
Perfect Day in The Garden

It is a bright day. Such a lovely day to be enjoyed by walking over a beautiful flower garden. All flowers in the garden are blooming, their colors flirt around butterflies to come closer. The wind blows gently, moving them in rhythm as if they are dancing.

Xiao Ping views the beautiful scenery from a far with a smile on her face. The wide smile is not only caused by the scenery of course. In fact, the beauty of the garden is considered nothing compared to how happy she is now.

Slowly, Xiao Ping enters the garden. Her hands hold her dusty pink dress tight. The dress is similar to dresses of fairy tale's princesses. When she arrives in center of the garden, she circulates her view, searching for someone. But no one to be found.

Xiao Ping lets a little sigh through her tiny lips. But the smile is still as wide as before. She continues her walk to a bench, deciding to wait there.

As she merely taken her second steps, someone calls her softly, "Xiao Ping." Naturally, Xiao Ping turns toward the voice and finds out, just as she has expected, Takeshi smiles softly to her.

"I'm sorry i was late," he whispers while coming close to her.

Xiao Ping shakes her head. "You're not late," she replies with a blush on her both cheeks. As Takeshi stands in front of her, he grabs her wrist and pulls her in his embrace within a second.

Xiao ping gasps. Her heart is pounding faster as Takeshi's face is getting closer and closer to hers.

Xiao Ping slowly closes her eyes as she tries to breathe normally. A warm kiss touches her lips. It is not a sudden kiss, as she knows that would be happened. But still, the warmth manages to steal her heart beat.

Takeshi's lips stand still in exact position, not trying to trust nor to retreat. He doesn't make a move as he waits to her response. When he feels Xiao Ping returns the kiss, Takeshi continues his act, passionately kissing Xiao Ping's lips, exploring every bit of her lips, making sure nothing left to be unmarked by his own.

While he hugs her even tighter, leaves no gasp between their bodies. Xiao Ping is so caught up in the warm sensation until she doesn't realize that Takeshi is now licking her lips, cheeks, and even her eyes.



Hello ! 你好! こんにちは ! It's me the author.. ^_^

Thank you for reading the first chapter of "Chasing My Dream Lover" *bend down* It is my first novel to be published ... anywhere hehehe =^_^= I still need a lot to learn to catch up with other pro-writers. So, please don't be hesitate to critic me on the comment.

It was originally titled 上 山 下海 (Above The Mountain, Under The Sea). But the I thought it is not catchy enough, so I changed it *Hope it's the right thing to do* I started to write this novel in early 2000, but then I stopped in the middle due to my hectic work while thinking that it is impossible to be published, so I better just giving it up.

But then, almost 20 years later, I found out about this Webnovel, read a few wonderful novels, (patiently collected SS daily and spent them in an instant), found out that I can be a writer, too.. so I thought.. why not ? ^_^' Thus I translate some chapters to English and dare my self to publish it ^_^

It is intentionally to be slow in the beginning. I noticed that almost all novels I've read here have a fast phase, but I decided to have mine slower, even merely conflicts in the beginning (about 20 first chapters) so I can, hopefully, build the characters' profiles up. If you find it a bit boring, please be patient with it a little. It will be more conflicts to come.

I categorised it to be Realistic Fiction, thus the story should be as realistic as possible to the daily life. So, since I'm not live at neither Taiwan nor Japan, I did a lot of research regarding both's places, traditions, languages term, etc. But, I know nothing is perfect. Please let me know if something is not right. Of course i need to exaggerate in some points to make an interesting plot, but it won't be as sweet as Disney's movies. Life is not a Disney movie after all ^_~

So, without further a due, please enjoy your reading. It's a FREE novel. And please.. please.. please make a comment, or rate, or vote, or anything to support me.


I just made some grammar corrections >.<

Thank you for reading ^_^

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