
Chasing a Mortal's Soul: Forbidden Love

DaoistLEpzzF · Fantasy
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1 Chs

you.. you're just a mortal

In the middle of the night in a wide and vast hall there stood a young girl around 13-14 years old. Her unique hair of white like a clear snow while the lower part is cyan shaded blue like a clear ocean view, smooth and pale white skin that shows her beautiful face, pinkish lips, her nose standing proud and red eyes that screams danger added with her cold aura not letting people approach her.

She's now staying still outside listening to a familiar voice behind the door "Mom! just get rid of her already! i don't want her inheriting Dad's business and money— hmph!" said a young girl in her early teens coquettishly, "Be patient baby, I'll get rid of her soon. Let's wait until Maxellian leaves for tomorrow then we can make it look like she got into an accident while going to school and didn't survive, With that we can live happily in this house without any pests in our way" a woman in her late thirties said as the duo laughed loudly.

Meanwhile the young girl that's standing behind the door went to her room emotionlessly.

'they won't be able to even if they want to..' she thought and grabbed a long and sharp knife under her bed, Suddenly piercing it into her index finger to check if it's sharp enough. after a split second, an odd golden blood poured out that made her smile lightly.

She then puts the knife back and treated her wound 'They almost killed Kai... And killing them would get me into trouble but it'll be best if they're gone sooner or later' making her dark red eyes glow but then it disappeared in an instant as if it never happened and went to get some rest as this day was tiring for her.

—a few days later—

The young girl didn't die as the duo planned and even took the initiative to dig their own grave by angering an immortal.

-Knock knock-

"Miss Avyanna" a maid named 'Fay' said in a gentle tone. "Come in" Ava answered in a low and stern voice, Fay then opened the door as she walked in with her head slightly bowing as a form of respect to her master. "The Lord has left and will be staying there for a day" she then paused after taking a deep breath and said "m'lady, the mistress and her daughter are asleep with the help of the sleeping drug as you've ordered" with fear lingering in fay's voice, Ava then puts on a white glove and took the knife as she got up and left her bedroom heading towards her 'sweet' step-mom's room.

There seems to be no maids on sight knowing that their master has ordered it, it's still 7 am in the morning so she went in quietly and closed the door with a -Click- sound while walking slowly towards the bed 'I didn't know this child was going to sleep with her mother. Unfortunately for her, she will die faster' she thought as she then stabbed Madelyn multiple times without any hesitation or fear in her eyes, that lowly woman didn't even know that she died. Adelyn then woke up as she got splashed with cold water and immediately got terrified seeing her mother dead beside her, she screamed "AHHHHH!". seeing that Ava is right beside her with a knife in her hand, She got scared and crawled over the bed trying to run away without a care of anything else but it's too late for when she suddenly felt pain in her back and looked down below just to see blood flow out rapidly.

After the duo died, she got out and sent the signal for the maids to clean up the mess and empty up the room as it has no one to use anymore.

Ava is now walking past the hall with the servants bowing whenever they saw her, seeing the blood made them fear her more as they know that their young miss is a Merciless child and hurriedly walked away to avoid her murderous gaze.

while Ava is walking on the hallway, you can hear a loud thump echoing with a figure not that far from her is that of a young man with a snowy white hair, pale skin, and beautiful ocean eyes pairing with his pinkish lips similar to Ava except for half of her hair, He's Running towards her while waving his hands, he then shouted "Ava over here!" Ava couldn't help but chuckle seeing that her brother is so energetic early in the morning 'i wonder where's kei..' she thought since kei and Kai are always together so it was kinda weird seeing them separated.

"where's Kei? i thought you two are inseparable" she asked while looking confused. "oh he said he wanted to test his power, and then i went looking for you because your the one I love the most hehehe" he said as he hugged her tightly.

After letting her go "Kai, they're dead." Ava said as they walked down the hall. "Oh, then that's good right? I mean it's not like i care about those two" he puffed and continued "We both know Father just doesn't care about anything other than that woman, It's also a good thing that you killed that woman so we won't have to worry about anything other than the three of us, Right sis?" Kaito said as he grinned widely.

Kai's father was a cheater who got seduced by a lowly woman and got their mother killed and therefore, Ava killed that lowly woman and it's child just to get back at their father.

"Ofcourse, both you and kei are the most precious ones that i love the most" She said while gazing at him bitterly, harboring such feelings towards the two is forbidden since she knows they only treat her as their sister so keeping it to herself is the only way of not letting them get separate from each other.

Being with them was the best feeling ever but it hurts because they're different as she was born as an immortal just like kei while Kai is born a mortal.

—19 hrs later—

Fay knocked on the door and informed her master about the Lord's arrival "Miss Avyanna, the lord has arrived and wants you to go down and meet him" and left after that. "Avyy please stay A little longer" Kaito said while giving her the puppy eyes, Ava couldn't refuse since he was hugging her tightly so she answer "Alright" while hugging him back.

After finally convincing Kaito to let her go, she went to her Step-father's study room and knocked on the door. "Come in" a deep and sharp voice was heard, after pushing the door open, she went in and met her Father's eyes that was filled with anger. "what do you need?" She said without any respect, the fact that these two hated each other's guts and also how funny it was that he can't throw her out because of the power she possess was already known by almost all of the people who lives in the capital. "You killed them." he growled with frustration while banging the poor and innocent table, "they were planning to kill me but unfortunately for them, i killed them first" she answered with a mocking expression on her face. Max was shocked about what he heard, he thought about how they would never do that since he's been with them for so long and knows how kind and merciful they were so he was about retort when he was cut off with her words "you.. you're just a mortal that i can kill off with a flick of my finger so you better stay low if you don't want to loose that precious head of yours." her menacing and dangerous voice gave him goosebumps. He knows, he knows that what she said is true and so he got scared that one day he really might die if he irritates her more.

After saying those words, she disappeared and left to go find her beloved brothers.


Main Characters:

Avyanna also known as Ava or Yvanna is born an immortal and so is Kei, While Kai is born a mortal.

They were all born on the same day at the same time,

Avyanna was born on that day without any parents nor biological family. she was born on that day and massacred ⅓ of the whole living beings this planet with the power of death.

Kei was also the same as Ava who was born out of power not by any kind of living things and had the power of life reviving those that Ava killed.

Kai was born with their mother and his scum of a father,their mother was the one who adopted Ava and Kei.


This Is my first time writing a novel and I hope you like It.

I'm sorry but I won't be uploading daily, It could be random due to poor network.

I might upload 1-3 chapters a week, that's all.

see you on the next chapter^^

Have a great day

DaoistLEpzzFcreators' thoughts