
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs

System Upgrade

"Ah, this thing is actually quite miraculous?"

"Old Rao, what do you feel? Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, I feel so much better now. Just a moment ago, I feel like death is just an inch away from me. I thought there would be no chance for me to live anymore, but this pill actually could resolve the situation."

"Brother Malau, you've been freed. The curse is gone now."

"I know, it's all thanks to this Miss here. The pill she made is really like a magic. It can even destroy a curse that had been hunting the citizens since twenty years ago."

"Sigh... We could finally see the light from now on. As long as we could get our hand on this pill, we wouldn't need to be afraid of the Demon Barbarians anymore."


Peoples started to praise the pill and the one who made it. They sang a song of praises every now and then. Even though Marissa told them that it was only temporarily, they were still delighted after a short period of disappointment. At least, they still have a chance to live from now on compared to before where they felt really helpless. Moreover, the price was not so exaggerated even though it's not cheap either. Marissa said that she gave them the pills for free now, but next time, she will charge 100 coppers per pill.

Although Marissa treated them with the pills now, her points were not diminished, because unlike when treated the members of the Tiger Race with a cup of coffeé each, whereas the coffeé materials were coming from the system, the ingredients for pills were found by her own effort and not given by the system, and also, the pills were made by her, so her points were still intact.

At this moment, after all that happened prior to this, peoples didn't feel afraid to side with Marissa anymore. They also began to order and buy the coffeé. When there was one person who lead the way to purchase the coffeé, everyone in the shop finally bought the coffeé too. This made Marissa's mission in finding five customers was completed just like that. Heh, she didn't just complete it, but utterly completed it in a way that earned her 294 customers at once.

Moreover, the number of customers still imcreased, even though it wasn't that much. Anyway, where did she get the the coffeé beans to make coffeé? Of course, it was on the way when she was gathering the ingredients to make the pills.

There were even peoples who tried to get closed with Marissa. But, because they knew Marissa was the boss and it would be hard to get casual with her, they started to approach Prince Anusapati and the members of the tiger races, including Uncle Huth.

Well, it's not that Marissa wanted to put on air and distanced herself from the masses, but she had many things to do now, and didn't have so much time to entertain the guests. Moreover, there were the members of the tiger race in this little shop of hers, as well as Prince Anusapati who unexpectedly very good at business and social affairs, so why not putting them to handle the problems instead of wasting her time that she could possibly use to learn many things as well as increasing her personal strength?


Inside one of the room of the little shop...

"Have you really thought about it?" Marissa asked worrily. Well, she wasn't actually sure why she felt worry.

When they arrived at the shop a while ago, Arya Kamandhanu told her that he will go alone to do his missions. Although she told him that she will help him in subduing the tigers, Kamandhanu insisted to go. He also told her that he had something to do other than doing his missions issued by the Emperor. He said It would be dangerous, so he told her to just stay here in this shop as he didn't want to endanger her life.

Marissa couldn't persuade him. She also knew that a man like him also had his own pride, especially he was also labeled as a hero of the era. He wouldn't want other peoples to do his jobs or missions on his behalf, especially it was a woman. He wanted to do everything with his own effort. So, that's why he told her to stay safe at the shop and don't wander around. Although he didn't know her real strength yet, but he had observed the shop for a while and find out that even with his full strength, he couldn't created even a tiny scratch on the shop. Such a strong building! After Marissa told him that the shop had a security mechanism that was capable to expel or even kill the intruders, he finally felt relief to leave her alone.

And so, in this afternoon, Arya Kamandhanu left the shop. There was no one knew where he went and what he was going to do. The only thing that Marissa could do was believe in him that he will come back soon. Anyway, Marissa haven't got any particular or special feeling for him. So, she didn't feel that sad with this separation, but of course, it didn't mean that she wanted to separate with him, because in this foreign world, only Kamandhanu and Prince Anusapati that she could trust. So, she actually hoped that the three of them could be always together, especially when she was not that familiar yet with this world.


Marissa looked outside and saw that the members of the wild boar tribe had been able to adapt with the environment and the members of the tiger tribe. They lived in harmony now as they sipped their own coffeés and were chattering around. Marissa then felt reassured after making sure that there was no trouble. She also told Uncle Huth and Prince Anusapati to sell the remaining coffeés. As of now, there were still about five hundred portions of coffeé beans that could be used to make five hundred cups of coffeés.

In the underground chamber...

Marissa's chicken body laying down on a soft mattress while her puppet clone sat motionlessly beside her. Because her clone wasn't made of original flesh and bones, it didn't need to cultivate. It's cultivation followed Marissa's original body's. Currently, she was planning to do meditation, learning medicines, or working hard to master her skills. Before starting her agendas, she subconsciously opened her system's interface.

Eh? Why couldn't she open the system? What happened? She then asked Mr. Angel and immediately got the answer.

[The system is now undergoing an upgrade, please wait for a while]

"How long it will take? I'm curious about the rewards for the second mission." Marissa asked. Second mission here referred to the second main mission.

[About six hours]

"Woah, that long?" Actually it's not that long, Marissa knew that some programs or technologies on Earth sometimes need that much time or even longer than that. But because she wanted to know her rewards so badly, she felt that it was very long. "Alright, I will meditate for now while waiting for the system to finish it's upgrade." She decided to just meditate after knowing the situation.

One minute...

Two minutes...


One hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...


Six hours later...

Finally, the system's upgrade was over.

[System's upgrade is complete]

[System is now restarting the program of Nusantara V.02, please wait for a while...]

One minute later...

[Ding! Congratulation for the Host! The Nusantara System is successfully upgraded into a new version : V.02]

[Ding!The program has been restarted]

[Host now could gain back her access to the system]


[Ding! Congratulation to the host for successfully completing the second mission]

[Rewards has been sent directly to the system's inventory]

[Does Host want to check the rewards?]

Hearing so many notifications from the system, Marissa woke up shortly afterward from her meditation. Of course, she wanted to check her reward. She had been anticipating it from the start. "Yes." She answered.


It's a Treasure Chest [Large] again!

A blinding light surrounded the chest while it shook violently.

Kacha! The Treasure Chest [Large] was opened successfully!

[Ding! Congratulation for the Host to obtain the rewards]

[The rewards are: Increase in strength by three small realms, 3 chances of <teleportation>, 3 chances of <transformation>, 2 <magical bead>, 1 <Invisible group>, 1 <puppet>, 5 <Soul Revitalization Pill>, 1 set of complete <Super Rice Miling Machines>, 1 set of <Cooking Utensils>, and 1 <Master Warrior Pill>]

[Item <Super Rice Milling Machines> : A complete set of machines use to process paddy into rice. This set of machines consisted of Super Paddy Cleaner, Dehusking or Sheller, Husk Separator, Rice Whitener, Rice Cleaner, Rice Multi Grading, Colour Sortex, and many other detailed functions]

[Item <Cooking Utensils> : A set of cooking tools, consisted of 1 wok, 1 pan, 1 stove, 1 knife, and several plates, bowls, cups, spoons, and forks]

[Item <Master Warrior Pill> : A pill that was used to breakthrough to Second Stage, Master Warrior]


Right after that, Marissa felt a surge of energy and she instantly leveled up to Warrior Dan-9. How convenient! But, Marissa knew that it was only at the earlier time that the system helped her to breakthrough easily. The higher the level of the cultivation, the more difficult it would be.

She looked for a while at the rewards and didn't feel surprise anymore. The system seemed to encourage her to do many things, such as doing business, learning medical, and even forming her own army. If the system was to give her many other machines in the future, she wouldn't feel that surprise anymore.

Super Rice Milling Machine? The system wanted her to open a paddy field and later on proceed it to become a high quality rice, before trading it on a large scale, and even got into the international stage?

'Such a big goal, could I do that?' Marissa thought. She knew that in this era, peoples didn't feel that concern about rice or many other farming products, because the amount of paddy, rice, coffeé beans, coconuts, and many other type of grains were so high. The process was also very simple and didn't need any machines. Peoples in this era didn't start yet to produce rice in a big scale, so there was no need for a huge and sophisticated machines like what happened in the modern Earth.

Marissa looked again at the rewards and got speechless. Did the system also want her to be a cook? Aiyah, should she really learn all those things? To be at the peak really need extra hard in working and learning!

'Fine. I won't grumble. No matter what, with all those machines and tools, I could earn more money and then I will be able to live in luxury. Heheheh...' Marissa was quite pleased after thinking about money. 'I will definitely work hard.' She thought inwardly, building up her determination.


After checking her rewards and whatever there on her inventory, she looked around the system and found many things that were new and fresh. The colour and looks of the system also became more attractive to look. There were many new functions and features.



Marissa was pulled into the system, not only her soul, but her physical form was also now inside the system. Marissa was so amazed. Inside the world of the system, Marissa could change her form as she wish, whether she wanted to become human or chicken. At this moment, Marissa walked around to observe and touch many things inside.

"What is that?" Marissa suddenly stopped when she saw a white colour door with a golden light shimmering on it's surface.

[It is a cultivation room with an accelerated time]

"Wow, can I go there now?" Marissa was excited. It's the legendary cultivation room that every main characters in the stories usually possessed and helped them to cultivate faster. Although some of them didn't possess that kind of cultivation room, they usually possessed a special realm or independent space and world with an accelerated times that could be used by them to cultivate. Thinking about that, Marissa felt so happy. Her cultivation journey could finally see the light.

[Not yet]

[Host could unlock the room when Host has already breakthrough to the second realm, Master Warrior]

"Oh? I see... I'll work hard then to get a breakthrough as soon as possible." Although a bit disappointed, but Marissa was even more determined to cultivate diligently.

Marissa looked around again and found that the appearance of the system became more refreshing to the eyes. The shop in the system was arranged neatly, and there was also 'Lucky Wheel' that could be used to draw good items, skills, money, privilege, and trash items. The last thing she saw which underwent a change was her profile outlook. Prior to this, her profile only consisted of name, race, and level of cultivation. Now though, there were many more additional information and statistic chart.

She looked at her information and started to get dizzy. She was imagining how many things she should do or learn in the future after seeing all the numbers and datas.


Name of Host : Marissa Nasution

Race : Heavenly Chicken (?)

Tittle : -

Cultivation : Warrior Dan-9

Occupation: - Level 1 Apothecary

Specific Information:

1. Charisma : 12/187,500 (Click to see tittles*)

2. Politic : 0/187,500 (Click to see tittles*)

Number of alliances: -

Number of organisation: -

Number of territories : -

3. Wisdom/Intelligence : 1860/187,500 (Click to see tittles*)

Medical Knowledge/Skill : Level 1 (Click for more information*)

Reading points : 1660

4. Business : 379/187,500 (Click to see tittles*)

5. Skills : 1400/187,500 (Click for more information*)

Normal skill : <Chicken Claw> Level 1, Earth Stage (Click for more information*)

Secret Skill : 1. <Dream and Illusion> Level 3, Earth Stage (Click for more information*)

2. <Invisible> Level 3, Earth Stage (Click for more information*)

Auxiliary Skill : <Divine Senses> : -

6. Meditation : 350/187,500 (Click for more information*)

7. Mission points : 275 (Click for more information*)

8. Strength : 4276/24,000 (Click for more information*)


Below the information were two big circles. The first circle was divided into seven parts in which each part was written with the words charisma, politic, wisdom or intelligence, business, skills, meditation, and mission points. Whereas the second circle was only written with one word : strength.

After reading for a while, Marissa could concluded that the total points of the seven categories would be added together, resulting in the total amount of points on the 'strength' section. Then, the total amount of points on the 'Strength' category will decide the cultivation level of the Host.

On the 'strength' category, there was this number '4276/24,000', which means Marissa needed to accumulate more points until it reached 24,000. When the amount of this points was successfully obtained, Marissa would then be able to breakthrough into the realm of Master Warrior. The amount of points that needed to obtain will get increased by multiple times the higher the cultivation realms of Marissa.


Quizz :

What could be possibly the next main mission Marissa had to do?

A. Selling 1000 cups of coffeé

B. Open up a rice field

C. Selling 100 Kg of rice

D. Cooking noodles

E. No one above are correct