
Chasing Fame And Fortune

This is a story about a small and unknown talent agent navigating the entertainment industry... In the dazzling world of entertainment, Shen Tong is a force to be reckoned with. As the top talent agent at Fengxing Entertainment, she navigates the glamorous yet cutthroat industry with an unmatched fervor for success—and a notorious love for money. But Shen Tong's life is more than just deals and stars. Behind her fierce facade, three men vie for her heart, each offering a unique kind of love. Which will she choose, if any? Join Shen Tong on a whirlwind journey through fame, fortune, and the ultimate search for true love in a story where the agent behind the scenes shines just as bright as the stars themselves.

Shazame · Urban
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26 Chs

Misunderstandings Deepen

Shen Tong had been working at the Chinese restaurant for several nights and was gradually getting familiar with the job. She wore a satin qipao, a traditional Chinese dress that added to her elegance. The dress had a simple lotus flower embroidered on it, giving it a very refined look.

She didn't like to interact much with her colleagues, as she was already exhausted from her busy schedule. When she wasn't busy, she listened to the other waitresses gossiping in the back.

"I'll take the food to table eight!"

"Why should you? It's my turn!"


Shen Tong widened her eyes. Since when did her colleagues become so enthusiastic, fighting to serve the customers? Listening more closely, Shen Tong realized that a handsome guy frequently dined there, and the female staff were evidently smitten.

With a crash, a plate of food fell to the floor and shattered. The sudden noise quickly attracted the manager.

"What's going on? Who broke this?" the manager asked with a frown, looking at the people gathered around the broken dishes.

Shen Tong silently thanked her lucky stars for not joining the commotion. The two British girls who were fighting for the chance to serve the food quickly admitted their mistake. "Manager, it was our fault. We're sorry."

"No need to apologize. Just pay for the damage. Shen Tong, you take the food to table eight!" The manager, speaking in English, seemed to understand these girls' psychology very well.

Shen Tong replied in fluent English, "Okay, I got it."

So, under the envious and jealous gazes of the two British girls, Shen Tong went to deliver the food to table eight. She was curious to see what kind of handsome guy could attract so much attention.

"Sir, sorry to disturb you. Here is your food."

The sweet voice sounded familiar. Liang Xiaoyuan instinctively looked up at the waitress. Even with light makeup and an elegant qipao, Liang Xiaoyuan immediately recognized the woman in front of him from her lively and cunning eyes.

"Miss Shen, we meet again." Liang Xiaoyuan felt a rush of emotions, forcing a faint smile.

Shen Tong didn't hide her anger. "Liang Xiaoyuan, you owe me so much money and you still dare to show up in front of me! If you really want to pay me back, I won't reject your kind intentions."

"You misunderstand me, Miss Shen. I'm just here for a meal and didn't expect to discover your other identity." Liang Xiaoyuan said, finding it quite amusing to argue with this girl.

"Liang Xiaoyuan, don't go too far!" Shen Tong's eyes were practically shooting fire.

Liang Xiaoyuan chuckled lightly. Shen Tong looked really cute when she was angry. "I don't think I'm going too far. Meeting Miss Shen twice in a month must be fate. Why don't we reconcile?"

"Meeting twice in a month?"

Liang Xiaoyuan nodded. "The first time, you were running a barbecue stall. This time, you're working as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. Your way of experiencing life is quite unique."

"Three times," Shen Tong corrected.

"What?" Liang Xiaoyuan didn't catch her meaning.

"We've met three times," Shen Tong said.

Liang Xiaoyuan's eyes widened as he began to realize what Shen Tong meant. After thinking for a while, he finally understood. "You were that cartoon character that day!"

Seeing the surprise in Liang Xiaoyuan's eyes, Shen Tong continued, "Yes, it was me. Don't you want to know why we've met so many times? You don't really think I'm just here experiencing life, do you?"

"You're not out to experience life?" Liang Xiaoyuan looked doubtful.

Shen Tong retorted, "Do you think everyone is as bored as you rich people?"

"Then why?" Liang Xiaoyuan followed up on Shen Tong's words.

Shen Tong's expression became complex. She thought, since being tough didn't work last time, she would try a softer approach this time. "Mr. Liang, I'm now working at a fast-food restaurant during the day and here at night, using every spare moment to study. I could have saved enough for a ticket back to China, but your interference ruined all my plans. Maybe that money means nothing to you, but to me, Shen Tong, it means everything."

"I…" Liang Xiaoyuan felt a bit guilty.

"Sorry to bother you, sir. I'll leave now and won't ask for any compensation!" Shen Tong knew when to stop.

Before Liang Xiaoyuan could react, Shen Tong had already walked away. He watched her expression change from slightly aggrieved to extremely aggrieved. Even her tone became pitiful, almost tearful, stirring a sense of pity in his heart.

Shen Tong could tell from Liang Xiaoyuan's expression that he had softened. If she had known he responded better to a soft approach, she wouldn't have tried to be tough from the start.

Liang Xiaoyuan was still immersed in Shen Tong's earlier speech. If he had known the reason for her urgent need for money, he would have given it to her immediately. He wondered how her burn was healing.

"Can you bring the waitress who just served me over?" Liang Xiaoyuan called to a passing waiter.

Shen Tong had been observing Liang Xiaoyuan from a corner near table eight. When she heard him asking for her, she excitedly muttered, "The big fish has taken the bait! Haha!"

But before she could react, it was too late.

Liang Xiaoyuan slowly walked up to Shen Tong. "The big fish has taken the bait? What big fish? Next time, don't express your thoughts so loudly, okay?"

"I'll say it loudly! If you don't want to hear it, close your ears!" Shen Tong knew she was at a disadvantage this time, but she couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

Liang Xiaoyuan sneered, "Haha! I don't know how to close my ears, but I do know how to deal with greedy people! You're quite clever. I wonder how many people you've fooled with these tricks!"

"I admit I said those things on purpose to get you to repay me, but there wasn't a single falsehood in what I said!" Shen Tong's emotions were rising, and tears were about to fall. "Forget it, you won't believe me anyway. Just think I'm a liar!"

With that, Shen Tong turned and walked away without looking back.

Liang Xiaoyuan could tell that Shen Tong was telling the truth this time. He felt guilty for the harsh assumptions he had made earlier. He could only blame it on staying too long in a world full of intrigue and mistrust, making him see others through such a lens.

Shen Tong held back her unshed tears. This bit of grievance wasn't worth crying over! As for the money, she decided to consider it stolen by a thief! With her hands and feet, she could surely earn enough to return to China within two months!

Life is hard, cheer me up and HAND OVER THOSE POWERSTONES.

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P.S to the P.S - Go on add this to your library!

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