
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs

Tickle You To Death!

It was midnight, about twelve and half. The weather is rather cold and the sky didn't have any stars. It looked as if it was about to get heavy rain, but from last night until now, the supposed rain never come. It was as if the weather was just fooling around, but didn't actually possessed any intention to get the rain descended to the earth. What a playful weather!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A flurry footsteps could be heard walking toward the shop. Among the one hundred or so group of the masked-men, only the leader and about twenty or thirty of his subordinates entered to the shop, whereas the rest were waiting outside and kept guard on the surrounding and situation.

The leader immediately observed the peoples inside, and so as the subordinates. When they looked around, they looked so confused to find that everyone were busy eating something 'strange' but possessed a very good and alluring fragrant. They were even fighting over those things. What were those things? Why were they so fragrant? They felt their stomach suddenly grumbled and was very hungry.

The human, the members of the Wild Boar Tribe, the members of the Tiger Race who were now became the employees of the shop, as well as the sudden intruders, were now looking at each other. Looking at the venomous gazes of the intruders, the original audiences at the shop instantly kept their guard on. To be precise, what they guarded were their meals, the noodles and the omelets. They were afraid that the intruders would snatched their delicious food from them.

Looking at how her customers guarded their food to that extent, Marissa was at a loss as she didn't know wether to laugh or cry. She sifted her gaze to the intruders and suddenly narrowed her eyes? Where did this bunch of man come from? Were they going to create troubles at her shop? How dare they!

'Heh, I will get everything whatever there on this shop after I finish my mission.' The leader thought inwardly as he swallowed his saliva to contain and held back his sudden hunger. He then looked around and instantly found his target. It was actually Uncle Huth. Marissa suddenly connected this intruders with the Second Elder of the Tiger Tribe. Someone who badly wanted to eliminate Uncle Huth will possessed a high possibility to be related to Second Elder. But, the other possibilities couldn't be rule out too.

'Was this bunch of men really related to Second Elder?' Marissa observed carefully but didn't immediately took action. Instead, she was conversing with Mr. Angel on how to punish this intruders. Although Mr. Angel said she only need to make the order, and then the system would immediately took action, but Marissa never tried it before, so she wasn't sure what would it be like to punish the intruders.

At this moment, Mr. Angel suddenly showed something on the system's interface. Marissa observed closely and found that the name of the things was 'Punishment Wheel'. This thing could work automatically as long as the one who made orders were Marissa and the individuals who were allowed by her or loyal to her. The moment the order to punish someone or a group of intruders, the wheel would automatically rotated and stopped after three seconds. This kind of punishment could be suspended. For example, Marissa could draw the punishment first now, but it would only descend later on when she gave the order.

There was also a default punishment which was to get struck by lightning. This type of punishment would descended the moment the order was given and didn't need to make a random draw on the 'Punishment Wheel'. Actually this wheel thing was only for amusement and didn't contribute much for Marissa. But, it would be very interesting to try any sort of punishment for the villains, right?

There were many weird punishments on the wheel, such as poured by unlimited buckets of cold water, getting tickled, feeling itchy all over the body, getting bitten by a group of ants, forced to cry, getting hit by some random things, and so on. Marissa felt puzzled. Would this kind of punishments be capable to really 'punish' the villains? Why were they all so weird? Forget it! Let's draw! Marissa didn't see what the result of the draw as she need to find out first what the intention of this masked-men.

"Hello customers, how may I help you? If you want to order something, they would be served soon, but if you guys want to make troubles here, please leave immediately or you would regret it too late." Marissa said as a faint smile plastered over her red lips. She walked leisurely to the main seat on the shop, then sat her butt on without caring for anything.

The moment Marissa, no, to be precise her clone, spoke that sentences, the attention of everyone, including the group of intruders were shifted to her.

"Hm? Who are you?" The leader asked. Why would this girl be so bold to speak to him when the Old Tiger didn't even speak a word, yet? Who is this person? Was she stupid? Or was she some kind of expert? The gazes of everyone seemed to be very respectful toward her? Even the Old Tiger looked at her with reverent? The leader was puzzled after observing everyone's face.

"Hehehe, Boss, don't be rude to a girl. Look at her, although she was not really that beautiful, but her looks actually very pleasing to the eyes. After we finish our mission, please spare this girl and let us brothers to enjoy ourselves?" Suddenly someone from the group of subordinates spoke in a very disgusting manner as he licked his lips frivolously and eyeing Marissa's clone who was now in disguised, with a gaze full of lust.

Marissa looked at that person who suggested the idea coldly. How dare this random fatty spouted nonsense?

"I will repeat it once again. Do you want to leave this place peacefully, or do you want me to make you regret for coming here?" Marissa looked at them coldly.

"Beauty, don't be so cold. Come, let this brother warm you up." The fatty snickered as he didn't stop licking his lips in a very disgusting manner. "Beauty, please..."

The leader suddenly cut the words which was about to come out of that fatty. He looked at Marissa as he squinted his eyes dangerously. "I would like to see how you make us regret. Come, let's charge together!" He waved his hand as he gave a signal to his subordinate to attack all the peoples at the shop.

Suddenly, Marissa muttered something. "Descend..."


There was a loud sound as if something exploded, before numerous laughing were heard. Each of the intruders suddenly laughed so hard while begging and cursing to stop the tickles. Apparently, when Marissa drew on the wheel, the punishment she got for that bunch of intruders was... 'getting tickled'.

"Hahahaha, stop, stop, stop, ba*tard, how dare you, hahahaha damn it! I said stop it. Hahaha..."

"It's so tickled. I can't hold on anymore, hahahaha... Darn, which son of b*tch did this petty trick. Come out, hahahaha don't be a coward and hiding in the dark! Hahaha..."

"Arghhhh, please, no, oh, hahahha it's so tickled. My whole body got tickled. Who did it? Hahahaha, fudge, you dare to play with this lord, hahaha..."

"My feet, hahaha, no no no, not there, my armpit, hahaha, it's so tickled, it's so tickled, hahaha..."



All the twenty or thirty enemies who entered the shop, including the leader, were now experiencing an extreme tickles. They were brawling on the floor, running here and there, hugging their bodies, and so on. All the activities which were mentioned was followed by a sound of laughing. The said they felt tickled all over their bodies. Because of that, they couldn't fight anymore. Everytime they tried to fight, they would stopped because of their bodies were being tickled by an unknown force. They couldn't even held their swords anymore in a proper way. The moment they want to fight using their swords, the sword would fall down.

At this moment, the original audiences also joining in the fun after a brief moment of confused. They pointed their fingers on the villains as they laughed and clutched their stomach. They were feeling so amused.

"Hahaha, what happened to them? Why are they laughing like that?"

"Don't you hear what they said? They said they felt so tickled."

"I heard that, but who did that? Who tickled them? Are they crazy or what?"

"How could I know? Apparently, there is something bizarre about it."

"Is there an expert here? The expert punish this villain by tickling them silently?"

"Are you all stupid? Isn't it clear that the expert is the Miss here? Didn't you hear what she said prior to this? She said she would make them regretting their decision." Someone who was smart enough and could think faster reminded the crowd.

"Ah, you're right. I also heard it. The Miss is really funny, eh. She could even think about this kind of punishment. How amusing!"

"The miss didn't do it directly. She actually could do something like that to the intruders without even moving a bit from her chair. How strong!"

The audiences started to chatter around. They were ridiculing the intruders while praising Marissa as a benevolent expert. Instead of killing them, she actually got them the feeling of being tickled.

The intruders who overheard the conversation suddenly wanted to vomit blood. Benevolent, my a*s! It's not a common tickling, you know?! We feel like we're gonna die soon if this continue on! They wanted to curse, but they sounded like they were just joking, because every time they finished cursing, or in the middle of their cursing, they would suddenly laugh so hard, so their swears and cursing became a joke. The audiences also laughed really hard as a result.

Marissa looked at the leader. He was the only one who didn't laugh at all. But his face was now turning black and green as if he was having a great constipation. He seemed to hold himself so hard not to laugh. As a result, he was now standing stiffly, trembling non-stop while his mouth was bulging, resembled a person who was suffering from mumps after being infected by paramyxovirus on the salivary gland.

Looking at the pathetic situation of the leader, Marissa suddenly laughed so hard while slapping her thigh several times. "Look at him! Look at the man over there! Hahaha..." She pointed toward the leader and everyone instantly shifted their gaze toward the direction which Marissa pointed at. Right after that, all the audiences instantly laughed so hard. The scene was so amusing.

"Damn! He looks like he need to relieve himself in the toilet. Hahaha..."

"I guess he might be having a hard time. Look at his face, it's turning interchangeably between black and green."

"So pitiful..."

Everyone continued to laugh. But the enemies and the audiences were laughing with two different reasons. The enemies were laughing because they were being tickled by a mysterious force while the audiences were laughing because of the miserable condition that the enemies were on.


Outside of the shop...

After noticing the situation of their comrades were not good, they instantly got alarm. They rushed to enter the shop and shouted. "Boss, what happened?"

But, the moment they entered the shop, they instantly experiencing the same treatment as their comrades. They started to laugh furiously and spoke incoherently.

"Let's get out of here first." The leader suddenly shouted with a trembling voice. Right after saying that, he hurriedly went out of the shop, followed by his subordinates.

When they got outside, the feeling of being tickled instantly vanished miraculously. They sighed in relief, while some of them even slamming their self to the ground. The feeling of being tickled to extreme really felt very uncomfortable. Not only uncomfortable, they even felt like they were going to die if this was to be continued. Sure enough, when they looked to the shop again, not all of their comrades came out of the shop. There were about ten or so of their comrades who were laying on the shop's floor. It was unknown whether they only got fainted or already gone forever.

"Boss, what should we do? What about them?" One of the subordinates asked as he pointed toward his comrades who were currently still inside the shop, laying like a dead dogs.

"We couldn't enter the shop now. Let's think of a way." The Leader waved his hand helplessly, feeling so much stressed.

"Boss, let's destroy this shop. If we can't beat them, we should at least destroy their possession." One of the subordinates suggested.

"Alright. Just give it a try." The Leader also couldn't think of a way, yet, so he agreed upon his subordinate's suggestion.


The bunch of masked-men shortly got into action as they brandished their weapon valiantly, intending to destroy the shop.

"Brother, charge!" A man who seemed to be a Deputy Leader of the group led the group on their mission to exterminate the shop.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Clang! Clang! Clang!

Various weapons were used to stab to the shop building for a very short period of time. But, the result was...

"Brother, there is something wrong." One of the intruder suddenly said amid their happy moment to destroy the shop.

"Look at this. There is nothing happen no matter how many times or how strong we sway our sword. This building didn't budge at all. Heh, not to mention whether it would budge an inch, there is not even a tiny scratch on it or a sound of something being broken or destroyed." The other comrade said incredulously.

"What should we do? What kind of shop is this?"

"What kind of person who would possess this type of shop?"

"This shop is very strange..."

"Boss, what should we do? We couldn't do anything to the shop either."

After being tired of their action to destroy the shop but got no result, the subordinates were feeling frustrated. Their last hope laid only on their boss. If even their boss couldn't do anything, what the heck they supposed to do?


"How is it? Do you still want to make trouble here? You even want to destroy my shop? How dare you! Do you know that I still need to make money with this shop, um no, I mean, do you know the consequence if you don't scram now?" Marissa came out of the shop and looked coldly at the bunch of villains.

"Woman, don't be so cocky!" The leader turned angry because he couldn't do anything. He then suddenly realized something. This woman always stayed at this shop since the very beginning, and seemed to love the shop so much like it was some kind of valuable treasure. Could it be that the power laid on the shop, when in reality, she couldn't fight head on with them? If so... Thinking about the possibility, the eyes of the leader suddenly glinted indiscernibly.

"Fight me head on if you dare! Don't just hide in your little shop and act like a mighty being, when in reality you are just a coward." The Leader started to provoke Marissa.

Hearing that provocation, Marissa sneered. "So, what if I'm a coward? What if I hide inside my shop? It's my shop anyway, not your shop." Marissa said shamelessly.

The Leader gritted his teeth in annoyed after hearing what Marissa said. Shameless! Which expert would say something like that? She actually admitted that she was a coward without feeling any shame? That hateful woman!

"Fine. I'll see how long you would stay inside your shell. I can't believe you would stay inside forever." The Leader said as he tried so hard to contain his anger. When did he ever got into this kind of situation? He felt so ashamed, especially when he remembered that a moment ago, he was forced to a terrible state because of the tickling incident.

"No need to wait. No body got time for that. Let me send you all into the afterlife." Marissa snorted. "Punishment, descend once again..." She muttered softly.

Right after that...


"Hahahahaha... Stop it, stop it, wait, arghhhh..."

The sound of laughing from before came back again. But, this time, it wasn't only a tickling phenomena, but also a loud boom of thunder. At this moment, the enemies were laughing while also getting struck by lightning. After a short period of time, there were already many roasted human laying on the ground, lifeless.

"Heheheh, I'm gonna tickle you to death." Marissa laughed happily. "How dare you wreck-havoc in my place? Do you think I'm a chicken who was easily to be bullied?"



Will all the masked-men died at the end of the day?

A. Yes, sure

B. No, some of them would still alive because Marissa still wanted to question them

C. The leader would successfully escape alone

D. The enemies will be rescued by a mysterious person

E. No one above are correct