
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Ch - 13 Karna's Birth

---( Few decades ago )---

-- In kuntibhoj --

Kunti, Princess of Kuntibhoj at a young age served Sage Durwasa with her maid/friend Priyamvada. Sage Durwasa, pleased from Kunti Blessed her with a special matra.

Sage Durwasa - "Kunti, you have impressed me with your patience and hard work. I bless you with a special matra."

Kunti - "Thank you Sage but what kind of mantra?"

Sage Durwasa - "When you use this mantra, you can invoke any God you wish and get a child from them."

Kunti - " Thank you Sage!!!"

Sage Durwasa - " But be careful, never use this mantra before your marriage or this boon of yours will become a curse."

Kunti nodded and returned to the palace.

On the banks of river ganga~

Kunti and Priyamvada were taking a bath when Kunti told her friend about the boon she got from sage Durwasa.

Priyamvada - "No way! I don't believe you."

Kunti - "But I am telling you the truth."

Priyamvada - "But what if the mantra does not work?"

Kunti thought for a while. She too didn't knew if the mantra worked or not.

Kunti - "Then wait, I'll try it."

Kunti then chanted the mantra and looked towards Sun. She invoked Surya, The Sun God. When she finished chanting, the Ray's of the sun increased. The brightness of the Sun increased alot and in the sky a Handsome figure emerged. He was very handsome and was shining like sun (duh).

When Kunti and Priyamvada saw this, they gasped in shock. They were not able to believe what thier eyes were witnessing.

Kunti and Priyamvada - "Pranipat Suryadev." (Greetings Sun God.)

Suryadev - "Kalyan ho.". (Be lucky)

Kunti - " Are you really Suryadev?"

Suryadev - "Yes Kunti, but what have you done. Why did you used the mantra? Sage Durwasa told you not to use the mantra before marriage but you still did it.

Kunti - " Sorry lord, I just wanted to check whether the mantra works or not. You can go now, I will invoke you again after my marriage."

Suryadev - " I am bonded by the mantra, Kunti. I cannot go back without giving you a child."

Suryadev (CO) - "Kunti, you have used the matra and invoked me, so I will give you a son who is a part of me. He will be born with my Radiance and heat. Just like me, he will treat everyone equally and will be one of the greatest worriors to exist. A person like him never existed and will never exist after him. He is born with this Divine armour and Kundals(earrings) which are made from Amrit* nothing can break it, even the Trident of Mahadev cannot beart it. Because of his Kundals, He will be known as Karna."

Kunti (crying) - "But lord, I am not married, if I had a child before marriage, my father will be humiliated. All his reputation will crumble into pieces."

Suryadev - "You should've thought this before hand. Now it's time for me to leave."

He said and left. Kunti touched her stomach as she could feel a little heat in her stomach. She was pregnant. She decided that she will give birth to this child.

Priyamvada prepared everything for her. They were away from thier kingdom for nine month. They gave an excuse saying Princes Kunti was doing a special prayer to gods.

Nine months later~

Kunti was bearing alot of pain and was crying. Few ladies were helping her to give birth to the child. Soon a cry of a boy filled the whole room. The ladies hander the newly born child to his mother. Kunti was extremely pleased to see her child, her first born.

Priyamvada - " Princess, you cannot keep that child. He is a sin! He was born before your marriage. The society won't accept it."

Kunti - "No, I will fight the world for my child. Looks at this child, what is his fault in this."

Priyamvada - "No princess, you cannot. You absolutely cannot keep him."

Priyamvada (thought) - 'If you keep this child, all my luxuries will be gone, I cannot let that happen.'

Kunti (Crying) - " Ok, Please hand this child to an orphanage."

Priyamvada - "No, if he goes to an orphanage, our enemies (kingdom) would target him or may even blackmail us. We cannot trust anyone. "

Kunti - "Then what should we do?"

Priyamvada - "I have an idea."

She this began persuading Kunti at letting her child flow in the ganga river. At first Kunti didn't accept but Priyamvada made her agree.

Next day ~

Kunti was crying looking at her one day old child.

Kunti (Crying) - "I am sorry Son. Your mother has to do this or your grandfather will be humiliated. I know you can never forgive your mother."

Priyamvada - "All preparations are done, Princess."

Then Kunti placed her new born child, karna, in a basket with few flowers and jewelleries.

She gently places the basket in the flowing water of river ganga. She was crying. Priyamvada was also crying but her tears were that of a crocodile.

That day the rays of the Sun were extremely hot for the people of Kuntibhoj. People began thinking what they did to gain the rage of the Sun God but in reality, it was anger and helplessness of a father.

Suryadev - "Oh Devi(Goddess) Ganga, please help my child and bring him to somewhere safe. A place where he would get loving parents who will actually love him as thier own."

Ganga - "Ofcourse, Suryadev."

In this way, Goddess Ganga helped Karna to reach a safe place. During the 3 days trip, karna felt hungery. He started crying to express his hunger but his mother had already abandoned him. Seeing this, Goddess Ganga felt pity on the child and was angery on his mother. She used her divine water and fed it to Karna which eased karna from his hunger.

After the three days trip, Krana came to Hastinapur. Karna came infront of a couple. The couple was none other than Adhirath, chariator of Mahamahim Bhishm and his wife Radha. They pitied the child and accepted him as thier own son.


HOWDY People!!

Don't worry, Justice will be bestowed to Karna. His life itself is a big lesson to people. Google it if you don't know.

Don't forget to Comment and give those Power Stones!!!

Discord - Arch Tysonoo#8342