
Chapter 5

|Cahya Lestari – Captain of the Dukun Association of Indonesia|

"And that is all, sir."

After I say that, I finish my verbal report. I sometimes wonder why I need to do a verbal report because we have a spell that lets us review a memory. Why can't the higher-ups see the memory and the written report and be done with it?

"I see."

The man in front of me is called Santioso, the Vice President of the Dukun Association of Indonesia and the direct descendant of Hayam Wuruk. This famous king is known for his wisdom. Unlike mine, when he borrows the power of his ancestor, he gets a boost in his magical ability, and his mana increases by three hundred percent.

He is the second most powerful dukun in the entire country, just beneath the President.

I find it rather funny to think that the most powerful duo is the descendant of people from the same kingdom and generation as well.

"I'm rather upset that you did not ask for his name, but knowing the circumstances, I will let it slide this time."

"Thank you, Vice President."

"Hmmm… As for the intel… We already take care of it. That kind of error is not something we can have in our intel-gathering squad."


I look up when I hear an explosion happening on the third floor.

"And speaking of it, it looks like the president has already taken care of it. Come on. We must stop him before bigger damage is done to the headquarters."

I nod and follow the Vice President to the third floor, and when we arrive, I can see the President already wearing his ancestral armor: A golden armor with the symbol of an elephant on it.

I can see blood and guts on the floor. I hold back my gag, reflect, and stand still not to get the ire of the president.

"Oi! Hartono! Can you not? At least take one of them for interrogation."

The president, Hartono, looks at the Vice President and says.

"There is nothing to interrogate. They are using some kind of suicide spell that makes them go mad and kill anyone in sight."

"Oh? Truly? That means…"

"Yeah. They are the spies the cult sent to monitor and kill as many members of the Dukun Association as possible."

"Excuse me, sir. However, what kind of cult are we talking about?"

The vice president looks at me and says,

"Buto Ijo Cult. The cult that wants to revive the strongest oni-type demons."

Ah, that cult. Buto Ijo cult is the most brutal cult in Indonesia. They are the cult that causes as much chaos as possible while kidnapping and killing as many people as they want to resurrect their idol, Buto Ijo.

"How can they join the Dukun Association? We make sure to check their background."

"And that is what I want to investigate, Cahya."

The vice president looks at me and turns around.

"Oi, Hartono! You are the one doing this, so that you will be cleaning it."

"What?! You have your magic! Can't you help me by using your magic?!"


"Oi! Come back here!"


"Master! This ice cream is great!"

I smile a little as Seiryuu devours a large bowl of ice cream without any sign of brain freeze. As expected of a dragon with a domain over ice and water, she will not get a brain freeze.

"That's good."

Seiryuu decides not to return to the Spiritual World where the other spirits stay and wants to explore the modern world. Lucky for me, she can hide her tail, and horns, change her pupils, and change her hair color.

As for Hotarugusa, she decides to go back home. After exploring my home for a few hours, she decided to go back to the spiritual world.

That only left Seiryuu and me.

I let her enjoy the ice cream while I check on my phone.


|A New World!| |Local Quest| |Completed| |Claim? Y/N|

{Did you know that your world is not what it is supposed to be? Well, your world is different from your previous one! Join the new world with a bang! Help the local magic user defeat twenty demons that are coming out from Demonic Realm}

[Reward: 400 Points]

[Bonus Reward: 100 Points (Kill 30 demons)] |Completed|

[Bonus Reward: 150 Points (Kill 50 demons)] |Completed|

[Bonus Reward: 250 Points (Kill 100 demons)] |Completed|


With the help of Seiryuu, I get nine hundred points in a single mission. I press the accept button and see my points reach the two-thousand mark. I can buy skills and items from the shop. I really want to buy the [Unarmed General Martial Art] to cover my lack of close combat defense. However, I decided to hold it for now.

I will use them later when I reach the three-thousand mark or when a new member is coming in a few more days. If the quest continues coming in, I should get a new member in a few days or a week at the latest.


Ah, speak of the devil. I open the new notification and see a new quest has arrived.


|Spread Your Name| |Local Quest|

{You have experienced your first step into the supernatural side of your world. Now it is time to spread your wings. You can start by becoming a hunter! Demon hunter! Prevent demons from coming out of the portal! You can see where the portal will appear in the group chat's new [Map] feature!}

[Reward: 500 points]

[Bonus Reward: 100 points if there are no casualties]

(Portal will appear in 3 days)


|Magical Crafter!| |Local Quest|

{Make something magical and sell it to the magical side of the world! You can only sell something magical in nature.}

[Reward: 100 points]


Two new quests, huh? They are pretty decent. By knowing where the portal will appear, I can easily clear the first quest. As for the second one… I don't know where I can sell my product. Is there any Amazon in the supernatural world?

Hmmm… maybe there is. I just need to search it closely. You know what? I think I will use my newly gained points to buy something. I open the [Shop] and quickly search for something I need to search the internet for the magical Amazon side.

After a few seconds of searching, I found my target. What is in front of me is [Software {Tinker} (Saint)].

I'm slightly surprised at the word next to the Software because I know what it was. Tinker is one of the twelve power classifications from the Worm story, a dark-grim novel about superheroes and villains.

I did not read the novel, but I read a lot of fanfic of Worm in the past. That is another thing that did not exist in this world, which is a shame because I plan to read the novel.

Tinker can create or alter existing devices well beyond the usual education, knowledge, resources, or physics restrictions. With enough material and the right specialization, a tinker can alter reality.

I think some tinker can alter time in the Worm novel. I think one of the villains has something called a Time Bomb that lets her create a bomb that accelerates time or something. I know that this villain makes a bomb that can change one material into another. For example, this bomb can change flesh and bone into glass or diamond.

One villain I remember from that novel is called String Theory. Her tinker specialization is in Doomsday Device. She creates a device that can knock the moon out of its orbit.

I don't know what kind of Software tinker can do, but I'm willing to believe it involves AI. That is perfect for me. I can create an AI that can help me take care of my game and even ask it to do some research for me.

I quickly press buy, and I can feel a horrendous headache start. I grit my teeth and ignore Seiryuu's question and panicked expression. Lucky for me, it only lasted for a minute. I release a relieved breath and lean over my chair.

"Master! Master, are you okay?"

I smile at her and say.

"I'm fine, Seiryuu. I just have a headache."

"Really?! Then you should call Kijin! She can help you!"

"Ah, you don't need to worry, Seiryuu. The pain is already gone."

"Are you sure?"

I smile at her and pat her head.

"You don't need to worry. I'm fine."

"If you say so."

My smile gets bigger as she slowly continues to eat her ice cream.

Hello, guys. This is the author. I have bad news. As you know that I have been missing the past month but I have a reason for that.

I have been busy because of a financial problem. I have been scammed, bad. One of my relatives had his Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter accounts hacked, asking for money from a friend's list on that account.

He is a close friend and relative to me, so I did not double-check when he was asking for money when he told me that his mother was in a car accident.

He asks me to pay for the front payment, and when the insurance comes, he will pay me back.

I panic because his mother is so kind to me; I quickly send the money and do not even look at the name of the receiver. I only noticed it when I had already sent the money (20 Mil Rupiah or around 1.3 K USD), and now I'm in need of money.

I know that I'm stupid, and I admit it.

I would be very grateful if you guys have any spare chance you can donate.

You can visit my Ko-Fi page to donate and read some of the unpublished chapters (Which have the same amount as my P@treon).


Fangrovecreators' thoughts