
Chasing Rose

She was an innocent girl from the village, seeking for greener pastures in a city where everything was different. He was a handsome multi billionaire and the man every lady wanted to have. Their souls collided and their hearts fell in love. This intriguing piece will make you stay glued to your screen and want to fall in love everyday. (Don't forget to drop your reviews and ratings).

Caroline_Queen7000 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

She took a deep breath and let out a sigh as she stepped out of the train , West Davouh was indeed a beautiful place. It wasn't just the beautiful houses or the tall storey buildings that spoke luxury but the people in the city as well. She noticed that everyone looked well dressed and classy compared to the people in Alkeria where she came from.

Her phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, Aunt Ella. Yes I just arrived". She said, excitedly.

"Okay, I'll be waiting", she responded to her Aunt who insisted that she waited for her.

Excitedly, Rose's eyes wandered around the place. She enjoyed the view, especially the beautiful statue that stood opposite her, she decided to move closer to get a better view.

"Wow, this is so beautiful", she thought aloud. It was a gigantic bird painted in multiple colours. She lifted her hands to feel the object and smiled.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've seen", she smiled, closing her eyes and speaking aloud, not noticing that passer bys were watching and laughing.

Suddenly, She felt a hand on her shoulder and shook out of fright.

"What do you think you're doing, Young Lady". A tall masculine figure stood right in front of her. He had a dark brown hair and his left cheek had a dimple that showed whenever he spoke.

But why was this man disrupting her beautiful moment, who was he to question what she did.

"Who are you, what right do you have to question me", She folded her arms and threw him a straight look.

He was amused. "She must be new here", he thought to himself. She was wearing a purple skirt which looked very big and a white long sleeved top. He found her dress really funny but she had a beautiful face, no make-up, just natural, yet very beautiful.

"Well, I am saving your life , so I have every right to question you Senorita", he smirked.

"Well , Super man, I am not in danger and I don't need you , so allow me to enjoy my beautiful moment while it lasts" , she returned the smirk.

He laughed hysterically, leaving her surprised and wondering what was funny about what she said. Then he moved closer to her, just an inch away. He gazed directly into her eyes and her breath disappeared for like a second or two , then She began to breath hard.

"This is Government's property. You're not allowed to touch it, you can only admire it with your eyes and not your hands. And you're very lucky that the Police are not close by right now, else you'ld be sorry . And I'm guessing you're from the village , your dress looks funny. Nobody dresses like this in this town". He chuckled again and walked away.

He was so rude to her. Were City people this rude?, She thought to herself and wanted to walk after him , Just then, A Car horn interrupted her thoughts.

"Aunt Ella!", She exclaimed happily as she rushed to where the car was parked.

"Oh Darling, You've grown so big and beautiful", Aunt Ella smiled as she spread her arms wide for a hug.

Aunt Ella had become quite fatter and older compared to when she saw her last (fifteen years ago). She had a few wrinkles on her face but she still looked beautiful as always.

"Get into the Car , I prepared your Favorite meal, Goat pepper soup", She said to rise who jumped in excitement.

"Why didn't Steph come along", Rose queried. Steph was Rose's cousin and Aunt Ella's daughter.

Aunt Ella's smile vanished the moment Rose asked the question. She hesitated for a while before response.

"Well, she stepped out to get some things, She'll probably be back by now", She responded. Rose sensed that something was not right, the way her aunt's facial expression changed surprised her, something was definitely wrong.

He stopped his car and parked in front of Suzzy's kitchen to get dinner. Suzzy's was his favorite place and the food was perfect. Not that he didn't know how to cook, he just found cooking stressful.

He paid for his dinner, entered his car and headed to Hilton street where he lived. Hilton street was where all the Elite and Wealthy people resided. The houses were quite expensive but very beautiful. Edward Brent , being the CEO of four companies was definitely one to afford such a place. He was a well known business man, multi billionaire and a very hard working person. A lot of people admired his hard work and consistency in the town. He was also very famous especially among the ladies.

He finally reached his home and parked his car outside.

"Welcome back , Eddy", Mira, his P. A and Chef stepped out to greet him.

He nodded and smiled , while she collected his things. Without saying a word, he walked past her and entered the living room.

"I made your favorite for dinner", She spoke after him. He stopped immediately and turned to face her. He noticed she was wearing a very short red gown that barely covered her cleavage. She wasn't also wearing a brazier and her nipples were pointed .

"I told you to stop cooking for me Mira, I already got dinner , so you don't have to bother". He replied. A wave Disappointment swept through her face. slowly, she walked towards him, putting his bags on the couch.

"Oh Darling, I am here for you. You used to love my food. What changed", She grabbed his shoulder with her right hand and cupped his face with the left.

"Trust me, the food is really nice. And when you're done with it, you can have me as well, all of me", she bit her lips and smiled at him.

He frowned and moved away, removing her hands from his shoulder.

"You're just my P. A , not my girlfriend. I already told you this earlier, whatever's been happening between us needs to stop".

"Tell me the truth Eddy, are you seeing some other woman?. Tell me, Can she ride you better, can she moan your name better, is she hotter, does she cook better, does she...".

"Stop it Mira", he interrupted a crying Mira and walked into his room.