

There is nothing calmer than living in the forest, away from the world and its problems; but the most important thing is to live far from the pollution and noise that living in the city means.

Living in the forest is a dream come true for some people because there, they don't have to listen to how people drive like crazy or hear them scream about whatever or issue that comes their way; it is simply them and the nature that surrounds them.

For some people, living in the forest is a dream come true because it is a magnificent place that God created; therefore, one can find wonders right there.

They also see the forest as a magical place, which must be kept hidden and away from people. In that magical place, some people had decided to live because they were already bored with living with so much pollution.

When they first went to live in the forest, they realized that they had made the right decision and did not regret having left the city.

Everyone realized how much wonder there was in the forest; so, they were happy that they made that decision. Immediately, they began to build houses to live there, and little by little, they had built a town.

After they had finished building a village in the forest, they thanked God, for everything they had, for being together on this journey, and for one more day of life.

Little by little, they realized that they made the best decision by going to live in the forest because they no longer got sick, or caught a cold, or anything like that; on the other hand, they were all in perfect condition.

They were happy to just have the life they have always dreamed of, and that life is the one they longed for their children; but the most important thing is that the children no longer got sick, far from it, they visited the doctor for whatever happened to them.

Life in the forest has been simply positive for everyone because, in it, they began to have a healthier life, they no longer have the stress of city life; far from being under pressure to do the impossible to please others and get along with each other.

While the people who were living in the forest, managed to change their lives positively, the people who were living in the city, were sick, weak, and in no mood for anything.

Each time, they felt that they could not do anything they used to do, and no one explained why. Every time the people who lived in the forest went to the city, they were surprised to see that they were strong and healthy; while, they do not.

Everyone wanted to ask them what is the reason why they all looked healthy and in perfect condition; even the doctors were surprised to see them strong and healthy, who could no longer hold back the urge to ask, who approached them to start the conversation.

Hello, don't be afraid. The truth is that we want to know what their change is due to in everything because they no longer look like us; now they look a lot better," the city doctor told them.

Hello doctor, and thank you for what you told us. The truth is that thanks to the fact that we are no longer in the city, and we are living in the forest, we are much better. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about you, because you look bad, "replied one of them, of the people who lived in the forest.

«All of us indeed look bad, weak, and without strength at all; but with the grace of God, I hope we can move on, "replied the doctor, with a little cough and flu.

«We are fine, with the grace of God, but the most important thing is that our children are fine and in perfect condition; so much so that they no longer want to live in the city again, "answered one of them, of the people who lived in the forest.

"Sorry to interrupt this conversation, doctor, but we have to go to the forest now," replied one of them, of the people who lived in the forest.

"Ok, go back to the forest, but don't forget to come to visit us, if you need anything and for our children to spend more time together because my children miss their children," said the doctor.

"Ok doctor, and we will take that into account," replied one of them, of the people who lived in the forest.

In the forest, they were talking about the possibility of their children going to the city to spend more time with their friends' children.

At first, they disagreed, because the city has too much pollution; but little by little, they understood that the happiness of their children is the most important thing for them.

They understood that children must make the final decision about whether to go to the city. The children agreed to see them again, but not to go to town.

So, among the adults, they decided that the children should go to the forest, and they did. In the beginning, it was difficult for them to be in the forest because they were already used to the city; but little by little, they enjoyed being more in the forest than in the city.

The elders did not understand the change of children wanting to spend more time in the forest than in the city; After talking to them, they understood that the only magic that existed in the forest is nothing more and nothing less than the magic of life created by God.


Love your neighbor above all things and love what God has given us.