

A game was created [Cultivation Domain] in a bit distant future where virtual reality MMORPGS and cultivation type games mix and fuse. A company sets forth to create a mix of these genres and waifus because who doesn't want some big tiddies in their face? With the cheat [Life Simulator] Kuro is somehow able to simulate the world around him and anime inspired worlds. Being one of the few within game that was launched into the universe like world. Surviving is important but having fun is far more important for a causal player like himself. All he wants to do is earn money and chill as he watches his waifu harem grow... == Extra tags: MILF OYAKADON Femboy(like 1 semi-permament femboy) ==

Kuro_Simp · Video Games
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18 Chs

chapter 15

[Month 8. Age 18

And just like All For one stated. He left the country and disappeared. News were supressed by All Mights incredible power and the newly established [Hero's Association]. With you becoming the Head of said Association. Taking control of Japan was incredibly easy with some incredibly strong and intelligent heroes.

With you using the excuse of protecting the country from itself of course. Everything went well and most of all cities were rebuilt with every hero taking a part in the reconstruction. U.A was also rebuilt.

Although there was an accident where a Nomu was unleashed onto a city, thankfully All Might was there before everything went up in flames. Suppressing the news about AFO and his army was a bit difficult but over all everything was fine.

Training up the girls and seducing girls was still what you usually did.

[Current harem]

Darkness, Kie, Nezuko and Muichiro and Nana

Rumi, Mitsuki, Manami, Nemuri, Moe and Tomoko/Shino/Ryuko

You laid on your bed lazily, Mitsuki laying next to you uncounsious from the rough night the two of you had. You thought about what to do forward since the more you disrupt the 'plot' of this world the more you feel that a calamity would befall you.

Anyways, you decide to start up a martial arts course but only for those who have the talent and who have the resources could enter. Herbs, the newly gained nurtient bottles from David shield working with a dozen other scientists and more. Planting the spirit rice, tree and fruit within U.A was easy and now that months have passed since you planted them.

You stepped into the somewhat dense Qi area and you glanced at the girls who were cultivating. From your harem Rumi and Mitsuki were the ones with the highest talent alongside Nana.

Given that Nana seemed to be the Daughter of Fate with her having One For All and the ability to fly aka her float quirk...

All of them were equal in talent with Kie except maybe one grade lower or higher.

Level 5 - Low grade Mitsuki

Level 5 - Mid grade Rumi

Level 5 - High grade Nana

The other's were lower level talents from 1 to 2.

And thus, currently you were teaching and guiding your girls to Grade 9 but you knew that would take a long time]

[Month 9->>1 year Age 18

Time flew by and your cultivation also increased by a large amount as more Spiritual plants were grown and slowly fused together with the plants in this world. Would the Qi movement from these plants cause a chance in the heavens? If so then you would have to see it through to the end.

Kie broke through Grade 8 alongside Nezuko and Muichiro breaking through Grade 9. Rumi, Mitsuki and Nana also broke through Grade 9.

With your help and various expensive herbs your other girls also broke through to Half-Step Grade 9.

You also tested out many other students and apart from some guys with relatively average talent you found...an incredible talent.

[Good Fortune]

Something clicked when I stared at Emi Fukukado.

"How?" You uttered, you could feel Qi slowly gathering within Ms. Joke a new heroine. Due to countless issues and the fact that you were now the head of the country you couldn't meet everyone and thus...you hadn't met Emi.

"I can feel Qi being abosrbed towards your body, even now as more Qi is being thrown into this place...a true Prodigy" You stated bitterly as Emi just cracked a joke with the other heroes gathered.

"Emi Fukukado...right?"

You deciced to get on her good side. After all, her innate talent was...powerful. From novels you've read...this probably wasn't a talent but an innate...

[Spiritual Root] one of the many requirements to step onto the path of cultivation.

The path of Longevity! Of Immortality!

But even so, you felt confident in reaching Grade 1 within a few dozen year's...

And even if you couldn't. You had all the resources of Japan, the intelligence of countless incredibly intelligent scientists working on a way to increase the gains from Spiritual fruits. Basically, increasing the amount of Qi in a fruit and stuff]

[Year 2, Age 19

A year passed by rather quickly and your harem further expanded. You reached half-way through Grade 7 and you were hopeful for Grade 6 within a year. Your girls broke through a grade each with Emi breaking through to Half-Step Grade 7...

Emi - Half-Step Grade 7, Second Step

Darkness - Grade 8, Late stage, First Step

Maya - Grade 8, Late Stage, Second step

Kie - Grade 8, Late stage, Second Step

Nezuko - Grade 8, Mid stage Peak, First Step

Muichiro - Grade 8, Early stage, First Step

Nana - Grade 8, Early stage, First Step

Rumi - Grade 8, Mid Stage Peak, First Step

Mitsuki - Grade 8, early stage, First step

Your daughter also grew up and was now a beautiful young women named Maya. A blonde women with incredible talent comparable to Nana's talent but weaker then Emi Fukukados talent who was now one of your lovers and also one you talked to the most.

And of course with your careful teachings she grew up into a formidable women. Of course because she was the daughter of Darkness your masochistic wife you successfully seduced her. But you also felt that you were connected to your daughter on a deeper level, it seemed that no matter what your daughter would become yours and no one elses...which was strange.

Anyways, aside from your harem growing both due to your strength, looks and resources. You were also increasingly joining in with the scientists at I-island. David shields daughter recently took charge as well and you were suprised since Melissa Shield wasn't supposed to be born till years later.

Melissa shield was 18 year's old this year and Davids middle aged appearance probably wasn't due to him working long hours. You tried her talent and you were suprised to find that she was Level 4, Low grade talent. Meaning she was pretty good talent on the way of martial arts. And given that she didn't have a quirk it was easier for her to accept becoming your disciple.

And although you had countless japanese beauties at your side you couldn't help but marvel at an American beauty. Blonde, big tits and a fat PAWG ass!

The addition of Qi was being studied and now various countries have begun to enter the program. Out of all the important major super powers such as the US and China...

With davids and Melissa helping out due to the two of them being geniuses, you made great progress. Making sure to spread the spiritual plants you brought back and grown]

[Year 3. Age 20

You broke through to Grade 7 alongside Emi your wife. Both because of her Level 6 talent which equalled a fucking Spiritual Root! Anyways, although you were jealous it didn't stop you from taking care of her and your large harem. Thankfully, your Blue talent was incredibly effective towards your women.

You also seduced and fucked Melissa shield.

The production of various spiritual plants was in high order. U.A itself was already slowly showing signs of maybe even 1/25th of the amount of Qi back in your world. And 1/35th of the amount of Qi within the Zen Long Martial school.

You causally leveled up your techniques but you always felt on edge. After all AFO was somewhere out there.

Good news, you impregnated a few of your lovers and Emi. You were hopeful with Emi's impregnation. After all, she had already reached Mid Grade 7...]

[Year 4. Age 21

Your cultivation broke through to Grade 7 Peak. Your lack of talent was showing.

Emi - Grade 7, Second Step

Darkness - Grade 7, early stage, Second Step

Maya - Grade 7, Early stage, Second step

Kie - Grade 7, Early stage Second Step

Nezuko - Grade 7 Early stage, Second Step

Muichiro - Grade 8, Peak stage, First Step

Nana - Grade 8, Peak stage, Second Step

Rumi - Half-Step Grade 7, First Step

Mitsuki - Grade 8, Peak stage, First step

Your techniques increased by a few levels and you've experienced countless fights since you were named the Head of the [Heroe's Association]. You also began to contemplate on the third step.

Sword intent itself.

Apart from not being similar to [Martial Intent] which was mentioned continuously in the sword intent manual, [Martial Intent] was achieving enlightenment on a power/concept and bringing that into existence through your will then infusing Qi into said ability to create something like...

[Martial Intent - Lightning Strike]

A type of spell but more focused on strikes from the fist. Each strike carries the power of the spelll [Lightning Strike] dealing incredible damage.

Sword Intent could be like that. Basically, it was the upgraded aspect of [Sword Aura] aka the Third and final step for the creation of a Sword Intent.

"Sword Intent" You muttered to yourself, your hand on your sword. You had never left your sword alone even when you fucked your harem. Even when you cultivated. Your sword was always in the same are as you, the same place as you...you nutured it with your own Qi.

Just like you Emi, Nana, Maya and the more talented women also did this. You gathered them and you talked.

You talked about your experiences from when you first stepped onto the path of the Sword, reaching enlightenment when fighting against the Nomu and reaching the Second Step...and finally...

With how you already were had a Half-Step Sword Intent created. You followed using the insights within the manual.

You decided that your sword intent would be [Penetrate]. A sword that bypasses through defenses and hits the body itself.

[Sword Intent - Penetration]

Which sounded weird but you took inspiration from Ddraig a dragon from a horny anime that was still ongoing because its fans were now horny and rich.

Anyways, you talked about how you first decided on this. When you fought the nomu and you couldn't deal much damage until you hard [Sword Aura] to amplify his power.

You then demonstrated your sword intent. Taking a deep breath you held onto your sword and then...a green aura surrounded your sword. For now you couldn't be like true swordman.

But even so. Even with your shoddy talent after years passed by and you continued to comphrend the insight manual and your own swordsmanship [One Hundred Sword Petal]Technique to Level 4 and gaining access to 40 petals of strength...

Your [Sword Aura] naturally grew stronger.

And with that your understanding on swords, plus the help of a naturally talented women like Emi and your harem you were able to take this step forward.

"Wow" As you stabbed your sword forwards a powerful force escaped your sword and penetrated a large portion of the tree. But even then you felt that something was missing. Thanks to your various enlightenments throughout the years you felt that having a harem was great. After all, compared to your world you didn't have as much enlightenments as you did here.

Was having a harem something that allowed you to coast around in the worlds you were in? A sense of belonging to the world? You thought you came upon some secre-

But even so. Your sword intent wasn't complete.

[Sword Intent - Penetrate]

A sword intent with your will to penetrate through all defenses and deal [True Damage]! It was a lofty dream and also something that you couldn't help but sigh. After all, the reason you even made such a grand attack at the moment was because you needed everyone to see your Half-Step Sword Intent. To give them inspiration!

After all, apart from being your women they were also incredibly strong martial artists in their own right. Specifically the women who you brought together those with incredible talent.

You spent a whole month discussing swordsmanship, Sword Intent and insights that you guys had.

Overall, the discussion stayed with your insights. Emi, Maya and Kie were the main contributors alongside Nana. Your insights seemed to allow the other girls whose talents were Level 5 and 4 to further their own knowledge on Sword Qi and Sword Aura.

"I comphrended a Martial Intent" Emi suddenly blurted outloud causing everyone to come to a halt]

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