
"The Mysterious Blue Light"

"Today, no one can save that coward Aidan from me. Let him come," said Drake.

Drake is the leader of the bully gang. He was the human form of the word 'bad'. He always found happiness by torturing the weak ones. He left no chance of making the weak ones cry and beg him to leave them.

Mark and Ben were his crime partners. They would follow Drake in whatever he does and do whatever he asks them to do. Today, they were waiting for Aidan at the school gate so that they could torture that poor guy.

"But today, I have a different plan." declared Drake.

"What is it Master?" asked Ben.

"Just follow my actions and do nothing." He laughed evilly.

"Thank God Aidan, you didn't get that strange dream again. I don't understand why I see the same dream again and again. And the way it comes..... I don't even want to imagine it." was what Aidan was talking to himself while walking to school.

He saw that there was no one at the school gate. This gave him a sense of relief. As he rushed his steps to get into his class and that's when someone dragged him from the back of his collar. He couldn't see who it was. When he tried to open his mouth and shout for help, he was too late to do so as his mouth was shut by a hand. He was thrown into a dark room. He couldn't see anything due to the darkness.

He started to shout for help, but there was no response. Aidan was so afraid of darkness that he didn't even open his eyes and search for a way to get out of the dark room. He could smell the mustiness in the air. No matter what, he wanted to get out of this dark room. Determined to go out, Aidan opened his eyes to find nothing but darkness. Getting scared, he again tried to close them, but the will to go out stopped to do so. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could see a little. But it was of no help. He couldn't do anything.

Then came a source of light. He could see it was a blue light which came from god knows where. He couldn't go out of the door from where he was thrown into the room as it was locked from outside. So, he started taking his steps towards the only source of light he could see for now. As he started to approach it, it was going away from him. This continued until he found a small window and that's when the blue light disappeared. It felt strange to him.

"What was that blue light which came and disappeared with no notice", thought the boy. Keeping that penetrating question inside his mind shut for a while, he tried to escape from the room through that little window where the light brought him as if it came to show the way for him to go out.

He couldn't reach the window as it was at a height where he couldn't reach. In the process of jumping, he fell to the ground. That's when his eyes fell on a rusted old chair. He took that chair and tried to escape from there with its help.

Successfully, Aidan came out of that room from the window and landed on the ground. When his eyes scanned where he was, he found that he was at the backside of his school. Wasting no time, he started running to join the class. When he took a glance at his watch, he got to know...he was too late. The first hour was almost over. He stood outside till the class was over. As the sound of the bell echoed stating that it was time for the next class, Aidan drew a breath of relief. Ms. Ariana, the English teacher exited the class in such a hurry that she did not notice him.

Aidan stepped into the class. Drake and his companions are dumbstruck watching Aidan coming into the class. "How did this idiot come out?", thought Drake.

Taking his seat, Aidan was immersed in his thoughts of who might have locked him in that dark room and from where that blue light came from nowhere.

While Aidan was lost in his thoughts, all the students wished the teacher who entered the class, drawing his attention. Startled, Aidan too stood up. The teacher reciprocated the greetings and then announced that a new student was joining the class. A boy, unfamiliar to everyone, entered. The teacher introduced him and explained that he was a transfer student. The newcomer confidently introduced himself, displaying a personality opposite to that of Aidan. The teacher directed him to take a seat, and since Aidan was the only one sitting alone, the teacher instructed the new student to sit alongside him.

The boy extended his hand to Aidan and said, "Hey, this is James." However, Aidan remained absorbed in his thoughts, still processing the earlier incidents, and couldn't bring himself to reciprocate the introduction.

To date, no one had shown any interest in talking to him. Just as he gathered his thoughts and was about to engage in conversation, the teacher promptly began the class, diverting everyone's attention from the attempted interaction.

It was now break time. Clearing the awkward situation, Aidan tried to start the conversation.

"Hey, myself Aidan. Sorry, couldn't talk to you a while ago.", said Aidan.

"Thank God. I thought you might not talk at all and I had to stay silent which is not me. Hehehe. Anyways, myself James.", said James.

As Aidan and James began their conversation, Drake and the others couldn't resist making comments about Aidan. "Hey, look who's got a new friend," Drake sneered, provoking laughter from his companions.

Ignoring the comments, James maintained a friendly demeanor and replied, "Well, it's always good to make new friends. I'm James, by the way."

Drake, with a mocking tone, retorted, "Oh, we know who you are now, James. The new best friend of our beloved Aidan here. Hope you can handle his weirdness."

James, unfazed, chuckled and replied, "I'm sure we'll get along just fine. People are unique in their own ways."

Drake, trying to provoke further, said, "You don't know Aidan well enough yet. Just wait."

Aidan, finally emerging from his thoughts, glanced at Drake and his gang, then at James, offering a small smile. The exchange marked the beginning of an unexpected friendship amidst the ongoing tension.

Aidan, characterized by his soft and gentle nature, often found himself on the receiving end of unfair treatment. His quiet demeanor and tendency to internalize his thoughts made it challenging for him to assert himself. He preferred a more reserved approach, steering away from conflicts and confrontation. Aidan's kindness and empathy were evident in the way he treated others, even when faced with adversity.

On the other hand, James possessed a spirited personality, unafraid to stand up for what he believed was right. He had a knack for giving tit-for-tat responses, not allowing anyone to wrong him or those around him. James was vocal and assertive, possessing a strong sense of justice.

"James our Homeroom teacher is calling you", said one of the students who entered the class.

"Yeah going. Aidan would you like to come along.", asked James.

"Sure", answered Aidan.

"Thanks for the information. May I know your name?", enquired James to the student who gave him the information to go to the teacher.

"Myself Clara", said the girl with a voice as gentle rustle of leaves in a tranquil forest. When she spoke, it carried a velvety quality, wrapping her words in a delicate, comforting embrace. Her voice, like a melody, flowed with a tender cadence that seemed to dance on the air.

"Thanks for the information Clara.", Thanked James.

"Come, Aidan, let's go", said James.

"Yeah coming", said Aidan.

"Do you know where our homeroom teacher might be right now?", asked James.

"Yeah, I know. I will take you there.", said Aidan.

Continuing their talk, they reached the staff room. The homeroom teacher explained a lot of important things and asked Aidan to help James. After that Aidan was given some work which confused James.

Leaving the staffroom James asked Aidan, "Why a lot of work is given to you".

"Because I am the Class Representative", declared Aidan.

"What????", James was shocked.

"Yes. Why are you so shocked?", asked Aidan.

"Because…..don't get me wrong. The way everyone was treating you, I thought you were….I mean.", stammered James.

"Got it. I don't know why everyone in the class behaves that way. But it is not due to my academic score", said Aidan.

"I know why they are doing this to you.", said James.

They entered the class while talking very friendly as if they had been friends for years.

Looking at this scene someone was very happy. Finally seeing Aidan with someone who could stay with him and give him company. Not like others who could laugh at him when he gets bullied and do nothing.

"A good thing happened" thought someone.

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