
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs

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It was half past four in the afternoon. The blue sky started to turn golden, the sun started to descend to the west, the group of black swallows were flying leisurely on top of the North Forest, flapping their wings in a carefree manner and humming a little song as if to tell everyone that night was about to descend once again into the world.

Looking from above, the North Forest was like heaven, whether it was for unintelectual animals, or for them who was born as spiritual creatures who do not only live simply for food, but also for glory, for power, for strength, for dreams, for ambitions, for prestige, and for the so called immortality. Gaining a long life till hundreds, thousands, and even millions generations of mortals was like a trophy for the immortality seekers in this life which in reality, isn't anything but illusion.

Why is that so? Because when the new epoch approach, everything would turned to ashes and the new life would started a fresh. The real eternal life could only happen after you successfully cross the bridge of death with the absolute steps.

Back to the situation in the North forest, the white clouds also turned reddish above, the blue mountain in which it's peak could be seen from afar as if it was about to touch the sky was turning darker. The weather is turning colder, and the light which came from the sun was turning dimmer.

The song of night from the crickets and frog began to echo in the surrounding!


Amid the beautiful heaven which was called as North Forest, a 'little' shop was standing elegantly among the rows of trees and branches. A few small lanterns hanging on the wooden pillars, radiated a dim yellow light, giving an impression of a serenity and tranquility.

Marissa Nasution. If she had no missions and worries in this world, as a person who is always in love with the wonder of natures and beautiful sceneries, she would love to live in this world, in this peaceful little hut, enjoying the sunset and flying swallows, as she compose poems to express her heart as she sipped her hot coffeé, to savor the sweet and bitter taste slowly, it would be even more wonderful... If there was a hotty beside her, well, like now!

Yes! The silver hair Barda, the blind-man with an unlimited charm, with an arrogant but cute grey monkey was sitting atop his shoulder, was now sitting in front of her and Kamandhanu, smiling like a devil, while sipping his coffeé in a sexy way as his adam apple was bobbing up and down when the almost black liquid of coffeé slided down his throat.

"This thing is nice..." He commented softly as he put down the porcelain cup on the wooden table.

The grey monkey jumped down from his shoulder with great agility and sat down on the wooden tool while also sipping it's own coffeé which just had been served by one of the tiger tribe's members. Marissa had instructed them on how to get the coffeé out of the machine. They easily understood because they only needed to press on the left faucet, then they will get a cup of coffeé.

"Pueh, pueh, pueh..." The grey monkey suddenly made a noise because the coffeé was too hot. He instantly sticked out his tongue and grumbled in an incoherent language.

"Slow down, you little monkey." Barda patted the monkey's back softly.

"What kind of drink is it?" The little monkey asked in annoyed. "The taste is very strange."

"Don't drink it if you don't like. Don't say lots of nonsenses." The silver hair Barda simply said those words and immediately turned his gaze again on Marissa.

"Aiyah, this young master is so carefree to visit my little shop. I'm so flattered by your presence because this is the first day my shop operates, and I should say that I'm so lucky to have you as my first customer." Marissa instantly got into the role of a businesswoman and chatted with a warm tone and smile.

"Isn't it this lady here who is more carefree, ah. I'm so envious." Bardha said in an exaggerated manner. He even add a sigh at the end of his sentence. He then blinked his eyes towards Marissa after giving a provoking 'gaze' to Kamandhanu who was sitting beside Marissa. Kamandhanu was now in a disguise. Although he didn't look that handsome anymore, he still looked pleasing to the eyes. And of course, Marissa and Prince Anusapati were also currently disguises themselves.

Arya Kamandhanu didn't say anything but coldly stared at Barda Mandrawata. Although they both already lived in the same roof for so many years at the Singhasari Academy, but this two fellows didn't have a good relationship, neither did they have a bad relationship. The reason was because they were both the same stubborn type and wouldn't care a bit about social relationship, nor would they care about what the other peoples were thinking about them. Nevertheless, the amount of their admirers wasn't something that should be questioned. Their numbers combined together could covered the entire square of Singhasari.

"Hehehe, this young master is so funny. I'm but someone who need to work hard to make money so that I could eat decently every day." Marissa waved her hand, acting modestly.

Hearing that answer, Barda Mandrawata suddenly leaned his body forward, then whispered something that only he, Kamandhanu, and Marissa could heard him. After who knows what Barda said to them, the expression of Marissa and Kamandhanu instantly changed slightly. But immediately after they adjusted their expression into normal once again.

"I hope you prepare yourselves when the time comes." Barda put down his cup in which all the content had been completely drunk by him.

"I wonder what Young Master wants that he suddenly divulged a very important information when we've only met twice?" Marissa asked with smile that doesn't seem to be smile. Finally she admitted that they've met before after what Barda told them.

"What if I say I want you?" Barda said with an evil grin plastered over his face. His silver hair swaying lightly by the wind that came through the window, where the red sky could be seen clearly from the inside of the shop. His eyes were the same colour with the reddish cloud on the sky, they looked so beautiful and enchanting. If a passerby was to see this scene, they would be so amazed by the beauty of the human combined together with the beauty of the twilight.

Kamandhanu snorted and slapped the table loudly but didn't know what to say afterward. He didn't even know when his hand moved so fast to slap the table subconsciously. Why did he feel so annoyed by the words? What's wrong with him? He didn't like other peoples to tease or flirt with Marissa? What happened?

"Hahaha, Young Master Barda must be joking. Anyway, thank you for your information. If you've ever need any help, feel free to come here. I'll help as long as it is within my capability." Marissa waved her hand a few times to easy the situation.

"Alright. I still have something to do. I'll be going now. Here is the payment for this nice drink." Barda put two hundred coppers coin on the table while dragging the little grey monkey out of the shop who still blew it's coffeé diligently.

"I'm not done with my drink, yet. You bad master, I'm not going with you. I want to finish my drink first." The little grey monkey yelled as his feet sway in the air, struggling to get down from it's master's claw, but to no avail.

"You really want to leave here alone? I don't believe that. You're gonna make trouble for me again if I leave you here alone. So, stop struggling!" Barda said while prepare to fly up to the sky. "Lady... We shall meet again. Don't worry about your little secret, there won't be anyone who knew it." He said while still grabbing the monkey on it's neck. He 'looked' meaningfully at Kamandhanu who sat together with Marissa and Prince Anusapati who stood far away from the front door of the shop. After that, he vanished into thin air.


"How did he know we are currently in disguise?" Marissa asked while rubbing her chin.

"That monkey." Kamandhanu said in a displeased tone.

"Ah?" Marissa was taken aback. "That monkey could see through disguise?" She asked in astonishment.

"No, it could sniff." Kamandhanu answered shortly

"Oh?" Marissa was even more bewildered. "It could sniff the smell of something or someone? Isn't it a monkey?" Why did it sound like it was a dog?

"It's a monkey." Kamandhanu gave an affirmative answer.

"Incredible!" Marissa was amazed.


It was now almost nine at that night. There were no many stars as the sky seemed to prepare to pour down heavy rain in the near time. Even Princess moon didn't show herself. The weather is getting colder as the gripping night is getting darker and quieter. The hunters who were crowding outside the shop was now making their small camps and bonfire in the middle of the forest to keep them warm.

Some lazier hunters were sitting under the humid trees, shutting their eyes and not making any noises. It was unknown whether they were sleeping or not.

During this time after Barda went out of the shop, no one wanted to buy the coffeé, heh, not even one of them wanted to get inside to check. The reason was because they already knew the outcome if there would be a fight again between the Demon Barbarian and the members of the Tiger Race, and if they were to side with anyone, not even the tiger race could protect them! So, it would be better to be neutral and just be a spectator! If they went to the shop, they would be labeled as an action of siding with the Tiger Race.

There was one time a dispute between the Tiger Race and the group of Demon Barbarian. A lots of peoples were cheering for the Tiger Race to beat that Barbarians. Of course, the result was a definite thing. The Tiger Race won the fight without so much casualty. But after that, the peoples at that time realized that they who were cheering for the Tiger Race to win the fight were cursed by someone from the group of Demon Barbarians. And as a result, they died one after another.

The peoples who realized the situation asked for the help of the Tiger Race, but not even the Tiger Race could break the curse. The elders in the Tiger Race decided to just go find the sect or quarter of the Demon Barbarians to annihilated them, but they couldn't find where it was. They couldn't even find who was the one who casted the curse. The same thing happened to the Serpent Tribe and the Fox Tribe. They had a difficulty to locate the sect of the Demon Barbarian. So, up until now, about who the leader of the Barbarians, or who was the one who casted the curse, and where was their location, were all still a mystery.

Because of those few incidents, that even the three great tribes in the North forest couldn't handle, the peoples began to avoid the Barbarians like they were some kind of plagues. Nevertheless, many peoples still like to be the spectators whenever there was a commotion that involved the Barbarians. They realized that as long as they don't side with anyone or any group, tribe, or faction, they would be safe and wouldn't be cursed. So, as a result, they who liked to seek for excitement and a bustling activities, would become a spectator.


"Haishh, it's so hard to find a customer. Although there were many peoples wandering around my shop, but they don't even want to look inside. How lamentable!" Marissa sighed while looking at the dark sky and sitting on the wooden table in her chicken form.

Kamandhanu was also meditating beside her.

At this time, the affect of the <transform> had been faded since six o'clock this evening, that's why Marissa was now back to her chicken form.

'I've been reading so many pages during this four hours. I've read 960 pages with the average of 200 words per page. It means, I've read about 192,000 words during this four hours, which makes my reading speed about 800wpm. That was quite slow. I could read it even faster if I don't have to remember that difficult names of the characters in the book, the year, the location, and so on. Even so, I still couldn't memorize them all completely. What a headache! That's why I don't like to read history books. There were so many names, year, locations, and many other details that made me want to throw up if I have to memorize them all.' Marissa grumbled inwardly.


"Eh? What is that in my inventory?" Marissa looked at the system's interface.

[That was the rewards the Host obtained after completing the first main mission : Saving Prince Anusapati from the Underground Room]

[The Host doesn't open it yet since the rewards were given]

"Ohho... I almost forgot about it. Let me see what's would be the rewards for a main mission." Marissa said excitedly. "Open it, hurry, let me open it." She exclaimed.


The [Large Chest] suddenly shook and it emit a brilliant light.


[Congratulation for the Host to obtain: two chances of <teleportation>; two chances of <transformation>; 1 <magical bead>; 1 set of complete skill <Divine Senses>; Occupation Skill <Basic Skill of Medical> (3/9); 1 item <Eyes of Hell>; 1 item <Magnifier>; 5 <Soul Revitalization Pill>]

[Item <Magical Bead> : Could be used to increase the strength of the consumer until the peak level of Nascent Soul for four hours]

[Skill <Divine Sense> : A set of skill that could strengthen the power of the five senses, including the strength to see (Eyes), strength to smell (Nose), strength to hear (Ears), strength to feel (Skin), and strength to taste (Tongue)]

[Occupation Skill <Basic Skill of Medical>: A skill that enable Host to make medicines to cure many kind of wounds, illness, plague, curse, and so on. Currently, Host could only study up to level 3 out of 9. This medical skill could be upgraded even further until the level of Supreme]

[Item <Eyes of Hell> : A pair of pupil which could rebounce any type of curses to the caster and even creating death of the enemies. Note : This item could be upgraded]

[Item <Magnifier> : An item in the form of glasses that could see through illusion and the trajectory of energy]

[Item <Soul Revitalization Pill> : A medicine that could be used to revitalize the soul]


Hearing and reading all the notifications on her system's interface made Marissa wanted to jump high up to the sky because of too much excitement. "Darn it! They are all good stuffs. Oh My God, Mr. Angel, are you sure this are all the rewards I got for the completion of the main mission?"

Marissa couldn't believe that she could obtain all those stuffs so easily. Is the system really that generous?

[Of course]

[There would be more rewards in the future as long as the Host could complete her missions and stay alive until she could stood at the pinnacle of this world]

[Ganbatte, Host!]

"Huwaaaaaa.... Hahahahaha!" Marissa, in her chicken form was jumping up and down on the wooden table, that she even subconsciously jumped to the shoulder of Kamandhanu, making him feeling annoyed.

Nevertheless, alongside with the excitement, there would usually be troubles. At this moment, amid the happiness that Marissa felt, there was suddenly a big ruckus outside of the shop.

"They are coming! They are coming this way!"

"Hurry up to move. Don't get attacked by them. Let's just watch from the side?"

"Are they the Demon Barbarian?"

"Yes, it's them. They are chasing after the group of wild boars!"

"Don't get too close, or else, you're get involved and got beaten up by them."

"Hurry, move to the side!"

Hearing those shouts after shouts, Marissa and her group went out to look at the commotion. They just arrived at the door when they saw a group of giant wild boars coming onto the direction of their little shop.



What could possibly Young Master Barda said to Marissa and Kamandhanu that made the expression of the both of them to change slightly?

A. Young Master Barda said that he was actually a girl all along

B. Young Master Barda said that he and Kamandhanu were in a relationship

C. Young Master Barda said that there would be a huge disaster coming soon

D. Young Master Barda said that there would be a group of invaders came from a certain realm to Singhasari

E. Young Master Barda said that the Emperor was preparing for something that would endanger the life of Marissa and Kamandhanu, as well as their family