
Woes and doubts...

Wither has my love gone?

Leaving me on the cold streets,

on a freezing winter night...

Will i pull free of the grasp that bounds us closer together?

Or be a slave to love forever?

Will i have to reap what fate has sowed?

Or can i leave to open air?

Break free of the chains that weigh me down...

Laugh in the face of love and leave what draws me only closer?

Or will fate pull my strings till i break?

The bird that sings will sing till they are no more.

So will the cry for love i sing in the bright moonlight...

Shadows seem to dance and taunt me

But i am the same as them...

I am bound to him as he is bound to me until the moon has risen

it is only then i am free from his grasp.

But how long will the moon last

nothing last forever...

