
Chasing Phantom: Phase 1

When 5 friends (none of them ordinary) decide to take on a mystery together, none of them realized they would end up unveiling an old and forgotten danger that could end two worlds forever.

InkyStuff · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

'I want to tell you all a story' Oswald had told his children. 'One which I have waited to tell you for a long time'

The king took a deep breath. He didn't realize how hard it would be to reveal a chapter that was hidden for thirty-one years, a secret that no one else knew except for him, and his siblings - and of course, Alice. The day he lost everything, the day he became the "dull and strict" werewolf he was today.

'One quick history question' Oswald eyed the three. Ace groaned impatiently, Oscar's eyes shone with knowledge, and Axel was still glaring.

'How many siblings are there in my generation?' Oscar raised a hand. 'Yes, Oscar?'

'Three - you're the oldest, then there's Uncle Otis, and Aunt Elaina'

'Wrong answer' Oscar's eyes widened.

'But that's impossible'

'It is very possible. There were four of us. Elaina is the youngest, then Otis, then me, and then our eldest brother - Enrique'

Axel's eyes widened. You killed your brother? He eyed Oscar and Ace warily, and the king felt even worse.

'No, Axel. I didn't kill him,' Oswald started.

But it said that-

'King Oswald killed him. Yes, I know. But one thing the book never mentioned, was that the murderer was King Oswald the First - my grandfather'

Oswald cleared his throat. 'Now, don't interrupt. Let me finish explaining. Ask questions later'

'Enrique was the oldest between us. He made it his priority to keep us safe. He had disabilities that made it difficult for him to go out and meet new people. Enrique had trouble pronouncing most letters, but we understood what he was saying. He replaced "L" with "R", and "N" with "M". He had high rabidity, which meant he couldn't control his wild side of sight and behavior. He would foam in the mouth constantly, and not a single night passed where he wouldn't drench his bed in slobber. Despite all of it, he still had time to live as a hero in my life' Oswald's mind flashed every memory he had ever had of his one and only best friend. It took as much of willpower as it did in battles for him not to show weakness or tears in front of his kids.

Oswald had looked up to Enrique for as long as he could remember. Every time he had a nightmare as a young werewolf, Enrique was where he would go.

'Enrique, Enrique!' he would shake his sleeping brother, and wait till he replied. Enrique would lie either on his side or on his back, open mouthed, the cursed foam dripping from his lips on to the bed - but that was the last thing Oswald cared about. Enrique was a living creature, and that was all that mattered.

'Vat?' his older brother muttered.

'I had a nightmare - again'

'Them go back ta sReep'

'I can't' Oswald shook him again. Enrique opened his neon purple eyes.

'Ya mow ya cam't sReep heRgh' the thought of getting his brother drenched was too much for Enrique.

'Please?' Oswald sat beside him.

'Fime. Dom't say I didm't warm ya' foam sprayed on Oswald as he laid down next to his brother.

All of his siblings loved and admired Enrique. He was a kind-hearted werewolf, brave and curious. He would encourage his younger siblings to explore.

'ExpRore every singRe inch of the woRd untiR there's mothimg Reft ta expRore' he would always remind them.

Otis was a chubby little foodie. He could sniff out an edible from a mile away. Since Enrique would keep candy in his room, that was his main target.

'Enrique, brother, you would give me one candy right?' he would try to persuade.

'Go run a miRe first, ya RiR' mughet' he hated sharing his sweets.

'But I can't run a mile. I need energy' Otis would whine. 'Gimmie, or I'll tell'

Enrique's temper usually was vented out on tiny Otis. He had natural hunting instincts and reflexes - looking scary was the easy part. He growled and slammed Otis to the wall.

'Ya wiRR teRR who?' He bared his teeth. Otis, being the numb-headed one, would always retort back, making him even angrier.

'Don't you mean "you will tell who?" pronounce it right'

'Vat did ya just say?' Enrique bared his fangs, and that was when Otis would realize what he had said. Letting out a nervous laugh, he would run to Oswald's room.

'Waldy, dear sweet older brother Waldy, save me' Otis would slam his door shut.

'What did you do now?'

'Enrique went rogue again. It's not my fault - honest!'

'You asked him for his candy, didn't you?'

'Maybe?' Otis whimpered as Enrique barged in.

'Save me?' Nugget would crush Oswald in a back hug.

'Enrique, calm down,' he snapped his fingers in front of his brother's face. Enrique shook his head, still glaring at Otis.

'Ya ask me ta promouce somethig right ome more time, I promise ya - ya wiRR get it from me' Enrique scowled as he left the room.

'Oswald? You have something in your pockets, don't you?' Otis pleaded. Oswald sighed as he handed him the bar of chocolate he had planned to eat later.

'At the time, the kingdom was ruled by discrimination. My grandfather loved to differentiate' Oswald looked into the eyes of Axel, trying to dig out any emotion from his stone expression.

'He separated the rich from poor, good-looking from ugly, and the normal from disabled. Naturally, he despised Enrique, and dreaded the fact that he was heir to the throne after my father. When he stepped down when I was maybe twelve, he had made a last wish as King - but no one had heard it except for my parents, who had promised to fulfill it' Oswald remembered his grandfather - lean, skinny, cruel, and sharp tongued. He found faults through nano mistakes. Every time they returned from a trip back to the castle, he would expect everyone to greet him and give him as much attention as they could.

Enrique usually became carsick. Riding in the carriage never sat well for him, especially with his tendency to slaver. He found it hard to greet him, with his mouth full. He'd wave hello, but it was never enough.

'Enrique, I have told you so many times to greet properly' grandfather Oswald scolded him.

'Mmf, mmmh' poor Enrique would point upstairs. Oswald took initiative to help his brother.

'He wants to know if he could be excused for a few minutes' grandfather would shake his head and send Enrique upstairs. Oswald followed him inside the bathroom and watched Enrique as he coughed up a river of spit into the sink.

'You should work on that. Grandfather can't stand it'

'Does it Rrook Rrike I wamt it?' he snarled back, shaking his head vigorously from side to side and burying his head in the basin again, coughing and retching. Oswald knew Enrique detested every part of him, and King Oswald fueled his hate more than ever.

Oswald had snatched himself from the past and forced himself to grasp onto the present. Talking about Enrique was impossible without remembering him. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing his death. Alice sensed her King's sorrow and put her hand on his shoulder. Oswald managed to keep a straight face and continue.

'The best part of my childhood were the trips we took regularly to the villages, where I met your mother' he had put his hand over Alice's.

Alice was raised with her three older sisters - Darla, Claudia, and Becca. She loved spending time outdoors farming, and hated dressing up when the royals came to visit.

'I don't understand why we do it' she winced as Claudia braided her hair. 'They think we're dirty and stupid anyway. No sense changing what can't be changed for the next few centuries'

'Just stop asking questions, and do as we're told' her sisters would scold. Nevertheless, Alice found ways to redo her hair at the last second. She found Enrique and Oswald too funny and charming to be princes. The first time they met was a total accident. Alice had escaped the meeting by making an excuse for the 700th time. She wandered into the woods, fingering the mesmerizing herbs around her.

In the enchanted world, there were carnivorous plants that went wild and crazy. Alice happened to find one - a hungry one. With no way of escape or defense, she stared at the vines that came closer and closer in her direction. Well, this is it, Alice thought.

Enrique and Oswald happened to break free from their family at the same time. Alice's scream filled their ears, and they ran towards her. Enrique launched himself in front of the small girl, and bared his teeth. Snapping at the vines, and splitting them into two, he growled in victory. He turned around and his cheeks flushed with red blotches - he had sprayed Alice with spit - right in the face.

Oswald helped her up. 'Forgive my brother. He's a bit, um, wild'

'Aren't you two supposed to be with the royals?'

'Technically, yes'

'Then why-'

'Same reason you're here' Oswald interrupted. Alice smiled.

'I can accept that excuse' they spent the rest of the visit sharing stories and problems. It had never been done before. No royal had ever talked to a "commoner" the way Oswald and his brother did.

'I never realized how hard it is on your end' Alice felt ashamed.

'It's fime' Enrique waved it off. He enjoyed the girl's company and mercilessly teased Oswald behind her back.

Time passed and they had to leave. Even on the ride home, Oswald recalled the moments he had just had with the farmer. She isn't your friend, he reminded himself. What would grandfather think?

'In the end, she had a part in my life bigger than I expected her to be in'

'I never heard this side of the story before' Ace had broken Oswald's storytelling. Alice turned red. Even she remembered Enrique - charming, and warm unlike any other.

'Well, you will learn a lot from this chapter. Now, if I could continue?'

'Get to the part where great grandfather killed uncle Enrique already' Ace was on pins and needles as stroked her bat. Oswald sighed.

'Fine, fine, fine. If you insist' Oswald recollected the day his own life changed.

'It happened on his eighteenth birthday' the king remembered all the fun he had. Decorations, food, presents, and people to Enrique's heart's content. He had enjoyed every moment. Enrique had been quite busy and distracted that year so his birthday was a good excuse to pull him away from whatever he was doing.

'Happy birthday, Enrique' Oswald brought out the gift that he, Otis, and Elaina had worked on.

'If this is a skumk Rike Rast time, E-Grr-aima' he warned. The youngest and only girl, Elaina, was an adventure lover. She preferred the outdoors and was full of surprises.

'One way to find out' she shrugged.

'Just open it' Otis urged with his mouth filled with food.

Enrique tore open his present and raised his eyebrows. A small chain with a golden locket in the shape of a book, a small dragon in the color of his eyes was on the front cover.

'Ya vamt me ta vear jeweRry?'

'No, of course not. Open it'

Enrique opened the small book with his claws, his tail swishing apprehensively. To his surprise a small hologram of the four came alive - a memory of their trip to Nymph Hollow, or the kingdom of Glow. He examined the magic that danced in front of his eyes.

'I- I- Thaks' he didn't have words. He stuffed it safely into his blazer pocket and re-entered his celebration.

'So, eighteen huh? Excited for the future?' Oswald asked him later.

'Pumped. GRr-aduatiom, gettim the throme, improvim the kimdom'

'How are you gonna change the kingdom?'

'Two words - destRoy discrimimatiom' Enrique smiled. 'I have big plams - so big it exceeds this worRd. Who Gr-mows? Maybe ARice wiRR be abRe ta come here Rater'

He nudged Oswald before joining Elaina to the other side of the room.

That night, Oswald, Otis, and Elaina were sent to bed earlier than usual. Oswald couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, but there was something misgiving about the atmosphere. He just couldn't put his finger on what it was.

I need Enrique, Oswald's default thought came to mind. Even at the age of sixteen, Oswald relied on his older brother to calm him down. Being the second oldest, he found it his luck to have someone older than him, carrying half of his own burdens for him.

'Enrique, I can't- Enrique?' his older brother wasn't in his room. Oswald scanned the area before heading out. His ears picked up a low, dangerous growl from the throne room. He ran downstairs, and hid behind the curtains stealthily, the sight that awaited him confusing him even more.

Enrique stood - held firmly in place by guards - before the throne, where the previous King Oswald sat leisurely. Next to him were Oswald's parents.

'What did I do?' Enrique's low voice filled the room. He squirmed, trying to free himself from his captors. 'I did mothing wromg - promise!'

'Allow me to explain to you very clearly and simply, Enrique' grandfather started. 'You cannot be king - ever. You are an irregular, the first in Adolpha history. If you do gain access to the throne, our name and reputation will be ruined'

'IrreguRar?' he growled.

'Yes, my… child. Irregular. Your presence will destroy everything I ever so carefully created with my own claws. Hope will rise, and my subjects will be manipulated into thinking that even commoners can become royalty' he scoffed at the thought.

'So, what exactRy are you goim to do?' Enrique wanted to strangle him.

'Why, eliminate you from the list of course. The only way to do that is to wipe you from your existence. Your brother Oswald will become king, and, keep things in order'

Enrique's face paled. 'OsvaRd-'

'Will not know a thing. With proper training, and with you out of the way, he will be my champion'

Enrique looked at his parents. 'You cam't be agreeim to this. You cam't'

'Oh, but they can. You see, before I gave up the throne, my last wish was that you die at age eighteen. Today, I can sleep in peace knowing that you will be refrained from being heir to my throne'

One of the guards held out a spear to his neck. A bead of sweat traced down his forehead. 'You cam't do this to me'

The spear pressed tighter against his skin.

'Vait!' Enrique held the handle. 'AtReast, Ret me do one Rast thig - pRease?'

'How cute' Oswald smirked. 'Yes, Enrique?'

'Ret me teRR the others goodbye'

'If this is for an escape…'

'It ism't. I promise. Ya can keep guards too' his mouth watered uncontrollably as the tension grew.

The former king took a minute to consider. Please let him, Oswald thought from behind the curtains.

'Fine' he decided. 'We'll wait for you by the front door. Mark my words, child. If you attempt an escape...' he let the threat hang.

As everyone went out, Oswald slipped back into his room unseen by anyone. He waited on his bed, listening to the conversations he had with the other two.

'Keep eatim ta ya heart's comtemt, aRright, Mugghet? There's a jar of sveets umder my bed. Take it - it's yours' he told Otis.

'Where are you going?'

'Mowhere im particurRar'

'Remember what I aRRways teRR ya' he had told Elaina.

'Keep exploring. But what are you-' Elaina was cut short by a long hug.

Finally, after an eternity, the door to his room opened. Enrique closed the door behind him gingerly, his fingertips shaking.

'OsvaRd, I have to-'

'I heard everything. I was there in the throne room just now. Don't go' Oswald hugged his brother, tears pouring from his eyes, as he wiped them on his brother's shirt. Enrique was left stunned. Saying goodbye seemed suddenly foreign.


'Don't leave' Oswald whispered as he toyed with the furry ear on the top of his head. 'We can switch places, or-'

'Are ya imsame?' Enrique pulled away gently. 'Promise to be a great kimg for me, Ok? Destroy discrimimatiom, pRease?' Oswald didn't get the chance to argue.

Enrique went out of the room and into the hands of the dangerous guards he used to consider as harmless. Oswald ran out of the room, and looked down from the railing. Enrique's mouth and nose was covered using a cloth. He growled and tried to pull free, but fell limp and unconscious at the last second. The guards dropped him to the floor and awaited the orders of their rulers. Enrique's head hit hard on the floor and he lay listlessly, his eyes closed.

'Chain him to a carriage and send it on its way to the cliff by that stupid nearby village we visited recently - the one near the silver plants and the carnivorous ones too. Just to assure he never comes back'

Oswald's eyes enlarged. He turned to head outside but halted as he heard the door behind him open.

'Oswald, what are you doing?' It was Elaina and Otis.

'Going out'

'But where-' Otis was cut off as Oswald snapped and bared his teeth.

'You're staying here, clear? Both of you' he extended his claws in challenge.

He ran outside, making his way to Alice's village. He spotted her house, and knocked on her window. A very drowsy Alice opened the window and stopped as she laid eyes on Oswald.

'What are you-?'

'What are silver plants?'


'Answer me. What in the enchanted world and beyond are silver plants?'

'The stuff where the leaves are covered in pure silver. You don't wanna touch those - not unless you wanna burn to death' all the color in Oswald's face drained faster than the smell of food came to Otis's nose.

'No…' he ran to the main roads, bringing the hood of his cloak lower to make sure no one recognized him. A few screams caught his attention. A carriage was running rampage towards him. He stepped aside, his eyes catching sights on the one inside - Enrique.

'No, no, no' Oswald ran after the carriage. 'Enrique!'

His brother was lying on the floor of his death ride, his ankle chained to the seat.

'Enrique!' Oswald screamed his brother's name, trying to wake him up. The cliff was coming closer and closer.

'Enrique, wake up!' He was dangerously close to the wheels. Enrique stirred, his eyes opening slightly. His head hurt and everything was blurry. The carriage made it to the edge of the cliff. Oswald stopped running, almost toppling over the cliff.

'Enrique!' his older brother's eyes snapped open. Enrique locked eyes with his brother and then only did he realize the situation he was in. Too late, the carriage fell down the edge, and Oswald heard his brother's roar fade slowly into the abyss.

'Enrique!' He ran down the rocky pathway, pushing past the branches that bent down to block his way. He made it to the bottom of the cliff and started searching for the better shard of the mirror that held his soul.

The familiar howl brought him closer to his brother. He almost screamed again, but between him and Enrique was an obstacle bigger than the vines that held him - Grandfather Oswald had reached the spot before he did.

The carriage was smashed to pieces. Enrique hovered in mid-air, covered in vines that belonged to the silver plants that burned into his body like acid. Enrique howled again, tears pouring faster than a waterfall.

'PRease!' he pleaded. 'Save me!'

His grandfather stood silently, watching the scene as easily as one might watch the sunset - full of satisfaction and serenity.

'You should know that these plants react only to fear. You should have paid better attention, Enrique' even at the verge of death, grandfather found time to scold the one he despised most.

'HeRp me! I'rr hide - stay away from the castRe - anythig you wish!' Enrique screamed as silver dust poured onto his cheeks, cutting them deep and sharp. Oswald wanted to throw his grandfather into the heap of plants. This was taking it too far - it was unfair.

The late king took out a weapon from his belt - a sickle attached to a long chain. He swung it around Enrique, killing all of his attackers. Enrique fell to the floor, groaning and gasping for air. His clothes were tattered and smudged with blood. He tried to get up, only to slip and fall again, no longer able to hold himself up anymore. He looked up at his grandfather, who came closer towards him.

'PRease?' he breathed. Oswald wanted to run over to him, help him, get him to safety, but his legs were frozen to the ground, unable to move in any direction.

Grandfather held up a spike layered with silver using a pair of thick gloves. Enrique's teary eyes widened as he watched the thorn was driven into his chest, right into his heart. He howled in agony, but "king" Oswald covered his mouth. Enrique couldn't breathe. Oswald watched as his grandfather took out his weapon and cut the side of his neck. Enrique's voice was put to a sudden stop as his eyes fluttered close.

Grandfather closed in on him, and whispered in his ear. 'Don't worry, Enrique. Your brothers and sister will get to see you, right after I tell them how you left them - all because you didn't want the crown'

Oswald's eyes widened. He stood still, not daring to breathe until grandfather was out of sight. He ran towards the heap of plants, carefully wading deeper and deeper in Enrique's direction. He felt not fear, but rather anger and sorrow. His brother was melted into the floor, the dreadful thorn pierced into his front. His electric purple eyes had disappeared under his eyelids. His burnt claws rested on the ground and his face was unrecognizable with the horrendous scratches.

Oswald wanted to stay there with his brother, wait till help arrived. But inside he knew that if anyone found out where he was, his death was next. He and Enrique had always labeled grandfather as weak and scrawny. Only now, too late, Oswald realized how powerful he was. Shaking his head he ran towards the castle again, crossing his fingers and hoping that Enrique was still alive.

He entered his room, puffing and panting. He changed into clean clothes and tried to act as if nothing had happened.

Enrique is not dead yet. He's alive. He's alive. Oswald constantly rocked himself back and forth on his bed, swinging his legs and controlling his fast breathing. On cue, the door clicked open. Grandfather Oswald stood by the door with Otis and Elaina, a sympathetic and false look of horror on his face. His pack expressed confusion. Oswald looked up at his grandfather.

'Oswald, my child, are you still awake?'

'Yes, grandfather. I couldn't sleep' Oswald carried on the conversation as casually as the ex-king did.

'Well, I am afraid to disturb you, but we have had the most distressing news - about your brother. Come with me'

It took all of Oswald's efforts not to cry on the ride down the lane. He looked outside the window, trying to calm himself down. Otis tugged his shirt.

'What happened?' he asked.

'I- I don't know, Otis'

'What do you think happened?' Elaina whispered.

'I don't want to jump to conclusions' flashes of Enrique's death shrouded him.

Their ride stopped at the heap of silver plants again. Only, this time, it was removed - maybe for the safety of the royals. Elaina was the first to spot their brother. She let out a cry and ran towards him, Otis and Oswald at her heels. They knelt by his side and stroked his face.

'Enrique?' she shook his shoulders. She glared at the others. 'How?'

'Your brother realized that he was almost king in a matter of years. He didn't want to handle the pressure. He said that he would rather not take the position. Only way to do that, was to cut himself off the list' ex-king Oswald lied so easily that even his oldest grandson was on the verge of believing him, the fact that Enrique had lied to them about changing the future was easier to accept than the hardcore reality of cruel murder.

'He left us?' Otis couldn't believe it.

'I am truly sorry. This is a great loss for all of us. Enrique would have been a life-changing king'

Oswald wanted to scream. Yeah, life-changing enough to change what you "ever so carefully created", you murderer. Tears flowed from his eyes to Enrique's cheeks as he shook his brother.

'Enrique, wake up. Please wake up. Your graduation's in a month, you have to get up. You can't leave. Enrique, Otis is taking your stuff. Enrique please!' Oswald buried himself deep in his brother's shoulder, his nose taking in all that it could. He whispered in his singed ears. 'Don't leave me'

'So, great grandfather-' Ace had faltered.

'Killed my brother? Yes. Yes, he did'

Oswald had fingered the brooch on his shirt, the same locket he had given to Enrique. His eyes had refused to meet with those of his children. He had felt them well up for the first time in years.

Now, they watered the same way as he laid eyes on Axel as he stretched on the bed, unconscious. He sat next to him and brushed the hair from his cold, shivering face. He laced his fingers with Axel's and traced the scars on his face. Axel's grip tightened slightly on Oswald's hand, his fingertips curling. He was still alive. Oswald let out a sigh - there was still time to save him. He leaned towards his ears and spoke into it.

'I'm not losing you again - never a second time. I will bring you back, even if it means I do it myself. Hang in there, Axel. Don't leave me'

He turned to the healers that waited for his word, his hand still on Axel. 'What happened to him?'

'Poison, your majesty,' one of the healers spoke. 'Wolfsbane'

Alice inhaled a sharp gasp. Ace and Oscar turned to their father. 'Who would-?'

'The same murderer who's been out there all these days. I don't know why he's targeting Axel, I don't know where he's going to strike next. But I do know that we need to bring Axel back - as soon as possible. How fast can you make a cure for him?' Oswald eyed the werewolves one by one.

'Sir - about that…'

Oswald growled, his tail wrapped around the leg of the bed, his eyes glowed. He hated scaring his subjects, but he didn't like the air of doubt that arose. 'What?'

'We may or may not have run out of lavender - and charcoal dust. Both which we need for Axel's antidote' Klaus peeped. Oswald snarled.

'Then how fast can you get them?'

'See, your excellency. You can't find them here. We have to travel a long way. So it might take days - maybe weeks' Klaus wanted to die. Better than being slaughtered by his king's killer gaze.

'I want someone to find me those ingredients. I am not letting my son die because of some poison. Get me a werewolf, animagi - anyone - willing to take the job, or I'll do it myself' Alice twisted her tail with his, calming him down. His eyes ran to the door as Harbin opened it.

'Am I interrupting anything?' he asked cautiously. Oswald had the temper of a volcano - you could never predict how long it would keep going, but you knew when it was going to erupt.

'I need you to check every inch of the kingdom. Search for any clues, hints, or trace of the assassin. Any evidence that comes your way, bring it - no matter how small. I want the murderer dead' he brushed past him and slammed the door to his room behind him.

Ace and Oscar silently crept up to him. Oswald sat on his bed, lost in the view outside. He covered his furry face with his hands. Ace sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder. Oscar stood by the bed.

'Sorry you had to see all that' Oswald managed a weak smile. 'We'll get your brother back - I promise you that'

He squeezed her hand. He knew how much Ace was frayed inside. She focused on him, fighting back the tears which she had convinced herself were for the weak. Oswald brought her close and gestured for Oscar to join him.

'What if we went instead of the others? What if we volunteered?' an idea had suddenly sparked in Ace's mind. Oswald turned sharply.

'Absolutely not. It's too dangerous. I am not losing you two as well'


'Axel will be brought back. Trust me. In the meantime, stay put and safe' the king couldn't bear to even imagine the thought.

'Dad what if no one volunteers?' Ace protested.

'Then I will go. Neither of you are to set foot outside the castle'


'No' Oscar watched as his father and sister glared at each other. He felt the temperature drop just by gazing at the staring contest. Ace's eyes glowed. A challenging rumble came from Oswald's throat. Ace lowered her eyes.

'Fine' she got up and headed outside.

'Convince her, please?' Oscar followed his sister out the door, which opened again in a few seconds. Alice poked her head inside, her braid falling to a side and her circlet coming low on her face. Oswald shook his head and smiled as she entered, viciously fixing it back in position and blowing hair strands of her face.

'I sometimes wonder why I selected you as queen' he stifled a laugh as Alice tripped on the foot of the bed, straight into his arms.

'You know why you chose me' Alice's eyes danced with savage fire. Oswald was lost in her smile - the same one she gave when they first met, with Enrique.

'You're thinking about your siblings aren't you? Enrique especially' Alice enjoyed knocking Oswald off his feet as much as Ace did.

'Well, somewhat' he admitted. 'The way Axel was on the mattress-'

'Reminded you of his death, didn't it?'

'Our kids remind me of my siblings in so many ways. Ace is as adventurous as Elaina, Oscar has a hunger like Otis, but for knowledge, and Axel-'

'Is like you. Stubborn, silent, introverted, very-'

'Are you trying to say I am a bad ruler?'

'No, I'm trying to agree with you by saying that the triplets are like you four. You see Enrique's traces in all three of them. Ace's determination, Ozzy's cleverness, and Axel's speech' there was no arguing with her. He remembered the day he revealed the truth to his own siblings - on the day of his coronation. He recalled Otis's pout, and Elaina's vow to avenge Enrique. They both moved out of the castle the first opportunity they got - no longer willing to live in the wretched place, no matter how many promises Oswald had made to them. He shook the thoughts aside.

'Ace wants to find the cure by herself. If she steps out and gets herself killed, I will never-'

'Ozzy is there for that. You sent him to convince her, right? You told them to trust you, right?'

'Alice, I-'

'Right?' she emphasized.

'Yes, yes. Right'

'Then ask yourself, do you trust them?' Oswald was cornered. Alice knew she had scored a point. She stood up and patted him on the head.

'Think about it, won't you'

'Like I don't have enough on my plate already' he retorted back, but his queen was already gone.

Meanwhile, Oscar opened the door to Ace's room. He was forbidden to enter without permission, but he technically did get a permit from his dad. He scanned the room. The walls were painted in egyptian blue with splats of blood red, as if she had just killed an opponent in a worthy battle. To the right corner, stone steps stuck out from the walls and led to the bed fixed high up like a treehouse. Long, raspberry colored sheets draped from under the bed, covering her little sacred space which Axel and Oscar knew was where she hid her teddy bear, Sniper. No one was able to enter it, not without getting caught in her sister's marvelous traps. A selection of the kingdom's finest weapons was hung on the walls like picture frames, a trophy marking first prize in school athletics gleamed on the desk on the left corner. Next to it was a red floating chair which she usually did her reading on. A dressing table was isolated by the wall and right next to the door, was where she normally did most of her training. All the furniture was intact, but the room owner wasn't present.

Sighing with exasperation, Ozzy stood out by the hallway, pricking his ears. A crash came from Axel's room. Oscar pointed towards it and opened the door.

His sister was skimming through the labels of Axel's magic books. Apparently one of them had gone rogue. Ace swatted away the book that tried to bite her ankle.

'Hey! That's not your shoes, you little-'

'And this isn't your room, Ace' Oscar reasoned.

'Quiet, Ozzy!' she stepped on the book, surprised to see it lay still. She went back to reading. Oscar looked around, the presence of his brother and his memories were captured in the black and white walls the way he was captured by the mirror. Unlike Ace's, his bed was on the ground, a night sky was painted to burst out from behind, complete with a full moon that Alice had painted by herself. Shelves and desks filled up one whole side of the room with knowledge about magic. His closet was miraculously closed, considering the fact that Axel wasn't one to talk about laundry. A rug was spread in the middle. Other than that, the room was plain - Axel hated extravagance. Oscar noticed something stuffed under the closet. He picked up and recognized the object immediately. A glass pebble where he had saved a memory was shattered. He found the missing piece and put them together. A picture of the three at age ten popped up like a human projector. Ace was laughing at Oscar, who had just fallen down on the slippery ice. Axel was smiling too, but even Ozzy could see that it pained him to make the expression. The tormenting stitches across his mouth restricted him from doing most things. A loud crash made him turn.

'What are you doing?' Ace had dropped a book.

'Can you keep your voice lower?' she asked.

'Actually, it's "can you lower your voice?" really. And no, not until you tell me what you are up to' Ozzy corrected and chided.

'Why should I? You'll just tell dad' Ace spoke softly.

'Tell - Ace, you can't be seriously planning to go. You're not supposed to'

'I am. As the older triplet, I have to. Dad won't agree, but he even knows that no one will come to volunteer. They're all scared out of their minds. Who will even think of going on a quest to find an ingredient for a potion while there's a murderer on the loose? Dad himself can't go, not while mom is taking care of Axel. He has to stay here to protect the kingdom. I'm not queen yet, but it is my responsibility to protect my people - you two. I'm going to find those ingredients and save Axel before it's too late, whether you're coming or not' she went back to reading, ignoring Oscar's presence. She didn't have to say it, but she had her younger brother wrapped around her claws. He sighed.

'How can I help you?' so much for convincing her. Ace beamed.

'Start searching for that sleeping spell he used for the guards back when we were ten' she instructed.

'Or, you can simply take out the bottle of purple powder labeled sleeping spell' he handed the jar to his sister.

'Why would anyone just leave it lying around?' she wondered out loud. 'Someone could get their hands on it'

'And use it on the guards' Oscar continued.

'As a chance for possible escape' Ace agreed. 'Let's go. We have one more person who I have to drag into this catastrophic mess'



They found Dewey with his father in his room.

'Cadieux!' Both of them turned towards Ace, who smiled. 'I meant Cadieux junior'

'Well, Cadieux junior isn't going anywhere. I have been with you two for enough time to know when something's up. What's going on?' Harbin eyed Ace.

'Nothing' she lied. The general hardened his stare at Ozzy.

'Oscar, what are you-'

'We're trying to help Axel, you know, make the cure for him. We plan to sneak out and put the guards to sleep. We needed Dewey's help and we wanted to ask him, without you noticing' Ace's glare burned a hole in his forehead as his fast speaking skidded to a stop.

'This is why I don't tell you things, blabber snout' she growled, lowering her eyes. Now, Axel was never going to be saved. She turned to leave, all hopes demolished, but Harbin put a hand on her shoulder.

'What? I'll go tell dad myself, thanks' she said dully.

'Oswald doesn't know?' he asked. Ace nodded, her eyes glittering.

'He forbade me to go, but I can't stay here with the thought of Axel dying. I want to help him'

She put her pinkie to the edges of her eyes, quickly wiping the tears before they even exited her sharp eyes. She sniffed, and all eyes went on Harbin. He felt bad for her. Oswald was being naive. Everyone knew that the castle was where the mafia intended to strike. If the kids were out of the way, running around in different points of the globe, chances of death were near forty percent. If the king wasn't going to protect them, someone had to. He looked at Ace, tilting his head and pretending to be deep in thought.

'Well, if you do plan on going, not saying you are of course - with you being caught red-pawed and all. But if you are, you would need to put the guards to sleep, don't you?'

Ace's eyebrows furrowed. 'Yes…'

'Well, if one were to go save their loved ones, hypothetically speaking, one would need to strike the new recruits, who may or may not be sent to guard by, say, the general'

'Ok…' Ace liked where this was heading.

'The questers may find the path to the front gate easy to pass through, but might need a jar of violet powder handy just in case' Harbin smiled as he continued.

'This, uh, fortunate escapee will find the third adventurer waiting for her - or him - by the front gate, where they can all run away from the castle - I mean, the place where they are held back, and go save their loved one'

Ace's eyes shone. She hugged Harbin, who lifted her up a few centimeters. He whispered in her ear.

'Of course, general Harbin has no idea that this is being planned, and will therefore not say a word to the royals. I've known you long enough to know that you'll do what's right. Save your brother, and try not to die. I will try finding the attacker in the meantime'

'I will' she pulled away and gestured for the others to follow.

'Ace, wait' Dewey looked at Harbin. 'If one were to go on a quest, shouldn't they be prepared to go, as in, know where they are going? Especially with a murderer out after them'

'Dwayne is right' he handed them a map. 'Take care'

He watched the trio run out, wondering what he had just dragged himself into.

Ace yanked the boys into her room. She went inside her tent, and pointed to the pillows and fluffy blanket spread on the floor like, sit - now.

'Yeah, right. Deactivate the traps first' Ace's shoulders slumped as she threw a pebble onto the middle of the space. Instantly, the blanket shot up, the corners lifting themselves high up to the bed's underside. The stone was now stuck in a blanket/net, with a space so small Dewey doubted the tiny pebble could breathe. Ace spread it out again and gestured for them to sit.

'How do you plan to capture Axel with that? The guy can barely fit' Dewey sat down beside her.

'It's been done before' Ace shrugged. 'It can be done again'

'What do you mean-'

'He could barely breathe. We were on a mission to steal Sniper, but Axel got caught. He looked hilarious - with his limbs and tail sticking out in all places' Oscar recalled the moment. Axel couldn't get enough air, panting and growling to get in a better position. His tail was in his mouth, the way it used to be as a kid.

'Look, we have more important things to talk about' Ace said sternly. 'Ozzy, meet me tonight in my room, after you're positively sure that mom and dad are gone. Dewey, you'll be waiting for us by the front gate, by that old tree, got it?'

'Yeah, ok. But after we escape, what do we do?' Dewey's tail tried to get his attention, warning him about all the risks he was suddenly willing to take.

'We'll improvise' Ace put it simply.

'Chances of death, Oscar?' Dewey asked.

'About ninety five percent out of a hundred' he calculated. 'If we're lucky, ninety'

'Great' Dewey slumped against the wall, putting his head on Ace's shoulder, only to have it shoved aside.

'Ew. Dewey, stop acting stupid. Remember, this is Axel we're talking about. Think about all those times he helped us. This is the least we can do for, you know, causing his misery' Ace shook her head. 'Alright. Now get out before I tie you up on the stairs by the ears with chains'

Oscar left the two and headed towards the healing room. Alice was next to Axel, who still hadn't woken up. He went over to her, and coiled his tail around hers.

'Is he-'

'He'll be fine, Ozzy,' Alice ruffled his hair. Oscar leaned over to his brother. His breathing was rattled and forced, and he let out coughs every few seconds. He hated seeing him that way. He put a hand on Axel's frigid face. Would he respond if he was annoyed? With overpowering curiosity, he tugged at the gray threads that bind Axel's cheeks, delighted to see the canines on the sides of his mouth lift by a millimeter. He moved his head the other way, subconsciously avoiding Oscar's hand.

'Your brother is poisoned and you still find time to bother him?' Alice suppressed a smile.

'Mom, he's alive. He can be brought back. I just hope we - I mean they - find the ingredients soon' Oscar kicked himself. Stop talking, his mind scolded.

'Me too, sweetheart' Alice hated to disappoint him.

'After all he went through, this isn't fair'

'Did you talk to Ace?' Oscar's heart skipped a beat.

'Yes, I did talk to her. Me and Dewey'

'Did she agree with you?'

'Yeah. We all agreed that it was best to listen to our elders' Oscar played with his words. Thank goodness for large vocabulary. He subdued his overload of guilt as Alice beamed.

'I knew you would,' she told him affectionately. Oscar's words were interrupted by Axel, who turned in his sleep, coughing and retching so hard his throat might have come out. Shivering, he turned his back to Ozzy, his tail lashing softly, the edges stuck out from all those times he chewed it as a kid. Oscar wanted to tell him that he was going to be fine, that they would go find the ingredients for that trivial cure, but his mother had radar ears.

Oscar decided to play innocent. Putting on big eyes, he looked at his mom. 'Mom, is it alright if I talk to Axel? Alone?' he hadn't done puppy eyes since he was five - his eyeballs hurt.

'Why would you-'

'It's between me and him' Alice hesitated.

'Alright then, I wouldn't be the one to destroy that' she got up and left. Oscar sat on the chair by his brother's head and whispered in his ear, which flicked as he touched it.

'We're sneaking out tonight. We're getting you that cure, even if it kills us' he gasped as Axel's claws went on his hands.

'You can hear me, can't you?' he asked. Axel nodded slightly, breathing hard, eyes still closed shut.

'How do you feel?' he looked at the faded blue letters that appeared in front of him. Everything hurts.

'Hang on, we'll find them and come back soon'

I'm not going anywhere, Axel managed. He coughed again. I get to miss all the cool stuff.

Oscar laughed weakly. 'When you're better, we'll sneak out again'

So you became a brave werewolf now? Sneaking, lying, and questing? The half-invisible letters were dangerously blinking, like it happened with Dewey's computer when it glitched.

'Oh, I'm terrified. But if that's what it takes to get you that cure, sue me. I'll do it. Now rest before mom starts fussing over you again' was it his imagination, or did Axel smile? He purred softly and rested his head against Oscar's arm, instantly falling asleep. Oscar couldn't bring himself to say it, but he missed his brother's voice - low and pleasant to hear. He would do anything to hear even the interrupting growls and snarls that used to scare him so much. He didn't understand why Kitty never brought it back.

Oscar rested his head on the corner of Axel's pillow. Stroking his brother's head and playing with his hair, he found himself asleep as fast as his baby brother did.

Ace barged inside the room, the volume of her footsteps lowered to zero as she laid eyes on her brothers. Her hard exterior melted at the sight that awaited before her. Oscar and Axel were usually the ones to argue, so it was good to see them together. Oscar's mouth hung open and Axel's tail automatically went up to his mouth, happy that the mask no longer separated it. They looked seven years old again. She couldn't lose her most valuable treasure - the two biggest reasons she existed. She rarely felt love - her parents were busy being royals and now that the three were grown up, she barely saw them. The feeling was a no show at school, being kicked aside and forced to be perfect.

She couldn't risk any one of them dying. If they were to die, rather her time came first. She closed the door behind her and stretched out on the floor beside them, resting her head on the side of the mattress. A delicate nudge made her turn - Axel had put his forehead on the back of her head, sharp breaths blew at her ears. Ace smiled and pet him across the side of his face, careful around the cuts. She closed her eyes and commanded herself to sleep and wait for the night, the time she worked best.