
Chicken, The Conqueror!

Have you ever seen a chicken conquer the world? No? Then, here it is!!! Marissa found herself reincarnated into the era of Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara, met a lots of famous and important characters that were only exist in legend. A beautiful world, a bunch of handsome men, an excited royal drama, several old and awesome dynasties, and a lots of great kingdoms combined together in the same world and era. With a system, this world should be really exiting, except... She actually reincarnated into a chicken? What's with this situation?What will happen next? Would she be able to conquer a world called Nusantara Continent and become it's ruler? Or would she be able to find her true love, help him to conquer the world and become an idol couple together? Or would she instead got defeated in the middle of her journey and ended up in a plate as a Roasted Chicken Pecking? Read this exciting story about a journey of a chicken to conquer the world and her struggle to find her way back home to earth as well as her wonderful destiny in finding her sweet love!

ORIIION_ · History
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32 Chs

Elder Black

The trio passed through the place where Jaka Tingkir was flirting and teasing the beauties at the bank of the river. At this moment, Marissa didn't use her <teleportation> to go home, but flying at an average speed of Void Stage Expert, which was about five to six hundred meters per second.


Noticing that there were peoples who passed by the place, Jaka Tingkir looked up. He felt a familiar auras just now, so without thinking any further, he excused himself and flew up to chase after Marissa's group. Because Marissa and group didn't fly at a full speed, Jaka Tingkir who was at the middle level of Nascent Soul could finally caught up with them using his full speed, which was five hundred meters per second, it was half of the full speed of a Void Stage Expert.

The first thing he said after catching up with Marissa's group was, "Lady, I seemed to have seen you somewhere else?" He didn't forget to add an additional charming points to his smile.

Uncle Huth was facepalm, not expecting one of the 'Thirteen Heroes' to be this frivolous, even his Little Ancestor couldn't be spared. Arya Kamandhanu only looked coldly at Jaka Tingkir, while Marissa didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

'This fellow...' Marissa shook her head silently.

While they were flying, they were also chatting.

"This Young Master, we've never met before, so I'm not sure what are you talking about." Marissa, in her clone form, responded.

"No way. I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else. I can't be wrong. I've never been wrong and forgot so easily with a beauty. Lady, your aura and temperament, I feel like I've met you prior to this." Jaka Tingkir insisted.

"You must be mistaken." Marissa shook her head.

"No, I'm sure I'm not mistaken about it." Jaka Tingkir was persistent to his answer. "I could feel that we've met recently, or at the very least, it just happened this week, it can't be more than a weak since we've met. But it's so strange, why can't I remember at all? Even if you're disguising yourself, I should be able to recognise you immediately." He looked so confused as he scratched his head which wasn't itchy at all.

Marissa thought. 'No way! Is it the power of a popinjay? How could he was so sure he'd met me before? He even specified the time and could recognised someone who is in disguised? Or is it only a coincidence?' Then, she asked Kamandhanu through telepathy. "Could he really recognise us?"

"No, he only suspects you." Kamandhanu answered.

"Uh? What does it mean? Only me?" Marissa was bewildered.

"He always recognise any girls or women who he had ever met, even if it's only for a short period of time. He could even recognise the girls when they are disguising themselves. I'm actually quite puzzled why he couldn't do it to you although he suspected you." Arya Kamandhanu explained.

"Oh? That can't be? How amazing!" Marissa felt so astonished. Then, she thought inwardly. 'Anyone of the 'Thirteen Heroes' couldn't be underestimated. I've read or watch several of the deeds and abilities of Jaka Tingkir in the Histories of Nusantara, but this trait of him is a new one. The things in the books couldn't be relied upon anymore. This world is not really the same with what was written in the books on Earth. I should be careful and not to relay on them that much in the future.'

'And to think that I've been recognised by two of the 'Thirteen Heroes' so easily. That Barda fellow got to know me because of his little monkey, whereas this Jaka Tingkir suspected me because of his 'innate' ability in recognising beauties, no, recognising any girls or women that he had ever met? What would happen later? Will the thirteen of them recognise me if they saw me in my disguised form by any means?'

Marissa's group, um no, it's only Marissa and Jaka Tingkir who were talking along the way because Jaka Tingkir couldn't be threw away. He insisted on following Marissa's group on their way home. So, as a result, the four of them were now flying toward the middle area of the North Forest, where Marissa's little shop stood elegantly amid the woods.


The same night when Marissa and group were looking for the ingredients of Blue Fire Pill, the Emperor was scolding his soldiers at the back of Singhasari Palace, where a huge land was surrounded by so many small and medium size hills as well as a dense pack of trees...

"You all still couldn't find where Prince Anusapati's gone? What are you all doing here? Get lost now! Search again! You shouldn't come back until he was found." The Emperor yelled at his private soldiers. He was so mad now. He had imprisoned that little ba*tard in the underground room, but someone actually dared to rescue him? Who would be so bold to challenge his authority?

"Yes, Your Majesty." The more than five thousands warriors who were kneeling down instantly stood up, then scattered to search again for Prince Anusapati. This five thousand warriors were the elite ones that the Emperor possessed on the surface. As to whether he still got more hidden in the dark, it was still unknown.

After all the warriors disversed, an old man in a bloody-red robe suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No, that old man wasn't an actual old man. It looked like he was an incarnation of someone. He looked more like a hologram that was reflected by manipulating the light in the surrounding.

"Elder Black..." The arrogant Emperor who wouldn't back down in the face of anyone, suddenly became respectful when the incarnation of the old man appeared. He didn't feel surprise at all, instead, he felt pleased and even anticipated the arrival of this old man.

If Marissa was here, she would be so astonished. This old man was Elder Black? The Elder Black that could revive after death? The Elder Black who wouldn't die as long as even a drop of his blood touch the soil? He was practically 'undying'! If a phoenix could reborn from the ashes, he could reborn from the soil. Could it be that he was related to the 'Undying man' from before, who cast the curse by allowing the resentful souls to suck the blood and life forces of their victims? Unfortunately, Marissa didn't know anything about all of this, yet.

The old man looked at the Emperor and stayed silent for a while. It was after a period of time that he finally got to speak. "The stars had changed. The destiny had changed. Did you find something wrong recently?" The incarnation turned his gaze to the heaven. It was unknown what he was thinking about, but his eyes suddenly became so venomous. There was a red glint fleet acrossed his eyes.

"Something wrong...?" The Emperor muttered as he fell into deep thought. He tried to recall everything that happened recently but he couldn't find anything that could be said to be wrong. If there was something wrong, then it must be the existence of that Arya Kamandhanu, who suddenly appeared to rescue the little ba*tard at the first attempt of assassination that he and Master Tong planned before this. But, was it really a mistake? His appearance at that time was just a coincidence, right?

Moreover, if he wanted to save Prince Anusapati, it wouldn't be that easy, because he had set up a sixth grade formation in the vicinity of the underground room. If there was an intruder, even if it was a mosquito, he would be alerted. How could Arya Kamandhanu rescued the prince silently without ringing the alarm? Unless, he was an expert at the Monarch realm, or someone who was adept at formation? But, there's no such person in Singhasari. He also didn't make an enemy with that kind of person. He couldn't recall how could he offend someone like that.

"Elder Black, I'm not sure if I don't realize it yet, but I really couldn't recall if there is something wrong. If there really that shouldn't be at it's right place, it would be the appearance of Arya Kamandhanu during the first assassination attempt on Prince Anusapati. But, I think it's just a coincidence." The Emperor looked at Elder Black and said in a very serious and solemn voice.

"You must remember that in this world, there is nothing the so called coincidence. Everything happens for a reason." Elder Black said without any expression.

"Yes, I know, but..." The Emperor was just about to say something else when Elder Black asked again.

"Who is that Arya something that you mention before?" Elder Black asked.

"He is the second son of Hanggareksana." The Emperor answered.

"Oh..." Elder Black was silent for a moment. He looked up to the starless night sky, before finally speaking again. "This person, you have to be very careful. I don't know what is wrong yet, but it's better for you to finish him if you couldn't control him."

Elder Black actually something unexpected about Arya Kamandhanu?

"Yes, I've ordered my men to finish him if he is going to meddle again in our plan. Currently, he is doing some missions at the North Forest. I'll make sure he wouldn't be able to get away from me no matter whether he would get success or not with those missions." The Emperor replied calmly, feeling relieved that he had made a plan to dispose that young man.

The Emperor felt a bit puzzled. Elder Black actually said something like that about Arya Kamandhanu? Was there something wrong with that brat? How could he garner the attention of Elder Black and even got labeled as a misfortune that needed to be disposed as fast as possible? Nevertheless, he didn't ask why. If Elder Black said so, then it must be so. Anyway, he already had a plan to finish the family of Elder Hanggareksana.

Rulers were always as such since ancient times. They always felt insecure if there were their subjects with a very good influence and mighty force behind them. They would felt threatened that someday that subjects would create a rebellion and threw him down from his throne. So, he had already made plan how to finish them one by one. Thankfully, there was someone in that family that he could manipulate in the future. Rather than trying to control that Kamandhanu fellow, it would be better to finish him immediately and find the other alternatives for his plans.

"I still need to do many things. I will be leaving soon. Don't forget what I ask for you to do." Elder Black said as he prepared to leave.

"But..." The Emperor hesitated.

"What? Are you still not making up your mind? Remember, you're not gonna be able to sit on your mighty throne if you are not decisive enough. Sooner or later, you'll be replaced. That Tunggul Ametung is still missing up until now. You must think carefully the consequent if you're not willing to do what I said. Even his only son was nowhere in sight. You couldn't even keep him on your side. What do you think actually? Why so much scrupples?" Elder Black suddenly grumbled. His tone became even more sharp and vicious everytime he speak.

The Emperor sighed inwardly. He knew he was a ruthless person, if he wasn't ruthless, he wouldn't be sitting on his position right now, he wouldn't be the Emperor of Singhasari, but no matter how ruthless he was, he never had any thought to do something like sacrificing his peoples, his citizens, or his subjects in order to keep his glorious tittle. That was something he couldn't do, and he didn't want to. But, as time passed by, he felt that his confident had been wavered, he wasn't as determined as before, and for some unknown reasons, he always felt insecure, especially since his meeting with that Great Oracle, and this mysterious Elder Black.

What to do? Should he really do it? What will happen afterward?

"Yes, I will do it." He finally made up his mind.

Hearing that answer, Elder Black didn't say anything. He only nodded as a fleeting of red glint appeared briefly on his eyes. "I'm leaving." As he said this words, his hologram-like incarnation instantly vanished on the spot, leaving behind a wind breeze and a bleak atmosphere.

The Emperor was standing at his spot for a very long time, feeling his heart heavy. He sighed again and again before finally making his way back to the palace.


It was afternoon again in the North Forest...

This was the second day after Marissa and group arrived at this forest. When they arrived at the little shop this morning from chasing the suspicious man and searching for some ingredients, Marissa instantly got to sleep for four hours. Although she was now a warrior and should already be capable to control herself in sleeping or eating, she still couldn't help but to get sleep at least for three or four hours a day.

During the time she was sleeping, she made the puppet, her clone, to learn about pill concoction in the underground chamber of the little shop. Finally, after so many trials and errors for about seven to eight hours, Marissa could managed to learn the basic skill on how to create pills. Albeit it was the lowest grade, she was now capable in concocting the Blue Fire Pill and Revitalization Pill. After working hard for two hours more, she managed to concoct about three hundred grade one of Blue Fire Pills.

In this world, whether it was weapons, treasures, pills, or any other things, they were classified in nine grades, with grade one was the lowest, and grade nine was the highest or also called as the top grade.

"This should be enough for the members of the wild boars tribe and the victims of the spectators. This pill will last for one month. They need to take this pill again if they want to keep themselves safe from the evil souls. If I could upgrade my skill and produce grade two Blue Fire Pill, it will be capable to protect them for five months. Sigh, I should work hard from now on. For money and fame, em no, for the prosperous, health, and welfare of the citizens, I will become a world savior for you." Marissa nodded her head, feeling good for being able to manage in learning the pill concoction skill.

Thereafter, she walked out of the underground chamber after tidying up herself. She then gathered everyone and introducing her new pill to the audiences. "Now, please line up for the pills, everyone."

She said that after she finished explaining her product, then give the task to the twenty or so members of the tiger race to distribute the pills to the audiences. She would make it free for this time, then charge them with money the second time. Well, marketing method is very important after all.



What do you think? Was Elder Black really related to the curse that was very famous in the North Forest?

A. Of course

B. Yes, he got the traits of 'Undying', he should be related to the suspicious man

C. Yes, Elder Black was the mastermind of everything

D. No, it was just a coincidence

E. No, Elder Black had no correlation or whatsoever with the curse, undying, Demon Barbarian or whatever they were