
The idea that started it all

*WARNING: this has like no proper grammar as I am pretty sure I wrote this when I was half asleep, but it's also helpful to get an understanding of the original idea and how things have changed. Someone recently told me that others might find the original idea interesting so here you go*

When Danny went into the ghost portal he doesn't get ghost powers, it was more than that.

He died

And A mixture between the ectoplasm and the electricity brought him back.

The ghost zone, The infinite realms, or the Underworld as some call it is the home of many spirits some similar and some different but all unique.

Unlike Vlad Who became a half ghost from ectoplasmic radiation being thrown in his face ,Danny had the whole essence of the ghost zone run through his veins.

After the deed was done Danny became a child of its own. Not just in the sense of him being partially a ghost but his ectoplasmic signature.

The ectoplasm in his DNA match's that of the ghost zone.

While the ruler of the ghosts may have been dark pariah The king of the land the ruler of the underworld is Hades himself.

The zone and it's entirety is him so when Danny died and ectoplasm over took his DNA and he became it's child.

Replacing the genes of Dannys human parents was the DNA of hades.

Danny never told anyone that he didn't make it out to the portal alive so they had no reason to suspect that anything except for the powers that he received had changed.

Overtime some differences became noticeable

Danny stop aging never growing a single millimeter more than what he was before he went in.

It takes a long time for people to notice including his friends and family. Danny was the first one to notice. To combat anyone realizing something was wrong he started putting different insoles into his shoes to make him appear taller.

All ghost feel at ease in the ghost zone but Danny for some odd reason felt drawn to go there. Once he stepped through the portal it was like all of the weight on his shoulders disappeared. It was almost as if the ectoplasm around him was comforting him in a giant hug.

Overtime he started to sneak into the portal during the middle of the night just to drift along to feel at peace.

It was slowly becoming the only place that felt like home.

The Fentons, his human parents while they loved and cared about his human half the other they despised. It made staying in the house every day a chore, and slowly over time he became uncomfortable staying there without Jazz being home.

The weapons that they made had an odd effect around him. While they were able to detect that he was a ghost they were never able to pinpoint his signature making it so that the weapons were never able to target him.

After the accident was done and the reoccurring dreams of his death started to cease he started to have dreams that he could hardly ever remember. They were normally of a voice trying to reassure him thought everything was going to be okay other times the voice was urging him to follow it.

It took about the six month mark for Danny to try to find the voice. He chose a weekend where everyone was going to be busy and slipped into the ghost zone.

He found himself being pulled farther and farther in until he was pass everything that was familiar going even farther than the far frozen to a castle that was hidden away.

The castle was made from dark obsidian stone that seemed to be glowing in a pale silver light. When Danny went up to the Castle gates they swung open before him allowing him entry before he even got the chance to knock.

The presence that has been in his dreams he could feel them now calling come forward and into the castle.

He entered the castle through its front door that had also opened for him and down through a doorway that was open for him. Eventually he had made his way to the throne room which seated a tall black haired Man with glowing dark green eyes that almost appeared black.

Something about the man felt familiar, felt right, felt safe, and there was something about him that made him feel like a small child again.

It could've been the man's height or maybe The aura that surrounded him that made it so Danny was speechless.

He had originally planned to interrogate him about why he was in his dreams but now all he could do is stare at the impressive figure.

The man gave him a warm inviting smile instructing him to come further in to the room.

The man asked him to follow into a less formal setting. In the room was a couple of red plush couches along with a coffee table that sat on top a rug and a fireplace with bookshelves

running down the walls.

A servant brought them refreshments and they started their talk.

Hades introduces himself and explains that he is the ruler of the zone, the underworld and that they were sitting in his palace.

Danny had a feeling that the Greek pantheon was real since his first interaction with Pandora but the fact that he was sitting across from the king of the underworld was shocking.

Danny went on and asked why he was in his dreams, and why he was trying to contact him.

Hades went along and said that it was due to the way he died. He explains the melting of his human DNA and how his own became infused with his making Danny his child.

He explained that It didn't mean that Maddie or Jack were any less his parents than he but the reality of the matter is that he now had three parents two humans and one otherworldly.

(Jack 1/4 Maddie 1/4 Hades 1/2)

Due to The change in Danny's DNA he is now considered biologically a ghostly demigod. Unlike normal demigods he has the DNA of his godly parent making his abilities stronger than a normal child of the big three. Part of Danny's DNA ( ectoplasm) is literally the underworld which ties Danny to it. His human DNA has mutated as well due to the now godly influence turning him into a being like no other.

A living- ghost demigod.

Due to the mixture of the ectoplasm turning him into a ghost and the shock of the godly essence that went into him when he was electrocuted he is no longer human. While his human side has not changed appearance (yet) his ghostly side will slowly change in appearance to model after Hades.

Since he is already dead he Is no longer mortal and will live forever as long as he is not killed in battle. If Danny was ever heavily hurt and manage to come back into the ghost zone The ectoplasm of the zone would heal him Remarkably fast leaving him to live another day.

Due to the way that Danny became a Ghost he will mature differently as a demigod.

All things related to the realm of the dead came surprisingly very easy to him but the other aspects of his new abilities as a demigod we're a lot harder. The abilities that he had gained so far as a ghost unknowingly to Danny were only the beginning.

The longer he lives and practices with his abilities they will continue to become stronger and more versatile. Overtime the abilities of a demigod and a ghost will combine creating abilities only known to himself.

When all the explanations are done Danny has no way of denying the facts that we're put in front of him but needed time to think before they continue doing anything else.

Danny is warned that now that he knows others Will slowly become informed of Danny's new parentage and he will have to become prepared for what that will mean.

That means a royal title, becoming a prince, new family , and creating another home.

Danny returns to the world of the living and decides to keep all this new information to himself. Danny's friends can tell that something is up with their friend but they are unable to get anything out of him.

Danny who is unwilling to tell them a lie tells them a half truth. That he met someone in the ghost Zone And that he is trying to figure out how he wants to proceed.

While he is against making them a enemy he doesn't know if he wants to make them a friend or remain neutral and that he has been pondering his decision.

Soon after he decides to give him a shot and their new tentative relationship begins.

Next chapter