

  Once he heard these words, Elliot remained silent for a long time.

  After a moment, Serena said with sadness, "After all these years, do you still not know what kind of person I am? It's true that Timothy and I used to love each other, but that was all in the past. Since we broke up six or seven years ago, we haven't had any contact with each other until the day he and Emily appeared in front of me. The world is so big, and the fact that he chose the wealthy girl I was once abandoned for turned out to be your sister, it's just too coincidental!"

  Elliot looked at Serena's pained gaze, reaching out and covering her hand with his large hand.

  Serena felt her hand covered by a warm palm, and she looked down at his large hand, tears falling as well.

  If he still didn't believe in himself, she would have no way to argue with him.

  Tears, crystal-clear and warm, fell on Elliot's hand and in his heart. With a furrowed brow, he reached out and embraced her in his arms.