
What a pretty kid!

These words made Shannon feel a little relieved. It had been so many years since Amber had secretly had an abortion operation. The doctor who had performed the surgery had already died in a car accident. Even if this matter was investigated into, it would only be a medical problem at most. They would never be involved.

However, this wasn't what she had to face right now. If Rodney knew that she could give birth to a child, it would be incredible!

Celia saw that her mother looked more and more anxious, and she kept muttering, "How could this be? Mom, what should we do now? What should I do if the child is Rodney's?"

Shannon had no time to comfort her. She knew that things had become very serious, but now was not the time to panic. She had to find a way.

Shannon was different from Celia. After all, she had experienced many things, so she soon calmed down. What she was most worried about now was not Amber's child, but the birth father of the child.