
Chapter 17: He Can't Afford It 

"You are smart." Arthur frowned imperceptibly. 

If he threatened her like that, he would only make her feel even more disgusted. But if he didn't threaten her, she would do everything it took to get away from him... He couldn't afford that!

Lucy turned away and stopped looking at him, letting bitterness overwhelm her. Regardless if it was five years before or five years later, he always had the final say!

Her resistance towards Arthur made him feel annoyed like never before. He pursed his lips and walked out.

Soon, she was the only person left in the office. She looked around that familiar yet alien room. In the past, she was not even allowed to come in here!


At that moment, followed by a delicate shout, Lizbeth hurried into the office in a light yellow dress. 

When she saw Lucy, the smile on her face gradually disappeared. "Who...who are you?"

Wasn't Lucy dead? Why was she standing there?