
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs


Five days later...

It was morning, 10 A.M.

Marissa was sitting in a meditative position inside her private chamber, at the underground place. Suddenly...


Marissa was startled. 'What happened?' She thought. She looked around and didn't find anything wrong. "It can't be that there is a nuclear bomb, right? Is Master Einstein also exist in this era?" She muttered, feeling very suspicious. She was about to stand up from her meditative position to check what happened before she suddenly felt a surge of warm current energy flow inside her body. She instantly widen her eyes, feeling astonished. "This..."

[Congratulation Host to successfully breakthrough to the Master Warrior Realm]

[The system would give a few rewards soon as well as unlock several doors for the Host]

This was the first time for Marissa to have a major breakthrough, so she was a bit emotional. When she experienced the breakthrough just now, there was a loud boom inside her mind. She thought that the sound was coming from outside of the shop, so she was feeling so shocked. It was only at this moment, after she felt the surge of energy inside her body and the notification from the system that she realized that she had a breakthrough. Moreover, it wasn't only a breakthrough in small realms, but a major breakthrough. She was now a Second Stage expert, Master Warrior.

She thought she would need a rather long time to have a breakthrough, but she never thought it would be so soon. It was only five days after her last breakthrough to Warrior Dan-9, and now she already made a breakthrough again. Really, that was very good! Of course, Marissa felt excited, especially when she heard the system would also give her some rewards.

"Show me, show me what's the rewards?" Marissa urged Mr. Angel as she felt so excited.


As usual, there was a treasure chest on her inventory, and when she tapped on it, the treasure chest shook and emit a brilliant light before the items one by one came out of it.

[Congratulation to Host for obtaining a treasure chest (special)]

[Rewards: Unlock the <Cultivation Room> ; 1 <Void Level Talisman> ; and <Land Privilege> : Open three available lands which could be purchased by the Host]

[Feature <Cultivation Room> : A room that could be used to cultivate with a certain accelerated time (Current Privilege for Host : time acceleration is two times than the normal times on this world, the acceleration could be upgraded the higher the level of the Host)]

[Item <Void Level Talisman> : A talisman that could defend the attack from any cultivators or warriors under the Monarch Realm]

[<Land Privilege> : The system has opened three hectares land that could be purchased by the Host. The higher the level of the Host, the more of the lands that she could purchase]

Reading the description of the three items, Marissa's eyes were sparkled. Although it was only three, but the effect was something that couldn't be looked down upon. Just look at the <cultivation room>, even thought the acceleration was only two times faster than the current flow of time, it was already so good. If usually Marissa cultivated 10 hours a day, then, it would become twenty hours. As a result, the points she could earned later would also be doubled, from 3,000 points into 6,000 points.

The <Void Level Talisman> was also very precious. Although it couldn't defend again a Monarch level experts, at the very least, she could depend herself against a cultivator at the Void Realm, including peak level of Void Master. It was unfortunate that this item could only be used once.

As for the third reward, Marissa never thought that she need to make a breakthrough to be able to purchase more lands. Didn't it mean that no matter how much money she possessed, it would be useless in the face of the land matter, as she would be unable to purchase more lands and expand her farm as long as she couldn't make a breakthrough? Aiyah, so many rules! Such a headache!

"Alright. So be it. Now, just let's take a look at my current profile information." Marissa mumbled as she took a deep breath.


Name of Host : Marissa Nasution

Race : Heavenly Chicken (?)

Tittle : -

Cultivation : Master Warrior, initial level

Occupation: Level 1 Apothecary

Specific Information:

1. Charisma : 12/187,500 (Tittle*)

1) New points : 0

2) Recent points : 0

3) Total points : 12

2. Politic : 0/187,500 (Tittle*)

Number of alliances: -

Number of organisation: -

Number of territories : -

3. Wisdom/Intelligence : 13,860/187,500 (Tittle*)

Medical Knowledge/Skill : Level 1 (More information*)

Reading points : 1) New points : 0

2) Recent points: 12,000

3) Total points: 13,860

4. Business : 4838/187,500 (Tittle*)

1) New points : 0

2) Recent Points : 4459

3) Total points : 4838

5. Skills : 4400 (Total) (More information*)

Normal skill : <Chicken Claw> Heaven Stage (More information*)

Secret Skill : 1. <Dream and Illusion> Level 3, Earth Stage (More information*)

2. <Invisible> Level 3, Heaven Stage (More information*)

Auxiliary Skill : <Divine Senses> : Earth Stage (All senses) (More information*)

6. Meditation : 1) New points: 0

2) Recent Points: 3,000

3) Total points: 3,350

7. Mission points : 275 (More information*)

8. Strength : 2735/72,000 (More information*)


After reading through all the information on her profile interface, Marissa found several changes on it, but there were also many that didn't change at all, for example, her tittle was still empty, she had only one occupation which was Level 1 Apothecary, her politics points is still blank, her mission points and charisma also remained the same.

When Marissa tapped on the 'Charisma' section, there was an explanation that the number '12' on it were the number of human and spiritual creatures that she had already subdued or were loyal to her. The number '12' here represented Prince Anusapati, Uncle Huth, and ten other members of the Tiger Tribe who had silently been subdued by her. Although there was no yet physical contract between Marissa and them, but their loyalty had been confirmed by the all-knowing system.

The 'Tittle' on the 'Charisma' section consisted of seven tittles, named: Head of Soldier, Captain, Colonel, Brigadier, General, Marshal, King or also called as King of Battlefield or King of War. Everytime Marissa hit a certain number, Marissa would gain a tittle. For example, if Marissa was to be able to make any human experts to be loyal to him or subduing any spiritual creatures up to 187,500 in total, she would gain the tittle 'Head of Soldier'. Every tittles possessed a certain benefit to the holder.


Next, on the section of 'Wisdom/Intelligence', there were currently two sources of points, they were the level of occupation and reading points. Every level of occupation would contributed a certain number of points. Level 1 to 9 would respectively contributing points by 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3,200; 6,400; 12,800; 25,600; and 51,200. The reading points indicated on how many pages of the books in the system's library which Marissa had read. Each page would earn her 1 point, and every page that Marissa could remember or memorize would earn her 2 points.

The tittles on the 'Wisdom/Intelligence' section were consisted of Teacher, Master Teacher, Grand Master, Professor, Sage, Attendant of Knowledge, King of Wisdom. The same with 'Charisma' section, if Marissa was to hit a certain number of points, she would gain the corresponding tittles.


On the 'Politics' section, Marissa had gain nothing. The tittles for 'Politics' section were: Baron, Viscount, Marquis, Earl, Duke, Prince, and King.


On the 'Business' part, just like any other sections, there were 'New points' which indicated how much points that the Host just currently obtained. The 'Recent points' indicated the last points which the Host obtained, this type of points usually obtained during the time before the Host made a new major breakthrough, like what happened to the Host a while ago. Meanwhile, the 'Total points' was the total number of all the points that the Host obtained before the Host made a breakthrough in her 'Tittles'.

There was the number '4459' on the 'Recent Points', which meant, the Host had obtained that many points before making a breakthrough to the realm of Master Warrior. This points actually represented on how many products that the Host had sold previously, which consisted of 1372 cup of coffeés whether they were original or cappuccino, 2041 portions of noodles, and 1046 portions of Omelet. Added with the total of previous points possessed by the Host which was '379', it made the numbers change into '4838'.

The tittles that could be obtain from 'Business' ability were: Seller, Retailer, Distributor or Supplier, Merchant, Industrialist, Tycoon or Tycoon Business, and King of Commerce.


On the 'Skill' section, there was this number '4400', it actually came from <Chicken Claws> level 1, which contributed 500 points because the Host successfully made a breakthrough to the Heaven Realm. The skill <Invisible> that contained three levels, contributed 1500 points because all the three levels of the skill also successfully made a breakthrough to the Heaven Realm. The last breakthrough that the Host made during this five days was regarding the Auxiliary Skill <Divine Sense> that made a breakthrough until Earth Stage. This breakthrough contributed 1000 points for the Host. In total, this whole breakthrough of skills contributed 3000 points. Added with the previous 1400 points, it made the total sum of points for 'Skill' section were '4400'.

As for 'Meditation', it also contributed 3000 points recently, added with the previous points, it became 3350. Those 3000 points came from 50 hours of meditation during the five days. The Host obtained 1 point for each minute of meditation.


When all the recent points added with the old points, it made the whole number of points possessed by the Host were 26,735 points, in which then went to the 'Strength' section. This number had exceeded 24000, the maximum number of points that was needed before making a breakthrough to the Master Warrior Realm. And, that's how the Host made her breakthrough even without the need of the <Master Warrior Pill>.

After the Host made her breakthrough, the total number of the points on 'Strength' section reduced into 2735. This number was obtained from 26,735 minus 24,000.

Right now, there was this number '2735/72,000' on the 'Strength' section. This represented that as long as the Host accumulated a total of points from the 'seven sections' above and successfully hit the number 72,000, then the Host would be able to make a major breakthrough again, which was level up to the Grand Master Realm.


Marissa finished reading the explanation, so she now shifted her gaze to her total number of points that she could use as a currency as well as her total number of money. Currently, she possessed 24,425 points. This points were the combination of the 'Recent Points' added with her leftover points from before, which was '1966'. This made her possessed that many points that could be used as a currency to buy this and that.

Other than that, she also obtained money about 201,120 copper coins or 201.12 silver coins. This sum of money was obtained from selling more than 2,000 portions of noodles, more than 1,000 portions of omelet, and almost 1,400 cups of coffeés during this five days.

If the amount of system's points and money were to be combined together, Marissa would possessed about 225,545 copper coins. How she wish she would obtained that random 'Lucky Hours' just like before. Although it would only last for fifteen to thirty minutes, but her last sum of money would be multiplied by a certain times.

For example, last time, it was multiplied by ten times, which made her total of money changed from 37,900 into 379,000 copper coins. Unfortunately, she couldn't just force the 'Lucky Hours' to descend once again. Or else, she would possessed 2,255,450 copper coins. Man, it was more than two million copper coins! Or if it was to be converted into silver or gold, it would be 2,000 silver coins, or 2 gold coins.

Hey, speaking of gold coins, didn't at that time she and Kamandhanu obtained some from the two assassins who tried to kill Prince Anusapati? Where is the money now? She remembered Kamandhanu gave all the money to her. Where is it? Where is it? She started to search all over her body, but couldn't find it. It was only after a period of time that she remembered that she had put it carelessly on the corner of her inventory inside the system.

Damn it! She was so careless and forgot about this valuable treasures! It can't be helped though, there were many things happened in this short period of time. It made her feeling dizzy and tired. Thankfully, this money was still there, safe and sound! Or else, she would be crying a lot. That was 6 gold and 512 copper coins! If it was only 512 copper coins, it would be fine, but where the heck she got 6 gold coins freely?

This was such a heaven-defying luck for her at this moment! She desperately needed money to purchase more paddy seeds and lands to plant and grow them. With this money on hand, she could by more things now.

"Okay, let's shop." Marissa said happily. She put the money on the System's Bank, and the 6 gold money as well as 512 copper coins instantly combined together with her current money. It made a total of 6 golds and 226,057 copper coins. Looking at the number of money increased rapidly at such a short period of time, she nodded in satisfaction.

However, just as she wanted to happily shop at the system, she looked up and her expression changed. Her face was pale and she looked like someone who had just got her blood sucked dry.



What might be the cause that made Marissa's expression changed?

A. There is a ghost on the ceiling

B. There is an assassin plastered over the wall

C. Marissa was having a fever

D. Marissa was shock to find a debt collector coming for her

E. The Soul Sucker, the 'Undying' has come back again