

C.E 54

Mendel Space station

It can be seen that there is a child being conceived inside the artificial womb, He is the first child of ulen hibiki and via hibiki. And During this time the Diva lacus clyne is born, the two have a destiny with each other but that was for later...

Although successfu, his life is unstable, and week after he is born he died, it was the greatest sadness of ulen hibiki and via hibiki, the only thing they can do is to bury it away in a safe place. And thus the first ultimate coordinator is deemed a "failure", however what they didn't know was that a soul who didn't belong to this world have moved to this child..

C.E 55


It has been a year since the "failure" of the ultimate coordinator, via hibiki and ulen hibiki had a children again. However this time the child are twins, they are cagali and kira the protagonist of the Gundam Seed plane, kira was taken from the womb of via hibiki, although she begged her husband to not do it so as not to repeat the same mistake with their first child. The methods this time is more gentle. Rather thab the perfect coordinator that is good in every thing, kira is only good on two things, an Ms ace pilot and mechanical os building.

During the past year after a few months after the "Failure ultimate Coordinator" there is other people's that are also experimented for the Ultimate coordinator program. It is kanard pars..

After the genetic modifications of kira hibiki using gentle approach, it is deemed that the expirement was a success and kira's life not unstable but rather very stable. It made ulen hibiki happy for the expirement is successful.

But happiness is short lived, for the anti-coordinator lunatics the blue cosmos, heared it's success. And planned to kill the "Successful Perfect Coordinator". Thus raiding the Mendel colony(satellite), and killing everyone in it. And the hibiki couple is lucky enough that the younger sister of via hibiki, Caridad Yamato is there therefore kira and cagali was entrusted to her so that they can have a normal life..

When via hibiki was almost dying, she visited her first child.. and for some unknown reason she let her child be hidden somewhere, But as she is moving the child she suddenly felt a heartbeat from the child, which is impossible for it has been a year since the child is dead. Delighted by this she hurriedly hugged her child for the first time is her life, knowing that she is dying. She hurriedly called her friend. Siegel clyne, they became friends because she is the one who modified his daughter lacus clyne to be a coordinator. She then asked for help to rescue her son: "hello, Siegel pls do me a favor and save my son, Mendel and all personel in the lab is killed I'm the only one alive, at least I can still save him.."

She then looks at her child : "My child, you were supposed to be Free!, But destiny seems to be having other plans huh.., very well, I should at least give you a name.. Hmm, then since you are supposed to be Free, freedom yes! This is a good name! Then it's Jiyū hibiki!, I just hope you don't fight with your little bother and little sister.." after that she written a note for my name, left a message to Siegel to hide my true identity as the True Ultimate coordinator.. after that she put me in a safe place. Waiting for Siegel clyne..

After a few days, Siegel clyne who got the message from via hibiki, came to the Mendel satellite to find via hibiki. But it is already too late as via hibiki already died, the only one left is the child with a note saying: "Siegel pls addopt this child, His name is Jiyū hibiki, and your future son in law! Remember that joke that me and your wife did?, and he is the True ultimate coordinator!, and yes he is alive. For some reason, I think this is because he is too powerful strong in all aspect but his body is still weak because he is a newborn, that's why we thought that he died, because his body is still evolving, and he and your daughter lacus clyne is a pair, for he is the ultimate coordinator, and your daughter was created to be the ultimate partner of this child and only me and you are the only one who know what is his true identity.. thank you -via hibiki"

After reading this Siegel just laughed and said: "*sigh* this is a hot potato via, but you are right, since that's the case, I your name will be Jiyū clyne!, my adopted child! And lacus clyne's fiancee.."

After taking everything related to Jiyū clyne then, he hacked the satellite and destroyed everything related to jiyū hibiki, after that he stealthily came back to plant. he then put Jiyū clyne besides lacus clyne, and for some unknown reason the moment they accidently touch their own hands, lacus hair that was supposed to be fully pink hair. It became pink hair with white strands. And hiyū's hair became White with pink strands, Thus starts the journey of the two jiyū and lacus towards their future..