
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

An alien ship

Jade was at home preparing to go visit the king's castle in order to get an update about the ceremony.

Someone knocked at the door and afterwards he answered.

"Where's sir Arthur?"commander Drek asked, entering the room.

"In his room." Jade answered, walking up to his father's room. "Dad, captain Drek wants to see you."Jade called out.

"Tell him I'm coming." Mr Arthur demanded.

Few minutes passed and Mr. Arthur, a blonde middle age man who usually wears polycarbonate eye lenses along with black french coat was seen walking out of his room.

"Well well! And what brings the famous captain Drek to my doorstep" Mr Arthur asked, embracing commander Drek.

"The king asked me to get you." Drek said as they both walked out the door.

"You could have just called me through the telephone, why didn't you?" Mr Arthur asked.

"I had to come, to let you know the level of importance of the matter we're about to discuss and besides most people don't usually make use of telephones in our village. "Captain Drek said, shrugging.

"Can I even refuse if it was low in importance?" Mr Arthur mumbled to himself. "What about the others?"he asked.

"I sent them a message, and I also informed them about the queen's arrival." Captain Drek replied.

"The queen is back! I guess this is going to be a serious matter." Mr Arthur commented.

After some time the two arrived at the king's palace. Entering the room, the others, including the queen who were already chatting with each other turn to look at them.

"Now that he's here." The king said, clearing his throat and everywhere became silent. "we can start then.

Previously, the queen infiltrated Razeki village and on her way back she also got information about the Maneki's next plans but, why I've called you here is because the groggs in the east has launched a full scale attack or so it seems.

I've decided to suspend the ritual selection for the new soldiers, and prepare them all for battle. Whatever it is I'm sure by tomorrow morning the groggs will definitely get here, let's give them a surprise. What do you say?"

" Your Majesty, no objections but shouldn't the villagers get any protection, maybe we can take them to the tomb or something?." The king advisor, Arthur asked.

Arthur was referring to a tomb built underground the king's castle which is different from the palace. It was built during the village construction in order to secure the village women and children in case of war or dangerous attacks.

"That's right your Majesty, we've never seen a grogg in battle. The only thing we are sure about is that they rely on their great strength." Knight Roger supported.

"If that's the case then we'll have to let them know about the groggs, I'm sure they haven't heard of their existence." James suggested, almost sounding objective.

"Knight Flin, can you do us the favor?" The king requested, turning to his knight, Flin.

"With all pleasure, Your majesty." Knight Flin answered, bowing slightly.

"And one more thing, with the report commander Drek made about the expedition, Wasn't our ability useless against them cause if that the case we would lose this battle without putting up a fight." Mr Arthur figured out.

"Well then, just leave that to me, there are thousands of different weapons at my forgery work house." Hegs replied with a smug face.

The meeting was over with all said and done. So far the three villages have started preparing for a counterattack against the groggs. The problem on everyone's mind was how strong can the attack be since this was the groggs first attack ever since they came to earth, though they've always been expecting it.

At the end of the day, all the village's army where now fully ready, camping at their village's border.

The Takeki soldiers who were being led by commander Drek were all holding on to various weapons given to them by Hegs.

At the same time, below the king's castle was every single villagers hailing knight Flin who was about to explain the whole current situation.

Flin was known as the only woman to make it to the six pillars of the village. During the Visgard attack she was the only one to have fought and not kill a single person, it was never expected, not during a kill or be killed situation. So with her skills the king awarded her as his knight.

Sooner, everywhere was quiet and then she began.

"Everyone, do not panic because of what I'm about to say, everything is under control. I just want to enlighten you about the emergency.

This thing I'm about to tell you happened about two decades ago when we were still in unity with Visgard city. An alien ship landed close to the central market, the same one as presently. These aliens were capable of communication, so they demanded to inhabit the East pole which was part of Visgard as at then without giving a specific reason.

The president refused and launched attacks against these aliens countless times but all their ammunition proved useless so they gave up the East.

Ever since then, the aliens we now know as groggs were living isolatedly, secretly building their army until now.

We don't have a concrete proof as to why they are attacking us now but I do believe they are planning a world domination.

You don't have to be worried cause we humans will never give up the earth. Stay safe, Saz over here will keep an eye on you while I go join the others." Knight Flin informed, now holding on to Saz by her side.

After seeing the king, she left to join the soldiers at the border.


The soldiers were at the border, some had started conversing with each other out of boredom as soon they were taking turns in watching out for the groggs.

The next day, Jade and the rest of the new soldiers who have stuck together from the beginning were the one watching.

Finally, they were hearing large approaching steps, they quickly informed the others who were asleep and they all got in position, waiting nervously for the groggs to close in before they engage.

Three people were standing at the front of the army, these were commander Drek, knight Flin and knight Roger while the others waited for a go-ahead signal.

Eventually the signal has been given and the army charged forward in sync.

"I guess it's about time we see for ourselves just how strong you are." Commander Drek said to himself.



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