberta in the face of so much mischief and mischief she did, hoped that when she grew up, she would stop doing so much mischief.

In the same way that he did mischief and mischief, he also loved to help others, regardless of whether things were difficult to do.

At the same time, he loved helping others, because he did not want anyone to be going through any complications or issues.

Every Sunday, Roberta and her family went to church, and after that, they stayed a few more hours, talking with the priest to see how they could help.

Not much for now, but the only thing I could need is clothes and toys for the children, nothing more," said the priest.

"Ok, whatever you require, count on us for everything," said Rafael, Roberta's father.

«I agree with my husband; whatever you require, count on us, and today we will see the clothes and toys to bring them today; but tomorrow," said Roberta.

"And also, we could bring food for them and their family," Roberta said.

"I agree with my sister and ourselves, we can help them to spend more time with their children," said Rafael, Roberta's older brother.

"Also, we could raise money, to be able to help them more," said Hugo, the second of Roberta's siblings.

And not only could we do this, but much more because they deserve all our help, "said Jimmy, the third of Roberta's siblings.

"I don't know about my family, but I could come every day after school to help him with everything," said Roberta.

«Thanks to all of you for this immense help that you are offering me. I hope they were all like that because they are the actions that please God the most and not words or just come to Church when they want to come, "said the priest.

"You are welcome, and for us, it is a pleasure to help others, and we love to help them in everything," said Rafael.

And before leaving, they prayed, giving thanks for everything they have, for themselves, and for all the things and wonders that God has given them and made them see for themselves.

They decided to stay a while longer, visiting all the humble people who live in shelters, to have a good time with them. Roberta took advantage of that moment and played with all the children.

While Roberta was playing with the children, Roberta's parents and siblings took the opportunity to talk with the priest for a longer time.

The time to leave was nearing when they decided to look for Roberta. When they did not find her, they began to panic because they did not see her anywhere.

They decided to separate to search faster, each one chose in which direction they would start looking for her. No matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find her; until, Rafael, decided to leave, to make the search more extensive.

And there was her sister Roberta, in the games that were in the park, playing with them, forgetting that her family was there looking for her like crazy.

Rafael ran like crazy to where his sister was. As he reached his sister, he grabbed her and hugged her as tightly as he could.

Where were you, little sister? Didn't you hear us calling you crazy? You had us worried, "said Rafael, when he was calmer.

Where were you, little sister? Didn't you hear us calling you crazy? You had us worried, "said Rafael, when he was calmer.

"Sorry to worry you, but I was playing with my friends, that I completely forget about you," said Roberta, happy but somewhat dirty that she had been playing with her new friends.

"Ok, but before going to play with them, you would have warned us not to be so worried about you," said Rafael, trying to calm his nerves.

"Ok little brother, and forgive me, but I didn't think they would worry so much," said Roberta, happy to have had a good time with them, playing in the park.

It's fine and doesn't worry. Now, we will look for our family to go home ", said Rafael, calmer, after having found his little sister.

The two of them quickly went to where their entire family was. When they saw Roberta, they hugged her and calmed down; after that, everyone went home.

When they arrived at the house, they all went to their respective rooms to look for clothes, shoes, things that they no longer need to give to those who need them the most.

While everyone was looking for the essentials to donate to the Church, Roberta began to put all her clothes in black garbage bags: from underwear to shoes and toys, which her parents just bought, she was left with only a few clothes, what just and necessary to survive a long time.

While everyone slept, Roberta took the opportunity to take out the covers of clothes that she had taken from her closet, to be able to give them to the person who was waiting outside, to take all that to the Church.

Upon returning to her room, Roberta saw how empty her room was, but that did not matter to her because she had done a noble action, an action of the heart that is to help others.

Immediately, Roberta went to bed, so tired she was. Roberta was so tired after putting all those clothes in the garbage bags, going down with them to the exit door; so that, she can give them to the man who was waiting for her at the door.

The next day, Roberta's parents went to her room and were surprised to see her sleep so soundly; but they were much more surprised to see Roberta's closet practically empty.

"Roberta, what happened to all your clothes?" Said Rafael, his father when he saw his daughter's closet practically empty.

"I don't know what you're talking about, daddy, it's okay. My clothes are there, "Roberta replied to her father.

If you know what we're talking about. Your clothes, well most of your clothes, are not here in the closet, "said Rafael, her father, after carefully observing his daughter's closet and seeing that most of the clothes were missing.

Roberta, seeing the concern of her family, seeing the closet almost empty, decided that it is time, to tell the truth about what she did with her clothes.

«Well family, it is true that there is almost nothing of the things that you gave me and the reason is the following: yesterday I put everything that I could, either clothes or toys liked I put them in black garbage bags, to give them to you someone who came on behalf of the priest; So that I donate them to the people who need all of that and that is what happened and I do not regret having done it, "said Roberta, sure of the decision and what she did yesterday.

His family, after hearing the whole truth from Roberta's mouth, felt proud of Roberta, for having done this act of love and nobility; Immediately afterward, they all hugged her tightly as they could and could not prevent the tears from falling on her cheeks.

«My daughter, you don't know how proud we are of you right now. You knew we could punish you for this; however, you took a risk, and you did it for all those people who required all this, "said Rafael, her father, super proud of his daughter, like the rest of the family.

"Daddy, I am the one who is extremely proud of all of you, including my brother and that is why I have decided to follow in his footsteps and put his teachings and the teachings of God into practice," said Roberta, happy to be able to have this conversation with his family.

"Little sister, you are my role model," said Rafael, his brother, proud of his little sister and happy to have her by his side.

"Little brother, I am the one who is super proud of you and who you are as a kind of brother model for me," said Roberta, his sister, who is happy to be with her brother.

They talked for another thirty minutes, and after that, they decided to go to church.

When the mass was about to end, the priest took advantage of the fact that the entire Richards family was there to thank them for the help they had been giving to all those in need.

Everyone was happy to hear that thanks to the Richards family, they won't go hungry. They all agreed to continue helping the priest, with all the humble people and those who need shelter and food.

The Richards family agreed with everything and thanked them for the noble gesture they are doing in helping all those in need.

At the house, they spoke with Roberta, to stop selling all her clothes and toys to poor children and that whatever she does, she would first have to consult her entire family about it.

On the other hand, they agreed on how they will continue to help all the people in need. And they continued helping the priest in everything but as a family.


No matter social class or money, you always have to be grateful for what you have, and the best way to thank God is by helping others.