
Chapter 1

John Wallace. African-American Male. Black curly hair. Toned body. 9 incher. 6'6

21 years old. Full-Ride Academic Scholarship to MIT. Scholarship offers for track and field, basketball, and football. He had it all. Until SHE happened.

When he was about to accept the basketball offer, his girlfriend since 8th grade set him up. When you're successful you have a lot of people jealous of you. A LOOOT.

His girlfriends name was Shiva. She was an African-American female. She had a nice D-Cup with a plump butt. Black straight hair down to the middle of her back. She was model material, and every boy in the school wanted her. She had endorsement deals from a lot of designer brands, just for pictures. When John had her, and everything else anyone could want. How could everyone not be jealous? So one person found out his weakness and attacked it. HE WAS PISS POOR. He often had to work part-time jobs to even make it through the day with enough money for a pb&j. His girlfriend wasn't happy about that. The only reason she stayed with him was because his future was bright, and she figured she could put up with it.

All of of Johns friends tried to tell him what was going to happen, but he didn't want to listen. He didn't ruin his friendships over her like an idiot, but he wouldn't listen to them. After so long of trying to convince him one of them finally said it.

"You're an idiot, and one day you're going to see that we were right, and she doesn't really want you. She wants your future. When a person whose already rich shows up, she's going to run off with him, and leave you lying in the dirt."

He didn't really care about these words at the time, but he heard them. So when it actually happened all he could think about was the first 3 words of his friend Damian.

"You're an idiot- You're an idiot- You're an idiot!"

He yelled out the last one. His girlfriend and a rich kid named Thomas, were standing there and watching him mock himself. They even found it in themselves the audacity to laugh.

He had walked in on them having sex. And when he thought it couldn't get any worse after an argument with Shiva. Thomas stabbed him in the back of his knee, with a kitchen knife.

He would never be able to play sports again. And he wouldn't be able to make it to MIT on time, because of the surgery he would need for his knee. Everything was over.

"Why. I worked my ASS off for this and my family, and this is what I get? WHYYYY?!?!"

It had been 2 weeks since it happened, and John sat in his room looking at his parents stressed over the debt that they fell into because of the surgery. Shiva, and Thomas weren't held accountable, because Thomas was rich.

By the way lets talk about Johns family.

Steve, and Jane Wallace. African-American male/female.

His dad was bald with a beard. He wasn't fat because of how hard he had to work everyday. He used to have luscious, black, soft hair. He lost it overtime because of the stress he went through everyday. From raising children to keeping everyone in a house.

His mom used to be model material. She even looked better than Shiva. She was only 42, and her hair had very noticeable grey streaks all over. Her face was starting to wrinkle, and everything was starting to sag. She could have ran off with a rich man multiple times, but she stayed with Steve Wallace. Johns dad.

She's probably the reason why Johns believed in Shiva so much.

John also had a little sister. She was 15 this year. She looked just like his mom. Maybe even better. He was very protective of her because of it.

(Peak C-Cup, Big Butt, Red Plump Lips, Thin Waists, Long Smooth Legs, 5'6. The whole package. For some reason she came out light skin with black curly hair. She even had a nose ring, and braces. She was perrrrrrfect.)

He worked hard for her and his parents. Shiva knew it, and she still did what she did. She even laughed. Even though she seemed reluctant, she still did it.

After his parents left to go slave off on a 9-5 job for $10 an hour. John sat there and cried.

He had a scalpel in his hand, and he was about to put it to his throat when he heard a voice.


'Congratulations for activating the Hall Of Fame Check In System.'


Check-In. Anywhere.Anytime.Everyday.Get Rewarded. Like A Job, but Easier.

Prizes include, but aren't limited to







Once Leveled Up, You Will Be Introduced To A New World Of Possibilities.

Also a stats page. Please say stats at this time. You have 3 seconds or you'll die. 3...2...1..Zer-



John Wallace

Lvl: 1

Intellect: 20-Potential PhD or Doctorate level grad student.

Strength: 15-Potential Olympic Gold Medalist

Dexterity: 15-Master 3 Point Shooter

Agility: 15-Quick, and Flexible. Future Gymnist?

Speed: 18-Potential Olympic Gold Medalist

Wisdom: 15-You might be able to be a poet

"....I'm this good?"

'That was from 3 weeks ago host. Everything but Wisdom, and Intellect went down by 7 because of your knee injury. The only reason you can walk is because you were at a very athletic level.

"...Hm, I see. So you're telling me I was a potential Olympian, but my g-....Shiva ruined that? Very well, that whore will be gone by morning. Thou shall not let any thots pass."

'Host please Check-In'


'Congratulations Host, you've unlocked inhuman regeneration. You can regenerate everything but your brain at the equivalent of the speed of sound. (Temporary Award. Can't have a crippled host.)

Next Check In: 23:59:59

"Shut up, your mom was a cripple. I bet she couldn't even connect to the internet."


'Leave my moms internet connection problem out of this. It was Sony's fault she was defected!'


As John was speechless over his joke turning out to be true, he felt his knee get better. There was no pain, no stiffness, no numb feeling randomly every 2 minutes, and nothing else unusual. Which means....HE WAS RECOVERED!


As soon as John got done talking a doctor ran in to check on him. When he saw a patient that was suppose to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life jumping around all he could say was...