
Chapter 24: Not as Indecent as You Think

One moment, she dreamt of her father hitting her when he was drunk, then of her mother begging for her forgiveness.

In the next, she dreamt of accidentally breaking her brother's toys and him smashing the controller and other toys on her head. Then, when the toys smashed towards her, they became her father's leg as he kicked her over and over with a vile expression. He kept cursing, "B*stard child..."


Lucy screamed and sat up hugging her blanket. Her forehead was already covered with a sheen of cold sweat.

She looked out of the window and found that the sky was already bright. She checked the time and saw that it was already 7:30 in the morning!

Lucy had a bad headache from not sleeping well and rushed to take a shower.

After changing her clothes, she grabbed her handbag and rushed downstairs. Only after leaving the building did it hit her that her car was still at the shopping mall parking lot.

Right at that moment...

"Come here!"

She heard a cold, hard voice.