
Chasm: The tale of the Cahaya

For thousands of years, massive holes called chasms lead deep into the Earth. Home to a variety of creatures, ruins, temples, and other mysteries, humans have sought out to explore all parts of the Chasm. However, a thousand years ago, monsters called Kegare have come up to the surface, and the only way to defeat them is with the magical weapons found in the Abyss. Karna, a teenage youth, stumbles upon a magical spear called Visavi Shakti, which grants him the power to control fire. Becoming the savior of humanity, Karna sets out to destroy all Kegare and make the world a place where everyone can live in peace.

IHAPPOAD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

"Velvet, you didn't have to accompany me, you know?" Velvet shook her head. "No, Karna, I do need to go with you."

"Why is that? I'm only chatting with the princess."

Your brother hypothesized that the king might be working with Yami. As his daughter, she may attempt to do something."

"Such as?" Velvet blushed. "Don't worry about it. Just know that I'll be with you to make sure she doesn't try anything nasty."

The palace was a massive dome. Marble columns and arches held up the structure, and there was a garden that contained rows of roses, lilies, and orchards that took up at least an acre. Two guards stood in front of Karna. "Do you have business here?"

"Yes. I have an audience with the princess today."

"Wait here. I will notify her of your arrival."

Karna stared at the cathedral. "Hey, Velvet, why exactly is the place so big?"

"It's a cathedral, Karna. It houses royals and church officials. They tend to have an affinity for extravagance."

"Meanwhile, some people here are in poverty. I'm surprised they nobody's complaining about it."

"Church officials often use their religious status to appeal to the masses. They convince them that it's all in the name of the Lord, and usually, the people don't realize they were deceived until after they've been used."

"From what I've seen, that's all the people in power do. Tell grand tales of glory, only to profit off of the hark work of others, and many suck up to them for personal gains. It's depressing to see how few good people there are." Velvet took his hand. "Yeah, it sucks. But not everyone in a position of power is evil. You've seen what Lucia and I have done." Karna nodded. "I'm sure many, myself included, are thankful of all you two did. Still, the two of you were entirely on your own. There were so many people trying to undermine you."

Velvet smiled. "Yeah, but thanks to you, they were taken care of. Now we're here, trying to help the people of this nation overcome what seems to be again a corrupt ruling class." The guard came to them again and guided them into the cathedral.

The princess was a young woman around Karna's height with flowing blond hair that touched her back. Her eyes were dazzling green emeralds, and her skin was fair. She wore a simple white dress, looking nothing like the king or the other aristocrats with their fancy robes. Velvet glared at Karna, who stared open-mouthed at the princess. Velvet thought he was mesmerized by her. "Ahem. Karna, don't you think it's rude to stare like that?" Karna broke out of his trance. His face was red. "Oh, right. I'm sorry." Velvet gripped Karna's arm. "Um, Velvet, why are you holding my arm so tightly?"

"Karna, you've never looked at me like that, but you see her once, and suddenly you look as if you've been seduced. Care to explain?"

"I promise you it's not what you think."

"Prove it to me."

"After I'm done talking with her, I will." Velvet still glared at him. "Ok, fine, I'll admit I was taken aback by her beauty. But that wasn't the only reason."

"What else could it be?"

"Her dress. It's almost ordinary compared to what the king wore. I also don't sense the darkness near her, so I think we can clear her."

"You sure you're not saying that because you're enthralled by her?"


"Ok, I'm sorry. I guess I'm being too hard on you." Karna shook his head. "I guess I'd feel the same way if things were the other way around." He held her hand. "Let's get going now. She'll get mad if we just idle here." Velvet smiled. "Yeah." She intertwined her fingers with his as they walked over to the princess.

"Hello. I am Sylvia, the princess of Sobloeze. You're Karna and Velvet, correct?" The two nodded. "Sit, then. The tea will get cold, and there's much I'd like to discuss."

Karna sipped on a cup of tea. "So, what you're saying is that ever since you were a little kid, you've seen ghosts around the palace?" Sylvia nodded. "Pontianaks, small hellions, and even a dragon. It terrified me back then."

"Any possible sources? Kegare don't show up randomly."

"Wherever sinners are, darkness is prevalent. The church has been this way for decades. Ever since our last pope was excommunicated, the new pope has done nothing but enriched himself and his friends. This cathedral is looked on in contempt by the people."

"What about your father?" Velvet asked. "The people seem to like him." Sylvia shook her head. "Emphasis on the word seems. The people hate him as much as any of the priests here, for he protects them. Secretly, there have even been talks about a coup d'etat."

"Do you know who exactly summons the Kegare here?" Sylvia reluctantly nodded. "I highly suspect my father."

"Why exactly do you think it's him?"

"I'm positive I heard him in a conversation with a Takau." A tear rolled down Sylvia's face. "At first, I couldn't believe my father was allying himself with the darkness. I tried to dissuade him, but he yelled at me. He even hit me. I haven't talked to my father since."

Karna was bewildered. "He's avoided you ever since because of that?" Sylvia nodded. Karna got up from the table. "Thank you for telling us all you know, Sylvia. I'm sure it was difficult for you."

"No, I'm happy to be of use. I just hope that you'll shed your light onto our kingdom and free us from the darkness."

"You have my word." Velvet nodded. "Then we'd better get going. Your brother's with the king at the moment."

The king stretched his arms. "Welcome, companion of the Cahaya!" Sora smiled. "You're overdoing it." He sat on a table, on which was roasted chicken, wine, and cake.

"Nonsense. This is the least I can do to repay you for killing that dragon. Have a bite. This was prepared by our top chefs. I'd like to know your opinion on it." Sora bit off of a wing. "Wow. It's mind-blowing if you want my opinion. I've never tasted chicken better than this." He tried the cake. "The sugar is just right. Your chefs really are something." The king smiled. "Well, of course. I do try my best to hire no one but the best. Anyways, if you can, there's another errand I'd like your help with." Sora drank a glass of wine. "Sure, is there another dragon in the area?"

"No. In Vance, there have been reports of hellions in the area. Most of my men have been called off duty because of serious injuries. Vroborg doesn't have a reliable fighting force at the moment."

"So, my friends and I are the only ones who can actually help you." The king nodded. "Quite unfortunate. I would have given you good backup, but no matter. You three seem capable of handling the current crisis in the kingdom."

"If you say so," Sora muttered. Even though he wasn't there, Sora could not stop thinking about Tiga. "Even Karna had difficulty taking him on. He's a massive problem." The king coughed. "Is there something wrong? Something appears to bother you."

"No, I'm fine. I believe I should be taking my leave now. Those hellions you mentioned, when would be the best time to take care of them?"

"Nighttime. Fighting them in daybreak would cause widespread panic. The Kegare tend to attack at night as well."

"I see. I'll be taking my leave now if you'll excuse me."

Sora found Karna and Velvet waiting for him by the entrance. Karna was the first to notice him. "Anything peculiar going on with the king?"

"I'll talk about that on the way home. How about you? What'd you think of the princess?"

"She must've come from heaven," Velvet said sarcastically. Karna scratched his head. "Velvet, I really am sorry. It's not like I was going to do anything." Velvet looked at him. "Sure, whatever. I've forgiven you just this once."

"Thank you, Velvet." Velvet nodded. "Karna said he didn't sense the darkness around Sylvia, so she's in the clear for now. What about the king?"

"I'm pretty sure I saw a Takau near him." Velvet raised an eyebrow. "Really? He didn't even try to hide it?" Sora shook his head. "I think it wanted to speak to the king in private, but I came along and ruined that. I did sense an aura of darkness around the king, but we'll have to deal with him later. There are some hellions in Vance we need to get rid of."

Vance was once the capital city of Vroborg, but now it was a pile of rubble replaced by Cido. Bricks, furniture, even skeletons lay scattered and broken on the ground. There was a dark mist rife in the area. "The darkness," Karna thought. The ground started shaking, and giant worms, with gaping mouths filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, dug their way up to the surface. Karna jumped into the sky. "Matahari!" Arrows sunk into the hellions, and they dissolved. "I'll take care of things on the right. You guys cover my back!" Sora shot streams of water as Velvet created small hurricanes that encircled multiple Kegare.

Karna hovered down to the ground. "I think that's all of them. I don't sense anymore heading our way." Sora nodded. "I think we should go home for the night. I feel we shouldn't go after the king yet."

The king glowered at the Takau that was in the room previously. "I bet the Cahaya now knows that I'm working with you. Why didn't you hide when I invited that boy for lunch?" The Takau growled. "What does it matter? My master has plans for them. What's important here is the promise you made to us."

"You still have doubts? I gave you my wife for this, you know."

"Yes, but your promise was to give us all of Vroborg. In exchange, we shall grant you the power you seek. However, my master wishes to see the full extent of your loyalty. You will offer your daughter to us. Do so, and we will make you a jahat." The Takau vanished into the shadows as the king smashed his fist on the table. "Damm it all! I should have known that they would ask for Sylvia's head!"

"Lord Yami, it is as you predicted. The Cahaya is in Vroborg, and we have its king in our hands. Shall I make him a jahat?"

"No, Rangda. Tiga is still in the area, correct?"

"Yes. Tiga has been monitoring the Cahaya very closely. What will be done about the king?"

"I plan to make him a Bawahan. If he offers his daughter, then he will get the power he desires."

"Even though that power will corrupt him?"

"The king of Vroborg is nothing but a pawn to us. I have much to do. Kegelapan is still searching for Tyrfing. The point is to distract the Cahaya long enough for everything to be in place. That reminds me, what are the whereabouts of the Penyelamat?"

"She will soon arrive in the human realm. Near Sobloeze, if my sources are correct."

"Very well. Keep our other savior busy as well. I doubt the Cahaya is even aware of her existence. Make sure it stays that way."

"Yes, Lord Yami."