
Chat Group: Hate

Arriving in Purgatory, Yuuma got the key to escape through pure luck, but to get out, he has to activate a chat group?! ~~~ Bonus Tags: #Slow Pace #Average Writing #NoHarem

OsloTheUnkown · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Past and Present Idenities.

Word Count: 1347

Opening my eyes I was startled, I died only what felt like a few moments ago, but I had found myself in a pitch-black room.


Name Your Vessel

[ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]


"Eh?" I exclaimed in surprise, while staring at the floating screen.

I was surprised by this rather confusing but very important question, was I about to get reincarnated?

Being the man of culture I was, I wanted to let my inner chunni out, but at the same time I wanted my name to have some significance or meaning, this would be my new identity after all.

So I decided to name myself after one of my favorite game characters.


Is this your name?

[ Chara ]


The Character comes from an Indie Game called 'Undertale', you can meet them at the end of the Genocide route, where instead of befriending the monsters you meet, you kill them all mercilessly.

It's not something you can do on accident, you have to go out of your way to achieve this ending, then you'll meet Chara.

Chara reveals that the protagonist's "human soul" and "determination" were the cause of their reincarnation and that the merciless events that occurred during the route lead Chara to realize that the "purpose" of their awakening.

Although, the "purpose" of my reincarnation will be different, it's a reminder to say true to whom I am now, and that my actions have consequences.

Selecting the [Confirm] button for the name, it moved me on to the next screen, which was extremely complex.


Chara, Please Build Your Character

*Insert very advanced character customization screen*


Looking at the most complex character creation screen in existence, I decided to start with race.

Of course there were many races I could choose from other than human, but I wasn't going to throw away my humanity just like that, so I decided to look at the human variants instead.


[Human Variants]



Broken Vessel

Impure Reanimation




I was surprised at the long list of options, but I had to chose one, so I had to start scribbling options off.

I could write off Neanderthal right away, I wouldn't give up my intelligence just for some extra brawn.

Definitely not 'Wendigo' or 'Skinwalker', Skinwalkers could transform into different animals and gain their abilities, but in legends they're extremely evil, for one to become a 'Skinwalker' they have to kill a close family member.

Wendigos aren't even really human, I guess it counts as a variant because in legends during famines people who ate human flesh would transform into one.

Okay, That leaves.


Race: Human

Humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.

= Average


Race: Human

Variant: Broken Vessel

After the death of a creature, during the process of the soul leaving the body, the body may block the soul from exiting, during this process the soul is damaged, but the body is, and the soul is bound permanently.

+ Immortal

+ Inhuman Regeneration

+ Adaptation Skill

- Damaged Soul

- Spirit Debuff


Race: Human

Variant: Perfect Impure Reanimation

An Impure Reanimation is a soul of a deceased person bound to a living vessel forcefully restoring them as they were when alive, their body consists of a paper like material that will regenerate if their body destroyed, but during this process they're completely helpless, and can be easily sealed, or completely destroyed.

+ Immortal

+/- Paper Body

- Limited to their last alive version.


(A:N Buffs mean they have an easier time increasing that stat, debuff is vice versa.)

Non-Variant Human could just be ruled out as both other options were much better

Out of the two choices Broken Vessel was the most appealing even though it had more debuffs than Perfect Impure Reanimation.

The Debuff for Perfect Impure Reanimation, meant no matter how much I lifted weights, or did exercises, or trained, I would be limited to the amount I was at when I was first revived.

Although I didn't know what having a Damaged Soul meant, I would much rather take that risk, as who knows where I would be reincarnated.


'Broken Vessel' Selected


'How many more options like this are there going to be…' I thought dismissively.

Thankfully the other options only had an impact on my appearance, so I started designing my character, and after a few hours I was done.

[MC Picture]

Of course, I took, a "Little" inspiration from the name I picked, it's pretty hard to think outside the box when you're trapped in one.

Of course, I picked male for my gender, Chara's gender was ambiguous, and instead left for interoperation

Other than that, the only things to note was It let me choose clothes, so I didn't have to start naked.


Confirm Appearance.

Note: Your appearance can't be changed.


Selecting Confirm I no longer felt like I was in third person, and I could stand up and move around that tiny room, I was no longer a ghost.

Speaking of the tiny room, I finally could get a better look at the room I was stuck in, It was less of a room, and more of a box, each wall of the room was pitch black, the only sense of depth in the room came from the white highlighted corners of the room, other than that, it was completely barren, except for the chair in the middle of the room.

As I finished taking a look around the room, another menu popped up.


Status: Healthy * Mental State: Normal

Name: Chara

Title: (None) * [LV: 1]

STR 12* DEX 14* VIT 9123*

INT 15* SPI 2* WIS 18*

Attribute Points: 0


Kekkei Genkai: Adaptation: LV 1

Stealth: LV 5

Cooking: LV 6

Wood Carving: LV 7

Sketching: LV 12

Origami: LV 18

[Other Menus]

[Inventory] [Exchange Center] [Quests] [Save Menu] [Travel] [Chat Group]


I instantly understood that the screen was showing me my stats, and the first thing my attention was on was my insanely high Vitality Stat.

I wasn't completely sure what it was from, but since Inhuman Regeneration didn't show up as a skill, it was probably tied to my vitality, which in a sense was better.

The second thing that caught my eyes was my SPI stat, since it was so low, I was pretty sure it stands for 'Spirit', which makes sense with my damaged soul.

Although I didn't know how to get Attribute Points, as long as I invested them in SPI, I could hypothetically get rid of my weakness.

Moving my attention to my Skills, I had noticed that Adaptation was added as a Kekkei Genkai, and the rest were just a few of my better skills from my past.

Other than that, the only things worth mentioning were the other menus.

The one I wanted to check out the most even if It was the least important was the save menu, which I promptly opened out of curiosity.


[Save Menu]

Save Slot: Purgatory (??/??/????)

[Save] * [Load] * [Erase]



Looking at the save menu, I honestly felt how little significance I had, who knew the limits of the save menus power, it was quite unfathomable, but at least I had a clue where I was.

Navigating back to my status, I decided to view the Travel menu next, as it could be my ticket out of this place.


[Travel] * Tickets: 1



To use the [Travel] you must have [Chat Group] active



It seemed I wouldn't be able to use it until I activate the [Chat Group], which I was still hesitant on, who knew the repercussions of that, but perhaps I was being too cautious for my own good, the only other notable thing was the free ticket that I started with.

Navigating back to my Status once again, I begrudgingly opened the Chat Group Menu.

. End Chapter .

If you enjoyed today's chapter, leave a powerstone to keep me and Orvar motivated.

My Thoughts.

Although I found the character Chara fitting for the MC's personality, and I adore the game Undertale, I don't think I'll make any more references to the series in the future.

\/ \/ \/

Also, if it wasn't clear enough the MC is male.

Editor: Orvar