
Chasing The Golden Angel

Thunder filled the earth as the winds violently swirled around the different beings. Who would have thought that the end would come so harshly and so unexpectedly. There was no peace. There was no hope. And love that could have been the last hope was doomed from the very taste of its lust. This was the race to power that even Heaven wanted to take part of. Hell, Heaven and Earth were all different in their ways of living and experiences. Finally, coming to a clash when the three become intertwined with each other. Aural Cassielle, the daughter of Heaven’s top guardian angel, a representative of Heaven clashes with the two handsome immortals, Aamon Blade, the son of hell’s top king, and Josefa Demetrio, the son of mother nature, who is half-human and half-angel. Love, greed, and power bind them together as a timer is placed to make a decision that will either save or bring ruin to one’s world.

Serial_seresposa · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Chapter Four: Angels POV: Fatal Deaths

Song recommended: Turns You Into Stone By Fleurie

A room with a woman screaming as a man pinned her down, her eyes weren't focused on what he was trying to do. No, it was focused on her scream and her face that was in sheer fear. Such fear that made Aural's body grow goosebumps. The woman's neck went back a bit and caught sight of Aural as she struggled with the man.

"Help! Help me! Please!" she screamed and Aural watched the man catch sight of her. "What you slut! You want to watch! You want to be next! Get out of here you freak!" he shouted at her, causing Aural to finally answer the door of fear. Instead of getting off the woman, he continued and Aural whispered, "S-she… said… get off."

When the man paid no attention to her words, she yelled, "She said! Get off her!" this was the perfect distraction and the woman hit the man with something causing him to yell loudly. The woman got off and quickly hurried away from him, "Thank you! Now run!" she advised to Aural and ran past her.

When Aural turned to run, she hadn't noticed that the man had recovered enough to capture her leg and pull her towards him. He slammed her against the reflection that was on the other side of the room. And she felt pain spread through her left arm and leg, as she tried to push herself from it.

But he dragged her back towards him, causing the glass to cut her more and she knew she would bare marks. Even though she had never known the sight of them. The man pulled at her and pushed her on her back. Shouting comments that she knew were hateful but she wasn't focused on that.

She was focused on trying to get away, they had never taught them this, and if this was what they were trying to warn her against in heaven. Then she should have listened carefully. The man tried to snip at her clothing but Aural fought against him until his hand hit her face harshly. Causing darkness to settle in.

Or well try too.

Because right then she felt something burn into her as she placed her hand onto his chest, stopping her struggle. She watched his eyes become wide with fear as he watched her eyes turn into a bright light, nearly blinding him. Yet when he tried to pull himself away from her, he felt stuck as if something was keeping him there.

His chest begun to hurt as he stared into her eyes and blood seeped from his nose dripping onto her dress. He had never witnessed this in his life and he heard her voice. Yet at the same time, it wasn't her voice, it sounded as though there were several voices speaking at once.

"This is your punishment, the world is too worthy to have you, so you will know pain. You will bare the pain. Hell will be awaiting you."

His eyes grew wide as the hand on his chest seemed to seep past his skin, pushing past the bones and gripped his heart. He watched in horror as he tried to cry out but his voice seemed muted. He couldn't speak and all she did was smile as she pulled on his heart. Pulling it out, his tears flowed as he desired to repent for his sins.

Yet there was no chance for it, it seemed as though God had made the decision and there was no way to change it. His life flashed before his eyes as though a movie and he saw everything as clear as the blue sky. The touch of his mother as she caressed his cheek when he was young, smiling at him as she dressed him for school. The smell of her making breakfast and the sound of her singing.

"My son…" she whispered and the scenery changed to when he was a bit older. His father coming home, drunk and speaking in slurs as he beat his mother right before his eyes. The attempt to pull him off her only to be smacked right across the face. Making him fall on the other side, he heard the shouts of his mother and then the sound of a bone-cracking.

The scenery changed and there he was robbing a store with a gang. The weight of a gun by his waist, as he watched out for the police and right then the sound of gunshots being heard. His heart frightened, beating slightly faster than usual and he turned his attention to the men that he worked for.

A woman lay on the ground, bleeding by her head as they grabbed her purse and gestured at him to run.

"The men run this world, forget about her." they had said and off they went. Running to another state. Hiding and continuing in their violent desires and fortunately, they got caught. And he was the last one on the street causing much more horror than he ever thought he would.

He caught sight of his mother dressed in a white gown, staring at him with disappointment and instead of struggling. He nodded at her and let her kill him, knowing he deserved it well for all he had done.

The body fell with a hard thud onto her and she pushed it aside in shock. She was drenched with death and she knew that she had committed the biggest sin. Her body shook with fear and disbelief. She looked at the man whose tears still fell as his life was gone and her hand still held his heart.

She dropped it and pushed herself back. She heard the siren, that loud siren that was only sounded for angels and suddenly she wasn't on earth's floor. No, she was in front of the golden chair, she caught sight of the shoes that she knew belonged to him. She didn't dare look up at him with her shame, she was still in shock that she had taken a life.

She could feel the judgment of all the archangels and the one that she felt the most was the one coming close to his. She knew it belonged to her father and when she looked up to lock eyes with him. She could feel the shame and disappointment. He didn't dare speak a word to her.

Her heart broken, she questioned why she had even left. Her curiosity had led to this and now she would have to bare the punishment. "Why?" came the voice of her father and all she could do was cry. She let out a cry of sheer fear and shame. A cry of condemnation and one that she knew spoke louder than her words.

She couldn't voice what she had done and she wouldn't dare. This was her judgment, this was about to be her trial and she was about to be sent to Hell. A place that she never had the curiosity to even see.

"Silence!" boomed the voice.

She quieted herself and dared not let a sound out.

"You have broken the law of the angels. Disobeyed your father and I. You have also taken a life, a life that was not yours to take. The laws were placed for a reason, to protect us all but because there was a reason behind every plan of the living and you have disrupted it.

Have you not learned well to know what is to come!" he boomed,

"Your sentence is to match the life that you have taken but because of your father and for the reason behind the action, you will be stripped of your wings and sent to earth. Where your curiosity will continue to devour you!"

"Wait no! Please forgive me! Mercy! Mercy!" she cried as two angels began to drag her backward. She felt the clouds thunder and shift. She witnessed the angels gather, all with different looks, and then she caught sight of her mother.

"Mother!" she cried and she watched as her mother raced forward as she caught sight of her. "THAT IS MY DAUGHTER!" she yelled as she pushed through the angels, trying to get to Aural. "Mother!" Aural called trying to pull herself away from the angels dragging her away but before her mother could even reach her, she watched her father grab a hold of her and keep her in place.

"NO! Have you lost your sanity! That is my child! That is your daughter! MERCY!" she shouted as she fought with her husband. "Wife, stop." He reprimanded. "Dare they not take my daughter away! Dare they not! For if they do, I will follow her!" he warned as she continued to fight.

Aural was forced onto her knees, her arms both pulled back, and felt her wings sprout open by themselves. They pushed down her head and she felt the sizzling heat of the flaming sword come down. Removing her wings. Aural's scream was loud and suddenly,darkness began to cloud her and she felt herself be pushed out of heaven.

The distant sounds of her mother's screams and the last words of the Him being,

"It is done."