
Chasing Desires

"Can I chase my desires in the form of you, Jasmine Rose, or should I say Scarlett Vermont?" When she discovered that Lucas, her fiancé for five years, cheated on the night of their anniversary with Sophia Deim, his co-star actress, Jasmine Rose, an orphan, broken, and lost young woman, found herself agreeing to the deal that Raven Delacroix, CEO of Weikhan Corporation, offered. Just when she thought that revenge was everything, she found herself in the middle of power struggles, controversy, scandal, and a dark romance with her pretend fiancé. She needed to find a way to live the life she chased to desire, and to do so, she needed to find true love, or all she had planned from the start would be ruined. "I never expected that the true love I've been seeking has been with me all along, Raven Delacroix." *** Original Story

nerdybukme23 · Urban
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21 Chs

The First Day of Revenge

"Lady Scarlett, it's great that you brought it up because we've been plotting this out for a year, but my fiance appears to be on the fence about it, don't you, Lucas?" Under these warm, shimmering lights, her gentle voice echoed like honey.

With an angelic grin, she drew her fiancé's arms close to her. When I looked across at Lucas, he appeared to be biting his bottom lip. He then proceeded to brush the back of his head and laugh it off.

Just as he always did when he wanted to sidestep a conversation.

So far as I can tell, he owes me this.

Despite sensing his murderous intent in the way Lucas' arm was encircling Sophia, I turned to grin at Raven as I looked at him.

I touched his arm lightly and let out a sigh. I said something that caused his pupils to dilate as he shifted his attention to me.

"Our engagement was finalized, and this year it will be on November 10, 2023... So, I suppose you two should still be thinking about a date..." I exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably, like a misplaced teen head over heels with her fiancé.

As I watched Sophia's smile grow, she took both of my hands and held them tightly. Raven and Lucas, whose eyes were as wide as an ocean, stared straight into me, and then Sophia mumbled sweet nothings.

Yes. That date ought to have been widely known to Lucas.

I made sure Sophia was by my side for the time being. We covered a lot of ground, including her preferences. Observing her every move—from eating the cake to drinking—made me wonder if Raven would feel the same way if I tried to imitate her.

Am I completely insane?

Seeing Lucas happy while I was hurt and robbed for the five years we've been together should have made me angry, upset, and agitated, but I guess I can't blame him.

I have no idea what's triggering these emotions.

I suppose my love for him wasn't sufficient; after all, if he did eventually become tired of me, I could have easily given up after five years of trying to win him back over to another person.

The memory of that summer day, when he stopped me on the verge of plunging into the tree I had just clung to in order to save a lost cat, floods back whenever I think about that guy.

The cat wasn't the primary motivation for that climb; I was. Because I didn't want to experience love and then have it taken away from me, I attempted to run away from my biological family.

Not when Lucas subjected me to such treatment.

"Oh, and Lady Scarlett, the next time we're together, I was hoping to take you to our house to show you some pictures of Raven's childhood that he would have preferred no one see... "

"He had no intention of anyone seeing them?"

"Indeed, they would cause him shame..." she made a funny face, but it made me see that Raven was always so proud of himself, even when he showed me old pictures of himself when he was a kid.

Suddenly, for some reason, I felt envious.

I wanted to spend some time on the balcony, so after we spoke for a while longer, Sophia and I both went our own ways.

Since I felt stifled right from the start, all I wanted was to breathe freely again.

I closed my eyes and tried to absorb the contrast between the outside temperature and the inside chill, but then I heard footfalls approaching from inside.

I would never forget the sound; it was familiar.

As I spun my glass with a smile on my face and spoke, "Sir Lucas, I discovered that you also enjoy taking a deep breath of fresh air."

"It was news to me as well. However, I must inquire, Lady Scarlett," he paused.

Even when he whispered my name towards the end, his voice betrayed his restlessness.

"Is there anyone you know by the name of Jasm——"

"Look at you!" Just as Lucas was about to speak, a gentle sound echoed around the room. Out of nowhere, Sophia sprung up and embraced him from behind, her unexpected demeanour making him uncomfortably laugh.

"Oh, Lady Scarlett, I had no idea you two were talking, if you don't mind..." Just as Sophia was about to go, I intervened.

"Oh, please, don't be Lady Sophia. Sir Lucas was merely inquiring about your location because he got lost trying to find you, wasn't he?" I watched as Lucas's jaw loosened and his eyes expanded before he agreed with my statements and laughed.

Right now, you're already inquisitive about my full identity, so I know what type of attitude you have. I know you very well, Lucas.

I slipped a piece of paper into the little pocket on Sir Lucas's left side of his chest and said, "Oh, and aside from that, you have dirt on your rose." Sophia wasn't paying attention, but I had slipped something in there.

Lucas nodded and his expression turned serious as he smiled at Sophia and stepped around to help her.

After what seemed like an eternity, I felt a chill go down my back as soon as I heard his voice.

This man is sinister and merciless all rolled into one, much like his soundless gait.

"So you were successful, huh?" He swung his glass while resting his back on the balcony stool. I simply shrugged, but he narrowed his eyes.

"He was going to say something about a woman who passed away five years ago..."

"Then what?"

"Who cares? I mean, seriously?"

"That doesn't imply that your suffering has already passed away along with that person's identity," Raven replied, taking a sip from his glass. However, I took hold of his hand and drew him near enough for us to breathe in each other's air before he could finish.

"But he was well-informed, Raven," I muttered under my breath, my jaw clenched and my gaze rigid. Meanwhile, Raven licked my cheeks from across the room with a mischievous grin.

"Look, you should remain in this position for a bit because your ex-boyfriend is staring at us through the window— oh, and by the way," Raven paused, prompting me to further narrow my eyes.

"However, I do not believe that Jasmine perished inside of you that fateful night. Because you're still this tender," he whispered, drawing me nearer until he kissed me.

Coming from the nose instead of the lips.

He stepped away from me, smirking, and said, "Consider this your payment for treating Sophia better this time." His smug grin never faded as he slightly wiped the edges of his mouth.

For some reason, the thumping of my heart was the sole audible sound. The temperature of the night begins to rise sharply.

"My beloved fiancé, wouldn't you kindly return my coat to my office tomorrow?"

I'm not planning anything other than returning this coat at 9:00 in the morning.

I couldn't help but murmur to myself as I strolled past my former workplace. As I turned around, the same musty scent enveloped my senses. To my delight, I beheld two individuals encircled by their coworkers, and the infectious laughing and smiles emanating from them brought a comforting warmth to the department.

So, how are these two going to slip my mind?

As soon as I heard their voices, a wave of warm nostalgia washed over me. Without looking out the window, I would have never realized that I was already grinning.

"Lady Scarlett, are you here to see Sir Raven?"

I politely asked the secretary for directions and he kindly showed me the path.

The moment I entered this young man's office, a shudder ran down my spine, much like the night before when he silently strode across the balcony.

As he gazes out his window, I am presently turning away from him. I saw that he appeared to be struggling with something when I looked into his mirror; he had an air of seriousness right up until I tapped on his desk, at which point he shifted his attention to me.

Whenever he stares at me suspiciously, that's the expression he usually uses.

Sighing, I let forth a sound.

"I came all the way here to give you back this coat in person. Furthermore, I am well-acquainted with your demeanor. So, this time around, what's the catch?" I didn't wait for him to tell me to sit down before I inquired.

I crossed my legs and looked at the door when the secretary came with two coffees.

"Thank you, Sigald, you may now leave, and inform my other clients that I will be available to talk to after an hour," he looked at the young man who had glasses.

After that, Sigald, the young man, bowed and said, "Yes, sir."

So, it's just the two of us. He offered me some coffee, and I started to drink it while arching an eyebrow.

"Similarly to the day you were on the verge of death, Jasmine..." I was on the verge of choking as he spoke.

"Raven, I beg you not to use that insult again. Five years ago, as we both know, she passed away."

Sitting across from me, he sighed and crossed his legs just like I had done.

"You reckon there's a catch, right?" At this point, his entire demeanor changed, as if he were about to play his own games with great enthusiasm.

"How about you try to pursue Lucas once more? Furthermore, weren't you the one who invited him to your house... alone?"