

  Serena was extremely annoyed by Timothy's guesses, because all of his guesses turned out to be correct.

  Timothy was a clever man, otherwise he would not have been able to obtain his PhD, and what's more, he knew himself very well. We were together for three years, and he saw right through me, but I was unable to do the same to him.

  "You're overthinking it. My client is over here, I just came to pick up a document. I happened to have a stomachache and shed some cheap tears. Are you satisfied now?" Serena said irritably.

  However, Timothy grinned and said, "Yes, it's also possible that you're here to really get the documents."

  Timothy now took a glance at the file in Serena's hands, then changed the subject and said, "I happened to see Elliot over here, and also the most popular female celebrity and singer in Mesa at the moment, Sheila, who happens to be with Elliot, right?"