
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs

I Become A Chicken?

Modern Earth, June 2020...

"... During this Corona Pandemic, we hope you could stay safe at home and decrease outdoor activities in order to avoid being infected. Health is the most precious one in the entire life time. I'm Lewis Sinaga, thank you for watching 'World in News'. Stay home, stay safe, and see you next time." The news anchor closed his news immediately while smiling warmly to the audiences at home who were supposed to watch.


"Hoammm, Corona is everywhere, when will all of this gonna end? I can't even look for job now. I've become a freeloader at my own house for four months straight after my college's graduation... Haish, Dad's gonna scold me again." Marissa Nasution yawned lazily on the white-cream, cozy couch, while watching the news without the slightest bit of interested in.

Suddenly, a cute and innocent voice, mix with a bit of resentment came approached. "Big sister, Big Sister, please help me... Lily's got a homework from the teacher at school." The voice yelled loudly as if to announce her difficulty to the world.

"Oh, Little Bun-bun, here you are. What difficulty you have there. Come tell this Big Sister. Math, Physic, English, Astronomy..., it's easy! Big Sister could solve them in a second. Heheheheh..." Marissa said smugly while twirling her hair, laying lazily on the couch like a pig.

"Ahh, Big sister is the best!" Lily praised. "But, Lily's homework is not about those all..." She pouted.

"Then, what is it? Is it art? Although Big sister wasn't an expert at art, she still could draw a beautiful scenery for you." Marissa was still laying on the couch, not moving at all.

"No...!" Lily pouted again. "It's History... The History of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara." She explained.

"Oh, it's just history. It's a piece of c... Wait, what? You said history? No way! I'm not gonna help you in this field. Go find father." Marissa immediately refused without thinking any further.

'My History score is not even up to standard, how can I help you? I can't even help myself. Arghhh, history is a nightmare!' Marissa grumbled.

'When we can look forward to the future, why should we look backward to the past?'

'Isn't it a waste?' Marissa sighed and tried to justify as well as to depend herself for being lack in history's knowledge.

"But, but... Father tell me to ask you. He has a lots of work to finish, so he told me to find you." Lily said grudgingly.

"No means no! I'm not gonna help you, alright! I'd rather solve one hundred math's problems than talking about history." Marissa remained in her principle to not touch the thing called 'history'.

"Let's move on, okay? Why should we think about the past? Isn't it hurt?" At this point, she realized that her life is actually very plain. She never even got a boyfriend, what 'move on' is she talking about? She suddenly wanted to mock herself.

'Haha!' She laughed in self-deprecatingly.

"But, Big Sister..." Lily looked at Marissa with a sad face, making Marissa to feel bad for her.

But, Marissa really hate to read the history books. "If there are many handsome characters in the history book, I would consider to read it, although it's super boring..." She mumbled.

"Alright, let me have a look first." Marissa finally relented and wanted to have a try first, so as to not make Little Bun-bun feeling sad.

Just as she reached out her hand to take that history books, there was suddenly a big explosion followed by an earthquake.

Boom! Boom!

A big explosions could be heard clearly from the nearby site. The earthquake was also getting bigger, and the volcanic explosion was getting louder. The sounds of screams from the peoples could be heard from outside of the house. Many peoples were running for their life. The government officers nearby tried to pacify the situation, but to no avail.

In a short period of time, many buildings and trees were already destroyed. Some peoples were unconscious. It was still unknown whether they were just fainted from fright or already gone for good.

"Oh God, what's happening? Is it really a volcanic eruption? What's more, there's also a big earthquake." Marissa got panic. She suspected that the huge explosion was coming from the activity of Sinabung Mountain. Why was it suddenly become active and produce big explosions without signs and any prior notices?

Nevertheless, she knew she shouldn't be panic at all so as to avoid doing any mistakes. "Lily, come here! Big Sister will protect you!"

She ran so fast to reach the place where Lily was being bounced off because of the sudden great movement of the earth slabs and of the explosions.

However, when she was just a feet a away from Lily, she felt her sight was being blurry. In that instant, she was blacken out, and fell into a great oblivion.


Unknown World...

"Go go go... I bet for the scarlet hen. It's feathers are so beautiful. It's legs and claws look very strong, too. I bet my 50 copper coins for it."

"Heh, only 50 coppers and you are already so proud of yourself? I bet 100 coppers."

"I bet 200 coppers..."

"I, Big Bull, offer 500 coppers. Hahaha... I'm gonna win this bet for sure."

"Hey, Big Bull. Where the heck did you get that much money? Did you steal again?"

"Nonsense! I'm already change my way of life, alright! I did many miscellaneous task and run some errands for Prince Anusapati. I could afford that much money now."

"Woah, Big Bull has grown bigger."

The crowd laughed merrily, put their bet one by one, and started to teased each other. Suddenly, a loud voice could be heard from the crowd.

"I bet 200 silvers..."


The crowd instantly fell silent. For a few seconds, there was no one who dared to move even for a tiny bit. Everyone held their breath, afraid to offend the big-shot who just came now. Then, as if there was a silent code, everyone started to make way and opened a path for that certain big-shot.

At the end of the path, a handsome-looking young man was smiling mischievously to the crowd. His smile which was so charming but had a touch of evil grin on was enough to captivate and agitate every maiden's little heart. Noticing that everyone was making way for him, he nodded his head in satisfaction, then he started to walk slowly to the low tribunal which was already full of some other big-shots.

"Ah, that's Young Master Wiro." Someone exclaimed from the crowd.

"Eh, do you mean that Crazy Young Master, Wiro Sableng?"

"Sush, don't be so loud. He was an unpredictable figure. If he was in a bad mood, he will become crazy and beat you until you feel you have no will to live anymore."

"Ah? That scary?"

"Of course, haven't you heard the rumours around the state? He was an expert at Martial Art and become one of 'The Thirteen Heroes', so make sure you do and say nothing to offend him."

"But he's so handsome, don't you think so? Uwaahh, my heart beats so fast since the moment he appeared..."

"It's okay to have a crush on him, but don't do anything stupid, ya hear?"


Every kind of whispers could be heard vaguely from the crowds. Nevertheless, as the one who was being in the center of attention, Young Master Wiro couldn't be bothered at all and continued to make his way in a leisurely paces to the tribunal.


At the tribunal, many strong-holders and powerhouses, as well as honourable and famous figures had already gathered to watch and witness one of the famous event in the Singhasari State, which was held once every year to celebrate the Royal Banquet or State Banquet together with the common peoples and all the citizens of Singhasari. This banquet was the method used by the King of Singhasari to get closed and win the heart of the common peoples. One of the event that could be participated by everyone in the Royal Banquet was this 'Chicken-Fighting'.

"Heheh, our Crazy Young Master finally shows his nose. I thought he was being crazy again and went to the forest, hunting for the pitiful animals to his heart content." Someone from one of the tribunal's seats commented loudly.

"Oh, is that Young Master Arya Dwipangga? Our Scholarly Hero? How about we fight now? If you are not willing, just shut up and prepare to compose poem for His Majesty tomorrow at the palace." Wiro Sableng responded.

"Hmph, how arrogant!" Arya Dwipangga snorted. He felt so annoyed everytime he talked with the Crazy-Wiro. Nevertheless, he was someone who could never stopped his mouth from blabbering nonsense until he sees his own coffin. "If you want to fight, I guess my little brother could fight you, Young Master Wiro. Little Dhanu has got a breakthrough recently and I'm sure you both could fight head on. It could even be possible that my little brother could win over you."

"You really know how to provoke peoples and drive wedge between peoples, heh. You think I don't get what you're trying to say?" Wiro Sableng sneered. "Young Master Arya Kamandhanu would of course is better than you when it comes to fight. You better keep your-self safe and sound so you could still be a sweet talker for your little concubines."

"You..." He wanted to retorted, but then the eunuch from the palace suddenly announced the arrival of the Emperor and Empress.

"His Majesty the Emperor, and Her Majesty the Empress have arrived..."

Hearing that announcement, everyone began to kowtow simultaneously. From the members of Royal Family, Nobles, Honorable and Famous Figures, Heroes, Warriors, and all the citizens of Singhasari State was now kowtowing and bowing their head.

A handsome and beautiful couple slowly made their way to the main seat on the tribunal. The two most powerful individuals on the Singhasari State took their seats respectably and looking at all those peoples with a warm and amiable smiles.

"You all may rise..." The Emperor waved his hand, and all those peoples instantly rose slowly to their feet like a tidal wave.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"Long Live Your Majesty the Emperor. May you live a long and healthy life for thousands upon thousands of years..."

"Long Live Your Majesty the Emperess. May you live a long and healthy life for thousands upon thousands of years..."

"Long Live..."

"Long Live..."


"I'm very happy today because we all could be together to nurture a closed bounding and relationship among us here. To be able to celebrate this moment once every year is a joyous thing for me, and I hope it's the same thing for all of you. I hope, us, the citizens of Singhasari State could be always united in the light and in the darkness, in the sad and happy moment, in the bitter and sweet time. No matter what's your status and position, we will always be one big family forever. I, Ken Arok, the Emperor of Singhasari, will give a toast for you to celebrate this moment. Let's drink together, ladies and gentlemen!" The Emperor lifted his cup up in the air and scanned all the peoples in the crowd with his sharp eyes, and not forgetting to add a faint smile on his lips so as to look more friendly.

"For Singhasari..."

"For Singhasari..."

Everyone began to lift their cups up and prepare to drink their wine when the Emperor gave a signal.

"Began!" The Emperor shouted loudly.


Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

"Hahahaha it's so satisfying..." The Emperor finished his wine and laughed, followed by the ministers, officials, nobles, and then one by one everyone began to laugh, drowning in the lively atmosphere of this annual celebration.


Unknown to everyone, a small, black, lanky, and dirty hen which was standing, facing off against the scarlet hen, had been drooling over for sometimes. A small stream of saliva was drifting out from the corner of it's mouth, while looking with great enthusiasm to the arrival of Young Master Wiro and all the important audiences on the tribunal. It's pair of scarlet eyes were shining, sparkling, and twinkling like there were stars on them.

'Sh*t, how come there are so many handsome guys everywhere? Is there some kind of 'Beauty Pageant' event today?'

'Oh my, the guys over there, they are so unbelievably handsome! And that guy, his four abs, huwaahhhh, I'm dead...'

'Their smiles, their smirk, their pout, their clothes, their bearing, their shiny hairs, My God, they are all so heavenly handsome...'

'Now, I'm sure I've transmigrate, because I've never seen such a 'live' view on earth. I'm also sure that it's not a dream because I could clearly feel my body's a bit hurt and painful. My stomach is also grumbling from hunger...'

'Uh, I actually transmigrate into this wonderful world? My eyes must be blessed by God, heheheh...'

'The God must be pitying on me for not having a good and decent boyfriend when I'm on earth, that's why He sent me into this world so that I could pick my future husband from the rows of the handsome man over there in those tribunal. Hm? Yeah, that must be it!'

'Sigh, this is such a wonderful fate...'

'Well, let me see my appearance first. Have I transmigrate into a beauty that could topple a country? Or an abandoned girl who was actually a beauty but got schemed by her jealous enemies? Or a princess of the royal family?'

'Okay, let's see... First, there were black feathers, well... is it a type of clothes in this world? But, I feel there is something wrong. Let's look again! A pair of claws on the ground... Is-is it my legs? I have claws? What's on earth happen?'

"Cough, don't get panic! Calm down, calm down, please, Marissa!'

'Let's look again! Where is my hand? Hm? I feel that there were something on my back, flapping like a wing? I... This, what happen?'

'Had I become a bird? No, no, it doesn't feel right. I can't fly like a bird. Just, just let's take a look again. I should observe myself slowly and patiently. Well...Hm?'


Marissa widen her eyes, and she felt like she's been hit by a thousand bolt of lightning because the cruel reality that she had to face right now.

Am I dreaming? It must be wrong, right?

It can't be! This is impossible!

This is not true!