
Chasing Back My Contract Wife

Alla thought her five-year affair with Casiano would lead to a happily-ever-after, but he left her without a second thought. She accepted her fate with grace and moved on. However, when Alla became engaged to another man, Casiano's possessive side emerged. He couldn't resist claiming her with a fierce and passionate kiss. Now, Alla must decide whether to give in to her old flame's desires or follow her heart to a new future.

Audrey721 · Urban
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369 Chs

The Man Before Her Isn't Billie

She wrote for two pages, expressing everything she wanted to say. After finishing, she inserted the bank card into the letter, and wrote 'To Maggie' on the envelope.

Then she took out another piece of paper, intending to write something for Casiano, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, she simply wrote his name, folded the paper, and placed it in the drawer. When she was gone, Maggie would surely come to sort out her belongings and find what she had left behind.

After doing all this, Alla took a handful of pills. She had a heavy task tonight and needed to keep her body steady. After taking the pills, she opened the locked drawer of her desk and took out the small jar of sleeping pills she had been saving for about ten days.

She put the sleeping pills, the fake contract, and the dagger all into her bag, then used her phone to book a hotel. She went to the hotel and set everything up before sending the address to Billie via text message.