
Cherry by Delphinium

"The dom in me is begging me to claim her. Take her. Devour her. But I can't. Because I don't know her. She'll run away like everyone else..." Celestia Crowe works for a multi-billionaire at Diamond Enterprises. At night she slips on six-inch heels and sexy garters to work at The Cherry Club. Ramon Osgood owns many places. And women. He's a workaholic and sees women as chess pieces in a game called Ramon's world.

Darling_Delphinium · Teen
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Past Problems Equal Pain


I watch Ramon as he buttons my shirt. Even after he took my breath away, he still takes his time to make sure that I'm fine. It might've been the heat of the moment but I felt like the only woman in the world when he called me princess.

"When are we heading out?" I ask.

"It's about an hour away from here so we'll need to go home at around seven."

"Alright then. I'll head back downstairs, and no do not ask me to stay, I've been here all day up here with you."

"What's wrong with staying up here with me?"

"Nothing, you're just keeping me away from my job. Now, what if some person walks in here unannounced."

"That's why James is here for."

"You're going to see me later anyway. Bye." I say as I kiss his cheek. He tries to kiss my lips but I shake my head at him.

"Uh, uh, If I let you, you'll never let me leave."

"You know me so well," he replies smiling.

I get downstairs to find James pushing out a man who seems vaguely familiar. I shrug to myself as it wasn't my problem to deal with and go to sit at my desk.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"I have no idea, he said he knew you and wanted to speak to you."

"He looked familiar, but I don't remember where from."

"Ah, well I'll keep an eye out for him, he looked pretty sketchy."

"Okay, did anyone come by besides him?"

"Nope, you were lucky today." he winks.

I smile and shake my head at him. Until six-thirty, I checked through my emails multiple times and played a few card games with James. He won the last game just as Ramon steps out of the elevator and comes up to my desk.

"You ready?"

"Yes," I say as I pick up my bag from the side of my chair. "I'll see you later James."

"Yep, bye CC." he winks. He then nods to Ramon and he nods back as he places his hand on the small of my back. We leave the building and Ramon's driver is already waiting outside for us. We get in after he opens the door and he drives us home. I meant Ramon's home.


"Here, your clothes are in these bags, wear everything," Ramon says as he hands me the red bags.

I take it from him and go to change in my room. I take out everything in the bags and my eyes nearly leave their sockets. He gave me everything from undergarments to accessories and shoes. Everything was an ombre of red and black. I undress and start with the underwear. It was a matching pair of open-crotch panties that was sinfully filling my mind with all sorts of things and a lace demi bra. After putting those on I put on the garters, attached the fishnet tights, and slipped on the black five-inch Louboutin heels. Lastly, I place in my earrings, add some red lipstick to my lips, and fluff out my hair. I leave my room and go to knock on Ramon's door. A few seconds pass before he opens the door. When he stares down, I start to feel very subconscious and move my hand to hide my sex.

"Don't do that." He says as he gently swats away my hand. He pulls me close to him and takes my chin in his hand.

"You're too beautiful, don't hide anything from me, princess."

I would've melted into a puddle if he wasn't holding me up. I look into his eyes and see that it's filled with not lust but pure affection and my heart skips a beat.

"We should go now, I have a coat for you to wear by the door," he says as he takes me down the hall. When we're outside, I see no sign of his driver and I see a different car than the one he usually drives in. He opens the passenger side for me and I thank him as I get inside. He moves around to get to his seat and he drives south.



I tighten my arm around her waist as we enter the club. I give our coats to the front and I can sense the eyes on her. She has no collar on her, therefore if I left her alone for even a second she'd have a line of people wanting her. But they can't have her, because she's mine. Collar or no collar, she belongs to me. I look down at Celestia, looking for her reactions. She looks around in awe like a child coming to a theme park for the first time. I spot Rose heading towards us with the brightest smile on her face.

"Ahh! You're here! God, you're so pretty! Care to share Ramon?"

"No, where's your pet anyway?"

"He'll be here soon. In the meantime, I'm having my fun with Yasmin."

"Ahh, I see," I reply as I look back toward Celestia who was now looking at two men with a naked woman in between them.

"You interested?" I whisper in her ear.

"N-no, I was just looking," she mumbles and darts her eyes away from the scene.

"I'll let you two be, Yasmin is probably pouting right about now, Welcome back master." winks Rose as she walks away.

I take Celestia's hand and take her upstairs to a room. As we pass the other rooms with doors open, I see the look on her face as she sees the submissives being whipped and spanked. She isn't reacting as much as I thought she would which makes me confirm that she must have had fantasies about being dominated. I find an empty room and I lead her inside and close the door behind us. I turn to face her with my hands crossed across my chest.



"Yes, what?"

"Oh, yes sir?"

"I want you to walk to the bed, turn around, and kneel in front of it with your arms out."

She nods and does as I say without complaint.

"Good girl," I say as I move her hair from her face and kiss her forehead.

I go to the drawers in the corner of the room, opening the top one, and taking out a red rope. I come over to her and tie the rope around her wrists, binding her hands together securely.

"Is it too tight?"

"No sir."

"Good, now stand up."

She hasn't said anything snarky at all ever since we got home. This isn't the Celestia I knew. She stands up and looks at me with the same facial expression she had when she entered the place. I get closer and take her chin in my hand.

"You haven't said much lately, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"

"No sir, I'm just thinking," she mumbles.

"About what Celestia?"

"Someone who showed up asking for me today,"


"I don't know, but they looked very familiar," she says in a flat tone.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't know, I guess there was no need to."

"As long as you're with me, I want to hear everything. Even if it seems insignificant. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"I love this obedient side of you," I whisper as I bend down to kiss her lips. I pull at her nipple and she shivers under me as she moans into my mouth. I let go of her and she looks at me, needy, desperate, waiting for me to touch her again.

"Get on the bed, face me, and spread your legs."

Her eyes glow with a lustful imagination as she gets on the mattress. She spreads her legs wide but moves her bonded hands to cover herself.

"What did I tell you about doing that Celestia, if you do it again, I will punish you."

"Y-yes sir, sorry sir," she says while she moves her hands. I see how tempted she is to put her knees together or to hide under the covers entirely.

"Touch yourself."

"Um, sorry?"

"I said touch yourself, don't make me repeat it a third time."


"Celestia, you don't question, you just do."

"Yes, sir," she mumbles as she slowly brings her hand down to her center. She takes a finger and begins to move it around her clit. She turns her head away and bites her lip as she does.

"Celestia, look at me while you do it," I say as I walk closer. "Touch yourself like you did when you desperately wanted that orgasm in the bathroom."

She nods and moves her fingers faster in a circular motion. She moans as she looks into my eyes, I can feel her build up from where I stand. Her wetness starts to coat her fingers and her legs start to shake as she enters a finger inside of her.

"That's enough."

She doesn't stop.

"Celestia, that's enough," I say as I pull her hands away.

"I- I need to-"

"No, you're not ready to come yet," I reply as I take her fingers and suck them into my mouth.

"Sweet, just like you," I whisper.

Her cheeks turn a light shade of red and I move beside her onto the bed. I pick her up and place her in between my legs in front of me. Entwining our legs so she can't close hers, I trail my hand across her breast and down her abdomen until I reach her pussy. I place two fingers inside and she arches her back with pleasure.

"Rub your clit while my fingers fuck you. And don't you dare come." I say.

"Y-Yes sir!" she moans as she immediately does what I ask.

"Such a good princess."

I push in and out faster than before and she moans one after the other. When I feel her shake above me I withdraw myself from her.

"Sir, please."

"Not yet, princess," I say, shaking my head. I move her off of me and set her back down on the bed. I take off my own clothes and open the other drawers filled with toys, more ropes, and whips. I grab a few things before I get back on the bed in front of her.

"Turn around for me."

"Yes, sir," she says as she obeys.

"This might feel cold," I warn as I slowly push in the buttplug. She gasps as the foreign object enters her ass."

"Oh! Sir, I haven't done this before."

"You're fine, you're taking it very well."

"It feels good."

"Wait till you get the real thing. Face me," I whisper in her ear as I pull her hair.

She moans and I let go, continuing with the ropes.

I take her ankles and tie them both to the edges of the bed. Then I use another rope to loop it around the one wrapping her hands and tie it to the headboard. I love how she's all spread out for me, ready for anything I give her. I kiss her neck and move down until I reach her sex. I haven't fucked her yet and her cream is nearly spilling out of her. She squirms as I lap up her juices and I use my hands to pin her legs down as she tries to squeeze. Her moans echo the room as I suck on her clit. I can't get enough of her. Before she can come I quickly unbind her legs, flip her around, and remove the plug with a slight pop. I replace it with the tip of my cock and she pushes down on me. Halfway in, she groans.

"Does it hurt?" I ask

"No sir, I want, need more," she says breathlessly.

I push the rest of my length inside of her and she screams with great pleasure.

"Harder sir, please." she moans.

I pull out and push myself right back in with full force. As I pound into her tightness, I grab a fistful of her hair and tilt her head back. I use my other hand to finger her deeply.

"Come for me, princess."

"Yes!" she screams as her orgasm comes crashing down.

"Get the fuck off of her!"

We both turn to see a very livid man at the door. I look back at Celestia and her eyes got big. She tries to pull her hands from the rope and I grab her hands to untie her.

"Really, Celestia? You're such a slut. My sex wasn't enough for you was it. You just had to turn into a whore, didn't you? Your-"

I get up and put my pants on before I face this scrawny man. He looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"I don't what you did, what drugs you gave her, she doesn't belong here. You're corrupting my wife."

"I don't see a ring on her finger. I'm giving you two seconds to leave. Before I slam your small ass head against every surface in this room. Celestia isn't yours she's mine. Now leave." I spit out through my clenched jaw. I wanted to fucking bash his head in through the door her came from, but I had no idea who he was and what he meant to Celestia.

"Celestia! Your gonna let him talk to me like this? Figures. You've changed a lot. I told you I'd come back for you and this is how you welcome me? By sneaking around and letting all types of men fuck you? And don't think I haven't seen that little job you have as well. You are such a nasty whore. I can't even look at you anymore. In all honesty, you weren't even a decent lay bi-"

I threw a punch at his face and his head came in contact with the door frame.

"Don't ever fucking talk to her that way you fucking lowlife."

I press a small button on the wall which alarms security. Within minutes they show up and I simply point at the passed-out man on the floor. I turn to Celestia and my heart shatters. I swiftly run to her and scoop her in my arms. I take off the ropes from her hands and rub them gently with my thumbs. Her tears are spilling on my chest as she sobs and it makes me want to personally make the man's life a living hell.

"Princess, don't cry, let's get you home."

She nods against my chest and I put my shirt back on, and take her hand, leading her out of the room. I pull her close to me and she buries her face in my side. I take her downstairs, a few people giving us respectful nods with a hint of lust in their eyes. I grab her coat and wrap it around her as we walk out. Once we reach the car, I pick her up, place her in the passenger seat, and get into the driver's seat. I speed out onto the road and drive at an unreasonable speed. Celestia never deserves to cry. That man made her feel like shit and he'd pay for it.